The Mexican President Doesn't Want You to Vote For Border Security Candidates


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) praised President Joe Biden’s soft approach to immigration Tuesday, adding that his government plans to press American voters to not support candidates promising increased border security investments.

During his Tuesday morning news conference, AMLO congratulated Biden for not “mistreating” migrants and claimed the Hispanic population would remember at the polls the way that politicians treated migrants.

“We have a lot of respect for President Biden, among other things because he is the only one of the United States presidents of recent years who did not propose building walls,” Lopez Obrador said. “We give him credit for that, and we give credit to President Biden for no [immigration] raids.”

Mexican President Calls on U.S. Voters to Reject Border Security Candidates

Illegal immigration to the US is a pressure release for 3rd world countries. They get excess people out, which leaves more jobs for the ones that stay, and the illegals send back billions of $$ to their families which pumps up the economies of the poorer countries. It's a win-win for them.

This is why I don't understand people who say that the US population needs to keep growing.....Ours was a lot nicer country with 1/3rd less people in it.....By a mile.
The strongest reason any nation can have to fight illegal immigration is the preservation of its racial composition.

Why did America remain 90% white from 1776 to 1960?

Because the US defined itself as a white nation during those almost 200 years and didn't allow any threat to its white majority to exist for very long be it legal or illegal immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act, Operation Wetback, etc, etc...)

When America redefined itself as a multiracial country in the 60's the country lost its strongest reason to fight illegal immigration.

Multiracial countries like post-1960 America think like this:

"We are not a white country anymore. Illegal immigation is overwhelmingly non-white, therefore illegal immigration is a positive thing. It will turn us into a country without a racial majority sooner rather than later."

Why do you think China has almost zero illegal immigration despite its enormous economic development?

Because China defines itself as a country for the Han Chinese and therefore fiercely protects its racial composition against the threat illegal immigration pose to its racial self-definition.

America is richer than her southern neighbors at least since 1850.

Why do you think hispanic illegal immigration was never a serious problem before 1960?

Because being a white country always "forced" America to fight non-white legal or illegal immigration to protect what was considered back then as one of the fundamental pillars of the nation.
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But this explanation is too abstract, too metaphysical, too complicated for most people.

Most people are dumb with a fairly low intellectual level...

"José... take this convoluted, pseudo intellectual bullshit about the US redefining itself as a multiracial nation in 1960 and consequently losing its will to fight against illegal immigration and shove it up your ass.

CBS Evening News is showing right now a bunch of Mexicans jumping a fence so Mexico is obviously responsible for America's illegal immigration problem."
During the decade of 1960 two fundamental changes occurred in America regarding immigration:


The country changed its immigration laws to allow a massive number of non-whites to settle in the US in a legal manner (1965 Immigration Act).


The country started tolerating the presence of an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants (the vast majority of them non-whites).

These 2 simultaneous changes were not "coincidences", they were the direct result of America redefining itself from a white nation to a multiracial one.
When you remove the racial composition of a nation of its national definition, of its national self-identification you immediately remove its strongest incentive to fight illegal immigration.

So if you are a supporter of multiracial America, stop whining about illegal immigration!!

Stop crying because tolerance towards illegal immigration comes with the territory when your country becomes multiracial!!
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Mexican Marines and police seized the port terminal of U.S. construction firm Vulcan Materials near Playa del Carmen in southern Mexico, Bloomberg reported.

Vulcan Materials said in a statement that Mexican officials do not have any legal rights to seize the terminal.

"It should be clear that foreign companies in Mexico are no longer guaranteed the rule of law," the Alabama-based company said in a statement. "This invasion, unsupported by legal warrants, violates Vulcan Materials' commercial rights and ignores its ownership."

The company also claims that a federal judge in Mexico has ordered a stay of any government attempts to seize the property. However, it is not possible to verify this information.
The Mexican government has not made any statement on the matter.

Earlier this month, Mexican President Lopez Obrador condemned the "arrogance" of Republican lawmakers calling for U.S. troops to secure Mexico after a cartel kidnapped four Americans, killing two of them.

According to AP News, President Obrador desperately needs this pier to deliver construction materials to finish his favorite project, the launching of a tourist train known as the "Mayan train."

The president took the first step toward cracking down on Americans last May when he closed the Vulcan Materials quarry. The reason was the absence of permits for the extraction and export of stone. At the same time the work of the cargo terminal in the port was suspended.

U.S. lawmakers expressed concern about the violent takeover of the terminal. It was pointed out that it "reinforces the tendency to erroneous and counterproductive behavior" of the Mexican president. They felt Mexico's actions could increase tensions between the two countries amid disagreements over energy and security issues.

Previously, the U.S. and Mexico had become mired in a trade dispute over Lopez Obrador's nationally oriented energy policy toward U.S. businesses.

Now the actions of Mexican authorities have seriously worried U.S. companies, which were planning to move production from China to Mexico.
They are not sure that their businesses will be protected from government takeover.

Commentary: the routine excuses of some U.S. congressmen about the concerns have no effect on the views of Mexican authorities. Then why are Washington and the Pentagon so deafeningly silent, who are already used to solving all U.S. economic problems militarily?

Are they unwilling or afraid to go to war with Mexico?

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