The Pan- acea- for those who worship at the feet of tyranny, i.e., Democrats


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
He, or more accurately his handlers, has explained just how. On his campaign website under the heading “The Biden Plan to end our gun Violence Epidemic” he spells out what he and Harris plan to do (summarized below):

  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s;
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month;
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms;
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”;
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; and
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them.

Missing from the Biden/Harris attack on the Second Amendment is precisely how they plan to do all of this.

The problem for anyone who wants to disarmed the American people remains: Come and Get Them! = My Opinion!
Then they pay BLM/antifa to burn, loot, and murder while ordering the police force to STAND DOWN...and you stand there with no defense.

Gotta love them democrats!
He, or more accurately his handlers, has explained just how. On his campaign website under the heading “The Biden Plan to end our gun Violence Epidemic” he spells out what he and Harris plan to do (summarized below):

  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s;
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month;
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms;
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”;
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; and
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them.

Missing from the Biden/Harris attack on the Second Amendment is precisely how they plan to do all of this.

The problem for anyone who wants to disarmed the American people remains: Come and Get Them! = My Opinion!
I personally have enough, but at time when ammo is in short supply the prices will only go higher which Im sure they will consider an accomplishment within itself. A proven strategy of supply and demand Hussein successfully implemented.
With tensions already high, I hope they dont push too hard, because I dont think this will end well for them come midterms.
If they're not careful, this will be just another nail in the coffin imo.
  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;See below for comment
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s; See below for comment
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month; How many guns per month do you need to BUY?
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms; OK and??
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”; OK and?
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;Any gun owner that doesn't secure his firearms so that they can't be stolen or misused is an asshole
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;OK and?
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; andOk and?
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them. See below comment
Below comment

The majority of that refers to assault weapons. They are no different in their effect than the Tommy guns regulated back in the 30s

The rest is common sense protections
  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;See below for comment
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s; See below for comment
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month; How many guns per month do you need to BUY?
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms; OK and??
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”; OK and?
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;Any gun owner that doesn't secure his firearms so that they can't be stolen or misused is an asshole
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;OK and?
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; andOk and?
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them. See below comment
Below comment

The majority of that refers to assault weapons. They are no different in their effect than the Tommy guns regulated back in the 30s

The rest is common sense protections
Stop the media/entertainers from stirring the crap 24 hours a day to start. We can get along better.
  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;See below for comment
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s; See below for comment
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month; How many guns per month do you need to BUY?
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms; OK and??
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”; OK and?
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;Any gun owner that doesn't secure his firearms so that they can't be stolen or misused is an asshole
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;OK and?
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; andOk and?
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them. See below comment
Below comment

The majority of that refers to assault weapons. They are no different in their effect than the Tommy guns regulated back in the 30s

The rest is common sense protections

They are no different in their effect than the Tommy guns regulated back in the 30s

If you don't know the difference between an automatic, and a semiautomatic firearm, you don't need A: a firearm, and B: to be in this discussion.

How many firearms should I be allowed to buy in a month?

As many as I can afford.

The rest of your complaints?

Not worth discussing
He, or more accurately his handlers, has explained just how. On his campaign website under the heading “The Biden Plan to end our gun Violence Epidemic” he spells out what he and Harris plan to do (summarized below):

  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which will allow radicals to sue gun manufacturers into bankruptcy;
  • Institute a mandatory buy-back program for all AR-15s;
  • Limit the purchase of those firearms not deemed to be “assault rifles” to one per purchaser per month;
  • Force those who have become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their firearms;
  • Require all firearms sold from here on out to be “smart guns”;
  • Require all firearms owners to lock them away in their homes;
  • Prohibit the manufacture of “ghost guns,” i.e., 3D-printed firearms;
  • “Restructure” the ATF “to most effectively enforce our gun laws”; and
  • Regulate possession of “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act (NFA), under which act owners will be forced to pay huge “license” fees to keep possession of them.

Missing from the Biden/Harris attack on the Second Amendment is precisely how they plan to do all of this.

The problem for anyone who wants to disarmed the American people remains: Come and Get Them! = My

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