CDZ The next age


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Months ago, before COVID-19 became the big issue in America, my wife, who is a pension processor, was being transitioned into working from home as it became clear to her employer today's technology made leasing office space unnecessary. Now we both make the 20ft. commute to work. Of the 8 doctors I do insurance billing and verification for, I've personally met only 3 because video conferencing tools such as Skype, Zoom, and UberConference have replaced the formal business meetings of the past. Big box stores such as Sears and Penny's are being replaced by online retailers such as the Soon the neighborhood movie theatre, independent grocer, and book store will go the way of the livery stable, buggy whip, and high buttoned shoe. And the list goes on- The world has transitioned from the Agricultural, to Industrial, to Information ages, all in approximately 100 years. This brings up an interesting set of questions:

What will the next "age" be? When will it get here? What will it look like?

Months ago, before COVID-19 became the big issue in America, my wife, who is a pension processor, was being transitioned into working from home as it became clear to her employer today's technology made leasing office space unnecessary. Now we both make the 20ft. commute to work. Of the 8 doctors I do insurance billing and verification for, I've personally met only 3 because video conferencing tools such as Skype, Zoom, and UberConference have replaced the formal business meetings of the past. Big box stores such as Sears and Penny's are being replaced by online retailers such as the Soon the neighborhood movie theatre, independent grocer, and book store will go the way of the livery stable, buggy whip, and high buttoned shoe. And the list goes on- The world has transitioned from the Agricultural, to Industrial, to Information ages, all in approximately 100 years. This brings up an interesting set of questions:

What will the next "age" be? When will it get here? What will it look like?

virtual reality in the short term. longer term, either fusing of man and machine (implants for augmenting our bodies with new capabilities (e.g., prehensile tail gills, etc.), monitoring of our bodies for health) or custom body building at the cellular level. CRISPR? long term, humans will BE machines and be immortal and space-faring.
Non-materialist, life valuing and asserting. Creativity and self understanding accentuated. Mental illness analyzed, understood, treated.


For years I've been doing my voice-over work from a home studio and emailing it in.


The coming of Google Drive made even internet shipment of program-length material practical and simple.
These days that part of my it's all pro-bono now) work proceeds from a cleaner, simpler setup. Travel restrictions keep me from doing the engineering part in person but it's amazing how much a non-tech person at the other end of an internet connection can do when coached via Skype.
I think the next Age will be one of isolated leisure. As we retreat into our electronic cocoons, there will be less need for interactive productivity. Instead, we will be able to stay at home and have our basic needs and entertainment provided for. We will be a "poorer" country, but may not matter in a virtual world. Makes me think of the movie Wall E.

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