The ocean's rain forests

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
you deniers won't be satified until the oceans are boiling will you deniers :confused: :mad:

Coral Reefs, Rain Forests of the Ocean
Human Stresses to Reefs

Easy access by the rapidly expanding human populations of adjacent tropical coastal lowlands is causing mounting stress to reefs. Corals can be directly damaged by boats, anchors, handling by divers, dredging, reef mining for limestone, oil spills, and leakage of toxic chemicals from land sources or passing ships. Spear guns, trawls, explosives, and poisons are often used to collect fish or reef organisms for food, aquarium specimens, jewelry, or curios. In most regions favored reef fish are severely depleted, and fish are smaller and less diverse.
I was sure Frank57, flacaltenn, & Oddball would take the bait as it were ;) :p
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you deniers won't be satified until the oceans are boiling will you deniers :confused: :mad:

Coral Reefs, Rain Forests of the Ocean
Human Stresses to Reefs

Easy access by the rapidly expanding human populations of adjacent tropical coastal lowlands is causing mounting stress to reefs. Corals can be directly damaged by boats, anchors, handling by divers, dredging, reef mining for limestone, oil spills, and leakage of toxic chemicals from land sources or passing ships. Spear guns, trawls, explosives, and poisons are often used to collect fish or reef organisms for food, aquarium specimens, jewelry, or curios. In most regions favored reef fish are severely depleted, and fish are smaller and less diverse.

Dottie Dumbfuck....

Shouldn't you be thinking about your revenge vote?
now the thread is chock full 'o deniers. Imagine that.

Do you even read the shit you mindlessly cut and paste around here?

It is still controversial whether these are linked to the record global temperatures of that period or to local weather extremes.

keep tellin' yourself that if it makes you feel any better denier. :thup:

Denier of what? I don't think you follow my postings. I'm not faulting you for that, but I do think it's presumptuous, assumptuous, unctuous, and rambunctious. :D
you deniers won't be satified until the oceans are boiling will you deniers :confused: :mad:

Coral Reefs, Rain Forests of the Ocean
Human Stresses to Reefs

Easy access by the rapidly expanding human populations of adjacent tropical coastal lowlands is causing mounting stress to reefs. Corals can be directly damaged by boats, anchors, handling by divers, dredging, reef mining for limestone, oil spills, and leakage of toxic chemicals from land sources or passing ships. Spear guns, trawls, explosives, and poisons are often used to collect fish or reef organisms for food, aquarium specimens, jewelry, or curios. In most regions favored reef fish are severely depleted, and fish are smaller and less diverse.

SPEAR GUNS are now a threat to the planet?? Did I hear that right?
you deniers won't be satified until the oceans are boiling will you deniers :confused: :mad:

Coral Reefs, Rain Forests of the Ocean
Human Stresses to Reefs

Easy access by the rapidly expanding human populations of adjacent tropical coastal lowlands is causing mounting stress to reefs. Corals can be directly damaged by boats, anchors, handling by divers, dredging, reef mining for limestone, oil spills, and leakage of toxic chemicals from land sources or passing ships. Spear guns, trawls, explosives, and poisons are often used to collect fish or reef organisms for food, aquarium specimens, jewelry, or curios. In most regions favored reef fish are severely depleted, and fish are smaller and less diverse.

SPEAR GUNS are now a threat to the planet?? Did I hear that right?

as far as they relate to you :confused: YES!!! :mad:
SPEAR GUNS are now a threat to the planet?? Did I hear that right?

No. You appear to have just made it up, because it's what you wanted to see. After all, it's always been much easier for conservatives to argue against what they wish the dirty liberals had said, as opposed to what they actually said.

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