The next generation of Democratic leaders is, um, nonexistent


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton's stunning defeat eight days ago set off a thousand aftershocks within the Democratic party -- many of which are only being felt now.

One of those aftershocks is that the Democratic party lacks a ready-and-waiting next generation of leaders to step up and lead it forward -- whether at the national level or in Congress.

"The next two weeks will now be a debate about the California Democrat’s future. After 14 years of Pelosi’s rule, some Democrats are asking whether it’s time for someone else."

That will be part of a broader debate within the party about who will lead its next iteration -- both in Congress and in the country more broadly -- amid the denouement of the Obama presidency and the shock of Clinton's failed ascendance.

And the truth of the matter is that the current ruling class within the Congressional party is, well, old:

In the House Pelosi is 76. Her second-in-command, Maryland's Steny Hoyer, is 77. Jim Clyburn, the 3rd ranking House Democrat, is 76. On the Senate side. Schumer is a relative spring chicken at 65. Dick Durbin, the 2nd ranking Senate Democrat, is 71. Patty Murray, third in the pecking order, is 66. None are necessarily seen as potential national spokespeople for a party in crisis."

"....there are some Democrats who could eventually fill the leadership vacuum created by Clinton's implosion. But, none of them are an obvious fit today -- which is when the party needs them. And that's a problem."


The next generation of Democratic leaders is, um, nonexistent
Watch what floats to the top of the DNC. That will be a sure marker of whether or not they have learned anything from this election.


A Disgraced, FIRED Cheater / 'Fixer' / Liar

A LOSER (2nd and final Time)

And a rabidly partisan 'Fake WooWoo'

If THIS is the best the Liberals have to offer now, the Democratic party will go the way of the Dodo Bird!


"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

Bbbbut it wasn't long ago the left was predicting gloom and doom for the right, they'd never win another election, blah, blah, blah and all the time it was slipping away from them
Even Chuck Todd realizes how bad it is for the demoquacks.

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are ‘Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics’

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are 'Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics' - Breitbart
The DEMOCRATS are being wiped off the map...

As well as their propagandists. And, as Martha Stewart (who I believe has been Republican since her stint in the Big House) would say..."It's a good thing."

This is what happens when you choose to divide by using social issues, ignoring the ones you need to vote for you (like the dems do the blacks), use social issues as wedge issues. America is tired of it and the result is the quacks are being sent to the dust bin
Even Chuck Todd realizes how bad it is for the demoquacks.

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are ‘Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics’

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are 'Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics' - Breitbart
The DEMOCRATS are being wiped off the map...

As well as their propagandists. And, as Martha Stewart (who I believe has been Republican since her stint in the Big House) would say..."It's a good thing."

Beware.....they will arise like Lazarus

1. Here, from the NYTimes, back in 2011, we saw this admission:
"For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

2. Now....a different song:

Senator Schumer:
"When you lose an election like this, you can't flinch," Schumer said. "You can't ignore it. You need to look it right in the eye and ask why, analyze it and learn from it. One thing we know is that we heard the American people loud and clear." Senate Democrats elect Chuck Schumer of New York as new minority leader

3. They're gonna reverse course, and stop blaming whites....Kinda like racist Democrat (is that redundant?) LBJ passing a civil rights bill...after blocking every anti-lynching bill that came to the Senate.....and for exactly the same reason: power.

Best hope for us is a "Huuuuuggggggeee" success by Trump in bringing jobs back.
Even Chuck Todd realizes how bad it is for the demoquacks.

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are ‘Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics’

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are 'Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics' - Breitbart
The DEMOCRATS are being wiped off the map...

As well as their propagandists. And, as Martha Stewart (who I believe has been Republican since her stint in the Big House) would say..."It's a good thing."

Beware.....they will arise like Lazarus

1. Here, from the NYTimes, back in 2011, we saw this admission:
"For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

2. Now....a different song:

Senator Schumer:
"When you lose an election like this, you can't flinch," Schumer said. "You can't ignore it. You need to look it right in the eye and ask why, analyze it and learn from it. One thing we know is that we heard the American people loud and clear." Senate Democrats elect Chuck Schumer of New York as new minority leader

3. They're gonna reverse course, and stop blaming whites....Kinda like racist Democrat (is that redundant?) LBJ passing a civil rights bill...after blocking every anti-lynching bill that came to the Senate.....and for exactly the same reason: power.

Best hope for us is a "Huuuuuggggggeee" success by Trump in bringing jobs back.

What the left has done won't be remedied overnight. I still believe the polls were wrong because they were not reaching the "silent majority"....people are sick of the BS and the dems would be wise to change course, if not they'll continue to keep losing
Even Chuck Todd realizes how bad it is for the demoquacks.

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are ‘Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics’

Chuck Todd: The Clintons Are 'Being Wiped Off the Map In Democratic Politics' - Breitbart
The DEMOCRATS are being wiped off the map...

As well as their propagandists. And, as Martha Stewart (who I believe has been Republican since her stint in the Big House) would say..."It's a good thing."

Beware.....they will arise like Lazarus

1. Here, from the NYTimes, back in 2011, we saw this admission:
"For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

2. Now....a different song:

Senator Schumer:
"When you lose an election like this, you can't flinch," Schumer said. "You can't ignore it. You need to look it right in the eye and ask why, analyze it and learn from it. One thing we know is that we heard the American people loud and clear." Senate Democrats elect Chuck Schumer of New York as new minority leader

3. They're gonna reverse course, and stop blaming whites....Kinda like racist Democrat (is that redundant?) LBJ passing a civil rights bill...after blocking every anti-lynching bill that came to the Senate.....and for exactly the same reason: power.

Best hope for us is a "Huuuuuggggggeee" success by Trump in bringing jobs back.

What the left has done won't be remedied overnight. I still believe the polls were wrong because they were not reaching the "silent majority"....people are sick of the BS and the dems would be wise to change course, if not they'll continue to keep losing

None of us should ever forget that.
It took them a full 100 years to get to this point....and it will take us decades to reverse it.

Step on is a successful Trump.
Two....take back the schools: the Congress should stop any dime going to a school that doesn't hire equally.....that's political perspective, not skin color....and no student loans to any such school.

If no such steps are taken during a Trump term in office, they'll be back in power.

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