The only way we can help jobs in this country is to elect a Republican President


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do
Might you just consider that changing policies from insane to rational by dumping a marxist ideologue might have a salutary effect, rather than assuming that people opposing wrongheaded and destructive programs are two year olds in need of a long bit of contemplation in in the corner, and that giving into these two year olds and appeasing them might work?
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

Wow. How shallow and shortsided. Both selfish and masochistic at the same time. The equivalant of holding a loaded gun to the head of an ex lover and informing them 'if I cant have you none can'.

Do us all a favor and shoot yourself in the head, America will do fine without warped neocon drivel.
I almost voted R last time because I knew this would happen; now the country will swing R for eight more years because any effort of recovery today will become evident later and credit will reside with the sitting administration after 2012.

I figured if we had voted R last time than the country would have swung D in 2012 and then hope and change would have had a chance to plant roots for eight years.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

Wow. How shallow and shortsided. Both selfish and masochistic at the same time. The equivalant of holding a loaded gun to the head of an ex lover and informing them 'if I cant have you none can'.

Do us all a favor and shoot yourself in the head, America will do fine without warped neocon drivel.

What alternative do we have?

Where are all the Republican jobs bills since the GOP took the House? As long as Obama is President, Republicans will do nothing that might make him look good

Electing Obama in 2012 will mean it is at least 2016 till Republicans allow any legislation to pass
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

LOL! You're assuming that anything that either party will do will help the job situation?

There is essentially only one thing that government can do to help create jobs, try and get the middle class spending again. Tossing more shovel ready jobs (which may not be shovel ready) into the mix won't help, lowering taxes on the rich and/or businesses won't help, nothing that the retards in DC are discussing will help much if any at all. Strengthening the US dollar, ending free trade agreements, imposing a tax penalty on businesses that outsource instead of giving them a tax break, those things will help create jobs.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do
You're right. Because we can't afford to pay $1,000 an hour every time Obama gives away $535 million in loans to a supporter whose PAC company goes bankrupt.

So thoughtful of you to say.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

So, just to understand you, you're saying that the Big 0 has done nothing to date to help with jobs and now the Republicans are stopping him from working his magic?

I almost voted R last time because I knew this would happen; now the country will swing R for eight more years because any effort of recovery today will become evident later and credit will reside with the sitting administration after 2012.

I figured if we had voted R last time than the country would have swung D in 2012 and then hope and change would have had a chance to plant roots for eight years.

I have no idea what you just said.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

So, just to understand you, you're saying that the Big 0 has done nothing to date to help with jobs and now the Republicans are stopping him from working his magic?


Yup, he's saying that Democrats are weak-kneed, spineless cowards who will cave to Republicans every single time, even when Democrats have a filibuster proof super majority. Sounds like liberals need to find a different party.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

Wow. How shallow and shortsided. Both selfish and masochistic at the same time. The equivalant of holding a loaded gun to the head of an ex lover and informing them 'if I cant have you none can'.

Do us all a favor and shoot yourself in the head, America will do fine without warped neocon drivel.

What alternative do we have?

Where are all the Republican jobs bills since the GOP took the House? As long as Obama is President, Republicans will do nothing that might make him look good

Electing Obama in 2012 will mean it is at least 2016 till Republicans allow any legislation to pass

Whare are they? Check the waste basket near the desk of Harry Reid. He won't initiate legislatin and he won't bring legislation passed by the house to the floor of the Senate.

In June, the Senators had taken 80 votes this year. Are you kidding me? Reid should be shot in the head. Then his worthless carcass would have an excuse for being unmoving, unthinking and uncaring.

The Domocrats are a joke and we the people are the butt of that joke.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

Funny - I was just thinking that very thing. It's like fighting with two year-olds. Everybody is exhausted, and nobody gets anywhere.
I almost voted R last time because I knew this would happen; now the country will swing R for eight more years because any effort of recovery today will become evident later and credit will reside with the sitting administration after 2012.

I figured if we had voted R last time than the country would have swung D in 2012 and then hope and change would have had a chance to plant roots for eight years.

I have no idea what you just said.

The usa should have voted Republican last time, thats the short of it.
I almost voted R last time because I knew this would happen; now the country will swing R for eight more years because any effort of recovery today will become evident later and credit will reside with the sitting administration after 2012.

I figured if we had voted R last time than the country would have swung D in 2012 and then hope and change would have had a chance to plant roots for eight years.

I have no idea what you just said.

The usa should have voted Republican last time, thats the short of it.

Palin would be president by now. I figure she'd take out a hit on McCain.
The only way we can help jobs in this country is to elect a Republican President

The last one left us with 900,000 + per month getting laid off. I don't think we can afford it.
I have come to the realization that there is no way that electing Obama President in 2012 will help the jobs picture. We need to put in a Republican if we hope to improve employment in this country

As long as Obama is President, Republicans will block any jobs bill that can help improve employment. Not a single bill can pass until Republicans get the President that they want

So why don't we just admit the obvious and let the Republicans do what they want? We will have gridlock until we do

They'll give up after they lose the election (especially the hoarding Pub businessmen), and we don't reward criminal, un-American behavior.

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