The only thing systemic is the destruction of America

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.

When you witness what passes for legislators at the Federal, State and Local levels, you must weep for our future. These pathetic excuses for leaders display none of the qualities a citizenry would want in those they have elected to manage our governmental affairs. They are bought off hacks, lacking any intellectual honesty, and selling their votes to the highest bidder. They lie, misinform, steal, and do the bidding of the monied interests who selected them because they are pliable dupes without an ounce of courage or forethought about the long-term best interests of the people they are supposed to be representing.

We are far from the republic Franklin and his fellow patriots gave us, and as Franklin foreshadowed, we were unable to keep it

I still may go vote for joe and a straight progressive ticket to help accelerate our demise


Exactly. We should be proud of our nation's heritage. We should not let the liberals get away with taking down statues of our war heroes. We should not let the liberals destroy the America we love.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.

When you witness what passes for legislators at the Federal, State and Local levels, you must weep for our future. These pathetic excuses for leaders display none of the qualities a citizenry would want in those they have elected to manage our governmental affairs. They are bought off hacks, lacking any intellectual honesty, and selling their votes to the highest bidder. They lie, misinform, steal, and do the bidding of the monied interests who selected them because they are pliable dupes without an ounce of courage or forethought about the long-term best interests of the people they are supposed to be representing.

We are far from the republic Franklin and his fellow patriots gave us, and as Franklin foreshadowed, we were unable to keep it

I still may go vote for joe and a straight progressive ticket to help accelerate our demise

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Systemic is the word my semi-libertarian bud.. There ARE systemic issues.. But we don't FIX systemic issues a race at a time. Or fix them with bipartisanship.. Or fix them with 2 inept corrupt parties that have used our Republic as a host for their parasitic games...

The parties HAVE to die.. Can't survive any more polarization and abdication of leadership from the media, the elected apparatchik, or our law/justice system.. Only way out is Civil conflict or much easier and cleaner --- getting leaders to run as INDEPENDENTS.. Dismantle the nesting that these two parties have done to our govt at the Federal, State, Local levels..

Even a DOZEN Independents in Congress make it a whole new ballgame.. A couple biggish city mayors defeating the Dem/Rep damaged duopoly.. And that's what I'm working for right now... People have to STOP voting for "winners" that turn out to defective lemons. That's insane.. If we cant' get people to stop voting for "winners" -- we're just gonna be losing faster and more "obviously".. The joker is right..
The parties HAVE to die
I dont call em the uniparty fer nuttin
Establishment Republicans are nothing but fake opposition and bought off spineless cowards...
I've said multiple times on the board people gotta vote for outsiders ...on every level

Black people are gonna be black people ....but the guy is right the left certainly hasn't helped them and have helped destroy black families and communities.
I've said multiple times on the board people gotta vote for outsiders ...on every level

Here's the sick truth.. Even CURRENT elected official know they are irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. THEY are muzzled and threatened by their OWN party leadership.. There are 535 critters in Congress.. The FOUR party bosses run the show, script the talking points, control the pitiful legislation that DOES make it into law or oversight... The other 531 are genuine stage props with no voice, nothing unique to contribute..

THEY ARE NOT HAPPY being muzzled..

So it does not HAVE TO BE "outsiders".. I've been working on "policy papers" for Independent candidates and they can come from existing politicians as well as "outsiders".. Lots of interest in running Independent because the ballot access laws are HELL on 3rd parties.. But Kanye West got onto 14 state ballots in 2 weeks time as an Indie with about $10,000 in fees and a couple signatures..

Think folks like Tulsi Gabbard or Thomas Massie. Folks who want to drain "the Swamp"and help the parties die.. Perfect trail blazers for a "3rd way" instead of 3rd parties. As well as accomplished innovators and problem solvers from the private sector..
I've said multiple times on the board people gotta vote for outsiders ...on every level

Here's the sick truth.. Even CURRENT elected official know they are irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. THEY are muzzled and threatened by their OWN party leadership.. There are 535 critters in Congress.. The FOUR party bosses run the show, script the talking points, control the pitiful legislation that DOES make it into law or oversight... The other 531 are genuine stage props with no voice, nothing unique to contribute..

THEY ARE NOT HAPPY being muzzled..

So it does not HAVE TO BE "outsiders".. I've been working on "policy papers" for Independent candidates and they can come from existing politicians as well as "outsiders".. Lots of interest in running Independent because the ballot access laws are HELL on 3rd parties.. But Kanye West got onto 14 state ballots in 2 weeks time as an Indie with about $10,000 in fees and a couple signatures..

Think folks like Tulsi Gabbard or Thomas Massie. Folks who want to drain "the Swamp"and help the parties die.. Perfect trail blazers for a "3rd way" instead of 3rd parties. As well as accomplished innovators and problem solvers from the private sector..
Probably more so at the local and state level

Thier are a few renegades at the national level rand Paul and even Ted cruz come to mind

Tulisi just got canceled again ...I think it was yesterday or the day before .she was
calling on federal law enforcement to jump on the mail voter fraud going on in it was really a non partisan issue and all americans should be concerned....she was actually called Islamophobic and wayciss for it

I dont agree with her on a lot of her policy stances ....but its just ridiculous now ....

The fbi is just not interested and ya know what that tells us ...
IMHO, we should realize that nothing can be done to save the United States of America.

Many years ago, the colonists made a fatal mistake, and the consequences are now just starting to catch up with us big time.

We should not feel so bad. ALL countries that rise eventually fall. We are not exceptional.

The United States of America will limp along until the end of this century, and then all bets are off.
I would take right wingers more seriously about politics than I currently do, if they were coming up with better solutions at lower cost instead of nothing but repeal of left wing proposals and policies.

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