The Next Debate Won't Be So Easy For Romney


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Candy Crowley​

Candy Crowley works for CNN. She is CNN's Chief Political Correspondent.

Red flags should be going up right about now.:bsflag:

I've watched her reporting for years. I've also seen obvious bias on her part. She is a liberal. The way she described Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democrat Primary, calling them "Two of the Titans of Politics" really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think she can put her ideology aside long enough to monitor a debate fairly.

This next debate will be in a Townhall format which I'm sure Obama will be able to feel more comfortable with. I also expect the questions not only to be more geared toward a touchy-feely type like "What is your favorite color" but also I expect some of the questions to be supplied to Obama before hand so he will appear more knowledgeable. I expect a question or two to be asked by an "undecided voter" that puts Romney on the spot but none against Obama.

Romney will find it difficult to compete when the deck is stacked against him. I expect Obama to do better this time, and I also expect that no matter how the debate pans out the media will declare Obama the winner.

I'm not worried about Mitt Romney because he will still do well. I do expect the media to make a concerted effort to use prepared questions, and any answers to those prepared questions, to tear Romney a new asshole until the next debate. The answers will be distorted and the media hopes that enough voters will fall for it.

Pretty sad really, to know that we have such a fuckwad of a president that he has to rig the election process to keep his power.


Candy Crowley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Commission on Presidential Debates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Commission on Presidential Debates
What a porker. And a flaming Libberhoid.
Romney will put the fat bitch in her place - no doubt.
Libberhoids will whine, post-debate, that Romney "kept interrupting" her.
It will be amazing to see this whale go 90 minutes without a Big Mac.
The next couple Debate Moderators are loyal Democrats. I believe one even wrote a book espousing her undying worship and loyalty to him. I have no idea how these people are allowed to be Debate Moderators. And the corrupt MSM has already declared him the winner of the next Debate anyway. So get ready for some of that silly 'Comeback Kid' rhetoric. It's all set up for Obama to come out the winner no matter what. Romney just has to stay strong and hammer him on his awful failures. He's doing very well with Independents. So he doesn't have to please the Obama-Worshippig MSM. He just needs to stay on message. Obama has nothing to run on.
In a townhall format the people in attendance are allowed to ask questions......they will be picked ahead of time. The questions will most likely be given to them by Obama people who are at this moment furiously dreaming them up.

Questions to help Obama will be asked and questions to hurt Romney will be asked.
The next debate should make obama look better. Whatever inherent shortcomings in the town hall format or subject matter that present to Romney, he will be well prepared to deal with them.

Whether obama does better or not is entirely up to obama. Democrats might have to accept that the obama we saw is the only obama there is. It's the same obama that got a lecture from Putin in mexico city. It's the same obama that could not have a serious discussion with any world leader ever.

obama just might be the kind of person who can use superb diction when reading words someone else wrote off a teleprompter. He's a real life president Bartlett, imitating Martin Sheen's performance.

As obama cannot admit he made a mistake by failing to prepare and having a poor debate coach, he is continuing to follow the same failed debate preparation as he follows all of his other failed policies. He has two alternatives. He can turn in the same absent performance that he did last time or he can be bellicose, mocking and condescending. Neither of which will make him win the next debate any more than he did the last time.
In a townhall format the people in attendance are allowed to ask questions......they will be picked ahead of time. The questions will most likely be given to them by Obama people who are at this moment furiously dreaming them up.

Questions to help Obama will be asked and questions to hurt Romney will be asked.[/QUOTE]

So, nothing of any subsatnce will be addressed then. Perhaps I'll go to the driving range.
Obama is suffering from the Teleprompter Blues. The Dear Leader lost a very dear friend when they pulled the plug. He just looks tired and lost now.
The next debate should make obama look better. Whatever inherent shortcomings in the town hall format or subject matter that present to Romney, he will be well prepared to deal with them.

Whether obama does better or not is entirely up to obama. Democrats might have to accept that the obama we saw is the only obama there is. It's the same obama that got a lecture from Putin in mexico city. It's the same obama that could not have a serious discussion with any world leader ever.

obama just might be the kind of person who can use superb diction when reading words someone else wrote off a teleprompter. He's a real life president Bartlett, imitating Martin Sheen's performance.

As obama cannot admit he made a mistake by failing to prepare and having a poor debate coach, he is continuing to follow the same failed debate preparation as he follows all of his other failed policies. He has two alternatives. He can turn in the same absent performance that he did last time or he can be bellicose, mocking and condescending. Neither of which will make him win the next debate any more than he did the last time.

Obama is good at acting like he's connecting. Regardless how detached he is he is a good actor.

Any questions that are asked will result in Obama going into his talking-points about how much he cares about everyone equally.

Course he will be lying his fucken ass off.
No matter how badly Romney gets beaten in either of the next debates, you won't hear any of the conservatives on this board admit it,

why? Because there are exactly zero conservatives on this board who have the character and integrity to do so.
What a porker. And a flaming Libberhoid.
Romney will put the fat bitch in her place - no doubt.
Libberhoids will whine, post-debate, that Romney "kept interrupting" her.
It will be amazing to see this whale go 90 minutes without a Big Mac.
I hope he's brave enough to call her a fat bitch to her face. That would be refreshingly honest.
I think it's safe to say CNN, NBC, and the other Democrat Media Outlets will declare Obama the winner in the next Debate. In fact, they're already declaring it. They will rally for their Dear Leader. But Romney can still do well. He just needs to stay on message. Obama is completely clueless on economic matters. Romney embarrased him terribly in the last Debate. He just looks dazed & confused without his Teleprompter. So Romney just needs to keep plugging away. He can win without the support of the corrupt MSM. It has been done before.
No matter how badly Romney gets beaten in either of the next debates, you won't hear any of the conservatives on this board admit it,

why? Because there are exactly zero conservatives on this board who have the character and integrity to do so.

Why would I think he will get beaten? He beat the living crap out of Obama in round 1, making Obama look foolish, clueless and frankly, very small.
Libtards have invested half a billion is painting Romney as a heartless bastard.

He will take all of those 'why don't you care about us?' questions, add populist rhetoric, and use them to seal the deal.
No matter how badly Romney gets beaten in either of the next debates, you won't hear any of the conservatives on this board admit it,

why? Because there are exactly zero conservatives on this board who have the character and integrity to do so.

That's not true.

In the last debate, I saw conservatives complain that the mod was too passive, and there are several I believe will freely admit if Romney does poorly in future debates.

However I agree there is a larger number of conservatives who will blame any poor performance Romney has on anyone and everyone except Romney.
No matter how badly Romney gets beaten in either of the next debates, you won't hear any of the conservatives on this board admit it,

why? Because there are exactly zero conservatives on this board who have the character and integrity to do so.

That's not true.

In the last debate, I saw conservatives complain that the mod was too passive, and there are several I believe will freely admit if Romney does poorly in future debates.

However I agree there is a larger number of conservatives who will blame any poor performance Romney has on anyone and everyone except Romney.

I doubt he's going to have a poor performance, I just doubt the system.

It won't matter how he performs, he will be deemed to have ether lost or not have done as well.
I do think there will be a temptation on Crowleys part to see that the debate goes Obama's way, however, she will remember her performance will be scrutinized as much as the participants. I'm sure she mulled over the reviews that Jim Lehrer received after the first debate and she wants an kudos, not the hammer.

The questions will be the key. If she avoids the Benghazi attacks, the questions around that debacle, the fix was in.

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