The Manson family was really a story about Jesus


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Using Blackrooks standard:
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your King= Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left.
All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have an ad hominem hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
HaShev, if it was possible, you've made yourself even more ridiculous.
And all this time I thought the Manson family was about a bunch of drugged out murdering dirt bags. Hmm.
Manson was a false prophet who inspired his followers to murder people to further his cause.

So was Mohammed.

Lucky for us, Manson was caught and put in prison for life before he could spread his religion any further.
Using Blackrooks standard:
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your King= Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left.
All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have an ad hominem hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
Just think in a few hundred years they could
Write books about Charlie like they did about Jesus and none of it would be true and all would be after the fact except Charlie really did exsist while Jesus did not except in the imaginations of his followers... Wonder if Charlie will have millions of followers if his myth was allowed to grow over 2 millennium like The myth of Jesus has had...
And all this time I thought the Manson family was about a bunch of drugged out murdering dirt bags. Hmm.

& same reply fits to QUOTE Blackrook=
"Manson was a false prophet who inspired his followers to murder people to further his cause".-end quote... .

Thousands of wars and over 50 million murders later, including Crusades, Inquisition, and Holocaust, yep.
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And all this time I thought the Manson family was about a bunch of drugged out murdering dirt bags. Hmm.

Thousands of wars and over 50 million murders later, including Crusades, Inquisition, and Holocaust, yep.
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.
Charles Manson was nothing like Jesus in any way. He WAS/IS, however, very much like the false prophet Muhammed.
Mohammed was Charlie Manson, only he lived in the 7th century, so there was no LAPD to arrest him for his crimes.
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
So that's why you're full of so much piss and vinegar towards Christians. You remember every hurt we did to you, and never forgive anything, not even after 1000 years have passed and the people who did these bad things are dead and buried.

That's a pretty shitty way to live, to have so much hate bottled up inside you.
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
So that's why you're full of so much piss and vinegar towards Christians. You remember every hurt we did to you, and never forgive anything, not even after 1000 years have passed and the people who did these bad things are dead and buried.

That's a pretty shitty way to live, to have so much hate bottled up inside you.

I think you are deflecting.
I am merely refuting what you said with facts.
I know that is strange to you being you never use information to refute when you respond ad hominem responses.
Now if facts of history sound angry then you are admitting the cruel nature of the satanism within your faith that projects that anger as you say "sounds angry".
Yes the Synods and Nazis were cruel and angry and the Warning was always in front of you. The fallen star(messenger) would poison and make you (1/3 fishes) wormwood (poisonous bitter herb)=make you bitter and deadly.
The swastica is the crooked Cross... Hitler saw it when he went to catholic school..He remembered his lessons well..The thousand year Reich .. The thousand year reign of Christ etc etc..You do not understand Blackrook... Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it... The hatred of the Jews is found and taught in the New Testament Hashev is only pointing it out...You think he is full of hate you are incorrect...If he was full of hate he would leave you and others to wallow in your mistaken beliefs..People that want to better others teach them a better way to live life you have it backwards....
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
So that's why you're full of so much piss and vinegar towards Christians. You remember every hurt we did to you, and never forgive anything, not even after 1000 years have passed and the people who did these bad things are dead and buried.

That's a pretty shitty way to live, to have so much hate bottled up inside you.

I think you are deflecting.
I am merely refuting what you said with facts.
I know that is strange to you being you never use information to refute when you respond ad hominem responses.
Now if facts of history sound angry then you are admitting the cruel nature of the satanism within your faith that projects that anger as you say "sounds angry".
Yes the Synods and Nazis were cruel and angry and the Warning was always in front of you. The fallen star(messenger) would poison and make you (1/3 fishes) wormwood (poisonous bitter herb)=make you bitter and deadly.
Again, you are spouting off nonsense.
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
So that's why you're full of so much piss and vinegar towards Christians. You remember every hurt we did to you, and never forgive anything, not even after 1000 years have passed and the people who did these bad things are dead and buried.

That's a pretty shitty way to live, to have so much hate bottled up inside you.

I think you are deflecting.
I am merely refuting what you said with facts.
I know that is strange to you being you never use information to refute when you respond ad hominem responses.
Now if facts of history sound angry then you are admitting the cruel nature of the satanism within your faith that projects that anger as you say "sounds angry".
Yes the Synods and Nazis were cruel and angry and the Warning was always in front of you. The fallen star(messenger) would poison and make you (1/3 fishes) wormwood (poisonous bitter herb)=make you bitter and deadly.
Again, you are spouting off nonsense.
You just called your own texts nonsense.
THAT comes from book of Rev.
The swastica is the crooked Cross... Hitler saw it when he went to catholic school..He remembered his lessons well..The thousand year Reich .. The thousand year reign of Christ etc etc..You do not understand Blackrook... Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it... The hatred of the Jews is found and taught in the New Testament Hashev is only pointing it out...You think he is full of hate you are incorrect...If he was full of hate he would leave you and others to wallow in your mistaken beliefs..People that want to better others teach them a better way to live life you have it backwards....

You left out that the crooked cross was a sun cross tying the whole Baal sun cross used for Jesus cross as all being one in the same
Aryan Mystery Babylon sun harvest god worship. How many Evangelists have to call asking for money as sowing seeds before they grasp it's the same scam and the same Adversary (satanic) theology?
I get the Crusades and the Inquisition, but you're blaming us for the Holocaust too?

The Nazis were not exactly motivated by Christianity.

Thousands of priests, pastors, brothers and nuns were exterminated in the concentration camps, including two who were canonized as Catholic saints.

Nazis were actually agents for Christendom.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.

There was no grand scheme to get rid of the Jews, but the rich religious jews in Poland started a trade war with Germany, the German Jews liked Germany.
Nothing like someone coming on the board and starting a thread to announce their profound stupidity.
lol..,,,especially after announcing that they are the real Jewish Messiah....

I get a kick out of shimon groveling at his feet as if he believes that the Jewish people have been waiting for millennia for this schmuck to show up....

Imagine that!

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