The political double standard


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Your point being?
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Interestingly enough, I've rarely (if ever) heard a Democrat talk about moral and family values and then go cheat on their wife.

Bill Clinton didn't talk about "family values".

Larry Craig and the rest of the GOP assholes have.

Nope, sorry............the GOP is more hypocritical than the Dems.

Besides.........the Dems didn't run on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and then go after gay rights, DOMA, getting rid of abortion, and union busting after they got elected.
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Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?

He said that's what they TELL us they stand for.

What they do on the other hand.............:eusa_whistle:
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Interestingly enough, I've rarely (if ever) heard a Democrat talk about moral and family values and then go cheat on their wife.

Bill Clinton didn't talk about "family values".

Larry Craig and the rest of the GOP assholes have.

Nope, sorry............the GOP is more hypocritical than the Dems.

Besides.........the Dems didn't run on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and then go after gay rights, DOMA, getting rid of abortion, and union busting after they got elected.

You make my point biker. Democrats cheat on their wives too. Look at Bubba Bill for God's sake. The catch is that they don'talk about family values so according to the left they are immune from criticism. Its the perfect solution to that pesky morality issue, forget about it.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Interestingly enough, I've rarely (if ever) heard a Democrat talk about moral and family values and then go cheat on their wife.

Bill Clinton didn't talk about "family values".

Larry Craig and the rest of the GOP assholes have.

Nope, sorry............the GOP is more hypocritical than the Dems.

Besides.........the Dems didn't run on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and then go after gay rights, DOMA, getting rid of abortion, and union busting after they got elected.

You make my point biker. Democrats cheat on their wives too. Look at Bubba Bill for God's sake. The catch is that they don'talk about family values so according to the left they are immune from criticism. Its the perfect solution to that pesky morality issue, forget about it.

Never said they were immune from criticism.

Just said that they were less hypocritical than their GOP counterparts.
Interestingly enough, I've rarely (if ever) heard a Democrat talk about moral and family values and then go cheat on their wife.

Bill Clinton didn't talk about "family values".

Larry Craig and the rest of the GOP assholes have.

Nope, sorry............the GOP is more hypocritical than the Dems.

Besides.........the Dems didn't run on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and then go after gay rights, DOMA, getting rid of abortion, and union busting after they got elected.

You make my point biker. Democrats cheat on their wives too. Look at Bubba Bill for God's sake. The catch is that they don'talk about family values so according to the left they are immune from criticism. Its the perfect solution to that pesky morality issue, forget about it.

Never said they were immune from criticism.

Just said that they were less hypocritical than their GOP counterparts.
No, they just except that they are immoral assholes.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Your point being?

That he can't call Obama a ****** without a backlash.
Thank you for perfectly illustrating his point.

You call conservative blacks "coons" and that's just fine, according to you.

But you shit your pants at every perceived racist term pointed at blacks.

Good job, moron. :clap2:
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?

anything "minority".
If anyone is looking towards our bureacrats in either party for morals, they're idiots.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but both your parties are full of immoral scum.
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?

He said that's what they TELL us they stand for.

What they do on the other hand.............:eusa_whistle:

Yepper and hence the hypocrisy angle.
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

OK so if the left is amoral, against personal responsibility, disavows God, wants to increase spending, increase the deficit, increase the size of government and reduce personal liberty, why don't they come out and say it in their platform?
Political parties and corporations are generally amoral, that is, their concern is power or profit whether the means of obtaining such an end is right or wrong is immaterial. Some members of political parties and some corporate officers want to do right and ahear to a code of ethics I suppose, but it would be hard to name them. Profit and power trump good intentions almost always.

Hypocrisy, ethical relativism and a propensity for hyperbole seem to be most common among the callous conservatives on this forum, as well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others.
I don't see it as a double standard. Republicans aspire to be better human beings, Democrats don't.
Hypocrisy, ethical relativism and a propensity for hyperbole seem to be most common among the callous conservatives on this forum, as well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others.
Hypocrisy, ethical relativism and a propensity for hyperbole seem to be most common among the callous conservatives on this forum, as well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others.

" well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others."

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