The Perry Cleanup: Walking back Secession and Ponzi.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
By straight up lying.

Perry fights back on secession claim – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Rick Perry Interview: Texas Governor Addresses Secession Issue (VIDEO)'s in print and on tape.


"No, I never used that term at all," Perry told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "I have no idea, to be real honest with you, because it was never a factual bit of reporting."

"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it," Perry said at the tea party rally. "But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
By straight up lying.
"No, I never used that term at all," Perry told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "I have no idea, to be real honest with you, because it was never a factual bit of reporting."
"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it,"
I'm no Perry fan but he obviously never said "We need to secede" as the blog implies.

There's plenty to hammer Perry with, no need to try to stretch the truth.
By straight up lying.
"No, I never used that term at all," Perry told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "I have no idea, to be real honest with you, because it was never a factual bit of reporting."
"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it,"
I'm no Perry fan but he obviously never said "We need to secede" as the blog implies.

There's plenty to hammer Perry with, no need to try to stretch the truth.

I see you had to cut the quote in half to make your point... :lol:

The Ministry of Truth would be proud! :clap2:
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.
The Perry Cleanup: Walking back Secession and Ponzi.'s in print and on tape.


"conservatives" always have been confounded by that, there 'lectrisical-stuff.

Perry has BEEN in, over-his-head!!!


"Thank you for flying Air Perry!"


I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

Yeah, that's really going to endear him the US public...calling them stupid for supporting one of the most beloved and successful programs to come out of the United States. A program that, by the way, (and according to both the SSA and the CBO) will be able to pay ALL of its promised benefits for the next quarter of a century and after that would be able to pay around 78% of promised benefits. Do you know what the definition of a scheme is, especially a Ponzi scheme?

You think it is going to serve Mr. Perry well to call people stupid for not wanting to see a program destroyed that has kept our elderly population from poverty and starvation for 75 years? Really?
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:

You didn't mention the debates in your OP. Your assertion was about the Hannity interview. I didn't click on your link because I watched the interview and didn't need a bloger to tell me what I saw.
He's too late...the campaign commercials have already been made. He wants to be President of the United States of America...but doesn't believe in the United part.
.....And, more-than-likely NEVER thought his candidacy would (actually) get this far.

I think he's runnin' scared/shitless!!!

Hell.....Keith Olbermann has already CALLED the election!!!

[ame=]Craig Ferguson 9/19/11D Late Late Show Keith Olbermann - YouTube[/ame]


Republicans need to start selecting their (next) "throw-away" candidate, for 2016.

I'm sure Bill & Hillary Clinton would appreciate knowing which Republican's ass they're gonna kick, in 2016.

I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:

You didn't mention the debates in your OP. Your assertion was about the Hannity interview. I didn't click on your link because I watched the interview and didn't need a bloger to tell me what I saw.

If you didn't watch the debates..well my bad.

In any's seems to be part of a general strategy to make Perry more electable.

The thing I put in another thread, this guy has said and done so many things that are on's going to be a tough sell.

I had thought seeing the first debate..he was going to "stick by his guns". Not that I agree with him at all..but heck..that's somewhat admirable.

But he's not going to do that.
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:

Perry needs to consult with the Master of iterations:

I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:

Perry needs to consult with the Master of iterations:'re a freakin psycho.

But do put these nutty posts together really quickly. That's gotta be worth something. :lol:
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

You're kidding right?

He walked back the ponzi scheme thing from the first debate to the second debate. In the first debate he was very strong on his initial statement. He said that SSI was a Ponzi scheme and that people today shouldn't expect it to be there when they retired.

In the SECOND debate, he said it wanted to REFORM it. This time, he said he wanted to make it a STATE issue.

I can't wait for the THIRD iteration! :lol:

You didn't mention the debates in your OP. Your assertion was about the Hannity interview. I didn't click on your link because I watched the interview and didn't need a bloger to tell me what I saw.
.....And, you never offered to.....

I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

Yeah, that's really going to endear him the US public...calling them stupid for supporting one of the most beloved and successful programs to come out of the United States. A program that, by the way, (and according to both the SSA and the CBO) will be able to pay ALL of its promised benefits for the next quarter of a century and after that would be able to pay around 78% of promised benefits. Do you know what the definition of a scheme is, especially a Ponzi scheme?

You think it is going to serve Mr. Perry well to call people stupid for not wanting to see a program destroyed that has kept our elderly population from poverty and starvation for 75 years? Really?

Comments on its management should be welcomed by everyone.

The discussion is on its management.

But hey add some emotion Im just not feeling your position.
By straight up lying.

Perry fights back on secession claim – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Rick Perry Interview: Texas Governor Addresses Secession Issue (VIDEO)'s in print and on tape.


"No, I never used that term at all," Perry told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "I have no idea, to be real honest with you, because it was never a factual bit of reporting."

"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it," Perry said at the tea party rally. "But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

Well he didn't say succession but, especially if you watch the clip, it does sound like he is implying it.

The Ponzi thing he actually said again, just last night, on fox news. He is partially right. I mean people like me in their 30's, if nothing is changed, are paying into a system we will never see a dime of return that respect it is similar to a ponzie scheme.
By straight up lying.

Perry fights back on secession claim – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Rick Perry Interview: Texas Governor Addresses Secession Issue (VIDEO)'s in print and on tape.


"No, I never used that term at all," Perry told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "I have no idea, to be real honest with you, because it was never a factual bit of reporting."

"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it," Perry said at the tea party rally. "But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

Well he didn't say succession but, especially if you watch the clip, it does sound like he is implying it.
The Ponzi thing he actually said again, just last night, on fox news. He is partially right. I mean people like me in their 30's, if nothing is changed, are paying into a system we will never see a dime of return that respect it is similar to a ponzie scheme.

Of course he is. He's trying to pull a Rove..but Rove was much better at it..
I watched the interview and not only did he not walk back the ponzi scheme he explained further how those that aren't stupid realise it is a scheme. I wouldn't expect anything less from you though sallow.

Yeah, that's really going to endear him the US public...calling them stupid for supporting one of the most beloved and successful programs to come out of the United States. A program that, by the way, (and according to both the SSA and the CBO) will be able to pay ALL of its promised benefits for the next quarter of a century and after that would be able to pay around 78% of promised benefits. Do you know what the definition of a scheme is, especially a Ponzi scheme?

You think it is going to serve Mr. Perry well to call people stupid for not wanting to see a program destroyed that has kept our elderly population from poverty and starvation for 75 years? Really?

Comments on its management should be welcomed by everyone.

The discussion is on its management.

But hey add some emotion Im just not feeling your position.

And Perry's ideas on its "management" are ludicrous, unworkable and will lead to its destruction.

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