The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

I'm convinced the more research and data you read, the more you really, really do not want these vaccines. So this surprises me not at all. Not in the least
Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

lol. Right wing lying loon site. Maybe if you had actual fact checked info instead of BS?
lol. Right wing lying loon site. Maybe if you had actual fact checked info instead of BS?
Get your boosters and wear your mask

Well that kind of goes against the "Alabama trailer park" narrative. We always knew that to be a slander anyhow, as blacks are the least vaccinated racial group.
Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

On the other hand, according to the study, the least hesitant group were those with masters degrees. I think it probably indicates that education alone isn't necessarily a very significant factor.
On the other hand, according to the study, the least hesitant group were those with masters degrees. I think it probably indicates that education alone isn't necessarily a very significant factor.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist with a PhD to be skeptical of a vaccine offered by entities with a long history of criminality, billions in fines, full governmental immunity, no long term safety studies, huge profit motive, with control of government, media, and healthcare.
Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

The people who gave me my vaccine at Walmart's pharmacy did not ask me about my level of education. Where are they getting this data? It is a poll and we all know how accurate they are!
I'm convinced the more research and data you read, the more you really, really do not want these vaccines. So this surprises me not at all. Not in the least

Particularly the mRNA vaccines. The single-shot J&J is NOT mRNA.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist with a PhD to be skeptical of a vaccine offered by entities with a long history of criminality, billions in fines, full governmental immunity, no long term safety studies, huge profit motive, with control of government, media, and healthcare.

/ thread.
Overheard at Doctor's office:

Doctor: "Have you gotten the Covid vaccine?"
Patient: "No"
Doctor: "Well you really should"
Patient: "Okay, what's in it?"
Doctor: "We don't know"
Patient: "Have you looked at it under a microscope?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Were you there when the vaccine was created?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Did you follow the vaccine from creation to your office?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Does this vaccine work like any other vaccine?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Does this vaccine contain dead virus cells like other vaccines?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "So the Covid vaccine does not work like other vaccines?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "What testing was done for efficacy?"
Doctor: "None as far as we know"
Patient: "What are the long term consequences of getting this vaccine?"
Doctor: "We don't know because this vaccine just came out"
Patient: "So, it isn't known if this vaccine has long term health consequences?
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "We don't know if the vaccine even works?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "So, regardless of whether I get it or not, I still have to wear a mask?"
Doctor: "Yes"
Patient: "I'm sorry, again why should I get this vaccine?"
Doctor: "Because the CDC recommends it"
Patient: "So, you are recommending it because the CDC recommends it?"
Doctor: "Basically, yes"
Patient: "I think I'll pass"
Well this is interesting


What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group.

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it…

That is interesting. When this group didn’t turn out for Trump in large numbers did you respect the judgement of the smart people like you’re doing now or dismiss them as snobby elites?

Have you looked up the vaccine status of medical doctors?
Overheard at Doctor's office:

Doctor: "Have you gotten the Covid vaccine?"
Patient: "No"
Doctor: "Well you really should"
Patient: "Okay, what's in it?"
Doctor: "We don't know"
Patient: "Have you looked at it under a microscope?"

Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Were you there when the vaccine was created?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Did you follow the vaccine from creation to your office?"

Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Does this vaccine work like any other vaccine?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "Does this vaccine contain dead virus cells like other vaccines?"
Doctor: "No"

Patient: "So the Covid vaccine does not work like other vaccines?"
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "What testing was done for efficacy?"
Doctor: "None as far as we know"

Patient: "What are the long term consequences of getting this vaccine?"
Doctor: "We don't know because this vaccine just came out"
Patient: "So, it isn't known if this vaccine has long term health consequences?
Doctor: "No"
Patient: "We don't know if the vaccine even works?"
Doctor: "No"

Patient: "So, regardless of whether I get it or not, I still have to wear a mask?"
Doctor: "Yes"
Patient: "I'm sorry, again why should I get this vaccine?"
Doctor: "Because the CDC recommends it"
Patient: "So, you are recommending it because the CDC recommends it?"
Doctor: "Basically, yes"
Patient: "I think I'll pass"
I highlighted the nice collections of lies and irrelevant information so you might better know your numerous errors. Everyone should know which of those statements are irrelevant to the discussion of the vaccines and those which are outright lies.

I had the vaccine in May and came down with COVID in August. Other than being a little tired all the time, the monoclonal antibodies combined with the vaccine to make my illness about as severe as the common cold. My wife missed one day of work when she did not feel well.

Don't take the vaccine and see how that works out for you! I had 3 friends die of COVID before the vaccine became available. They suffered a great deal before the finally died.
Particularly the mRNA vaccines. The single-shot J&J is NOT mRNA.
The J&J one is a viral vector vaccine type, almost as bad and still pretty experimental. Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin vaccine is a “traditional” inactive virus vaccine type. Of course the FDA are dragging their feet on approving it since they want everyone on lifetime mRNA booster shots.

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