The MIC- military industrial complex- for those too dense to recognize it


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
That same complex cant produce decent weapons anymore either....which will get their ass kicked eventually. I give you LCS,,,current tanker F-35 and the FOrd class
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
Before 2001 we did it under the guise of UN humanitarianism.
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
Despite our dependence on war Trump did decrease soldiers and took war off the nightly "news". While improving the economy by bringing manufacturing back . He was widely hated for not playing ball with the donkephant swamp which needed to take him down at all cost.
As for Biden I heard all I needed to know when he stopped our energy independence immediately upon taking office. Shutting down the pipeline= dependence upon foreign oil= war. Probably before midterms as war is a "unifier"!
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
Before 2001 we did it under the guise of UN humanitarianism.
Say what you will about Russia. After our proxy war with them in the 80's Afghanistan 1.0 they learned their lesson about that place we didn't. However we have well protected the poopy the public was lead to believe we would destroy. Now why leave your enemy and terrorist in general a source of revenue like that? All part of our CIA led terrorist creation program.
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
Before 2001 we did it under the guise of UN humanitarianism.
Say what you will about Russia. After our proxy war with them in the 80's Afghanistan 1.0 they learned their lesson about that place we didn't. However we have well protected the poopy the public was lead to believe we would destroy. Now why leave your enemy and terrorist in general a source of revenue like that? All part of our CIA led terrorist creation program.
The old Soviet Union was also interested in finding a route to the Indian Ocean.
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
who can forget those awesome speeches that biden and hillary made before congress about why we needed to go to war in Iraq
I'm going to start with this from another thread- go ahead and ignore it- that won't change any facts.
Results speak for themselves.

Keep in mind, some famous sayings- then think back to the early 50's-

John Quincy Adams's
Warning Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821

Think about Eisenhowers warning- the MIC-

Yes, history counts as a current event when currently we are operating under the guise of protecting our "democracy"- even if we're actually a Republic-

I'm doing this here because nobody wants a civil discussion anyway- so, 3, 2, 1- let the antics begin-

The story of Trump and Afghanistan is similar to what took place with Syria, where plans to withdraw were regularly reversed due to adroit maneuvering by the Pentagon and its allies. It remains to be seen what Joe Biden will do ultimately as he is being confronted by the same forces that compelled Trump to beat a retreat. The more serious issue is, of course, that the United States of America portrays itself as a nation that engages only in “just wars” and which has a military that is under control and responsive to an elected and accountable civilian government. As Afghanistan and Syria demonstrate, those conceits have been unsustainable since the US went on a global dominance spree when it launched its War on Terror in 2001. All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. It will continue to have its pointless wars, and its bloated “defense” budgets.

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On
It's called the Industrial Congressional Military Complex an organization supporting war for profit and fuck the dead. Just ask Vietnam and half the nations of Africa.

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