The Muslim Gang Rape scandal in Britain just keeps getting worse


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
In the name of Mahomo

It should be open season on these cowardly assholes

Bring it


Hundreds More Muslim Rape Gang Cases Discovered in UK
February 5, 2015

The Muslim rape gang scandal in Britain just keeps getting worse. Last August, the BBC reported that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found. Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.” Five months later, not only has little been done to combat this scourge, but it has grown exponentially worse: hundreds of new cases have been discovered, and one of the victims says that those who abused her are “untouchable.”

Sky News reported that in addition to the 1,400 cases revealed last year, “hundreds more cases were known to authorities prior to its publication and that hundreds more are being reported.” The victim who spoke to Sky News said that now all these months after the news first broke of the extent of this savage exploitation, “It’s still going on if not worse, because now they’re having to hide it more. I’m still seeing my abusers driving young girls in their car. They’re untouchable.” She said of the police that “all they care about is getting a statement. Six months on we’ve had no arrests, we’ve had no charges, evidence is still being lost.”

Hundreds More Muslim Rape Gang Cases Discovered in UK FrontPage Magazine
You do realize they are followers of the "religion of peace" and that Christians have raped women too, right? We only know this because President Obama has informed us.

I'm sure. Obama so full of contempt

Why would anyone want these stupid diaperheads in their country? They are worthless. Wanna know why Africa is such a shithole? It's because it's full of these fucks. 0% muslim immigration! Deport the welfare rats already here.
If there is open season on anybody in Britain, it should be the mindless, politically correct drones who enable this. It's almost as if the entire country is inflicted by the same disease that inflicts some posters here who make it their life's work to create the intimidating atmosphere that acts to supress any reaction to it.

You either allow your children to be gang raped or get called an "Islamophobe" .
This bad. In fact, I would go as far as to say that hundreds of cases of rape gangs is very bad.
You do realize they are followers of the "religion of peace" and that Christians have raped women too, right? We only know this because President Obama has informed us.
we tape and buy and sell these gang rapes for profit instead. i know the exploited women in porn aren't all physically forced but the usually are forced economically or mentally through our culture's peer pressure tactics etc..

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