
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When it comes to lying - the left has actually surpassed pathological status. They lie about their lies. And then they lie about that. It's gotten to the point that any lefty in the media doesn't even want to cover the truth as a part of their job. If it's not a lie - the left wants no part of it.
Emails obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show that reporters at the New York Times and theWashington Post told the Department of Justice's director of public affairs at the time, Melanie Newman, that while they were writing stories on the controversy, their editors were making them do it.
What a sad indictment on the left. It's a sad indictment on their professionalism, on their integrity, and on their character. They had a major story to cover and they did everything in their power to avoid covering it.

Emails Show WaPo, NYT Reporters Didn't Want to Cover Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting
Dear P@triot
The main reason I am not shocked by this was I was already
exposed to constant legal abuse and media coverup of corruption
and genocide of an entire historic church community and national landmark,
right in my own neighborhood. Under Democrats as our Congressional rep,
State reps, City Mayors, etc. Right under their noses. And many of them
participated in this corporate abuse of tax money to destroy a national district,
including evicting residents to break up the church community so we couldn't
function and petition to stop the desecration of graves and demolition of churches.

The media coverup is what taught me the gap in reality between what
was happening on the ground level where I knew the politics going on,
and what was reported, which was of course, blamed on poor residents
as if they had committed crimes and deserved to have their rights violated
by corporate interests colluding with officials to abuse authority to bypass and break laws. Because nobody had the political power to sue, or they would be ruined
politically and financially if they got scapegoated along with the poor, then this
destruction went on despite community protests against removing gravesites,
seizing and destroying historic houses in a landmarked district, and burning or
tearing down historic churches, brick streets hand laid by Freed Slaves, and
a WWII military complex of public housing originally built for vet families.

So I already got a preview of what was going on.

All that I see now is a nationalized version of the same Democratic exploitation and abuse.

Not surprised, but had to get over the shock and rage, in order to talk about and address this calmly and rationally. Had to get past the heartbreak and anguish over the betrayal and destruction of 20 years of work I invested trying to save a church community. So I can call out the Democrats for committing genocide at taxpayer expense. And talk about it like this is just fact, at a NORMAL speech level.

I'm not the one who is sick for pointing this out.
Think about the people who did this, without thinking it would matter.
That all the people protesting somehow didn't count, and everyone
would only hold them accountable if they didn't do what the corporate developers wanted who decide who gets to stay in office because they have money to pay.

Very sick. So I had to stomach all this,
and watch this viral abuse take over federal govt and the media on national levels.

I've become immune emotionally where I no longer react to these atrocities, but still have my conscience intact where I know it is wrong, and restitution is owed.

Been there. Watched that. Prepared to clean up a huge huge mess.....
Dear P@triot
The main reason I am not shocked by this was I was already
exposed to constant legal abuse and media coverup of corruption
and genocide of an entire historic church community and national landmark,
right in my own neighborhood. Under Democrats as our Congressional rep,
State reps, City Mayors, etc. Right under their noses. And many of them
participated in this corporate abuse of tax money to destroy a national district,
including evicting residents to break up the church community so we couldn't
function and petition to stop the desecration of graves and demolition of churches.

The media coverup is what taught me the gap in reality between what
was happening on the ground level where I knew the politics going on,
and what was reported, which was of course, blamed on poor residents
as if they had committed crimes and deserved to have their rights violated
by corporate interests colluding with officials to abuse authority to bypass and break laws. Because nobody had the political power to sue, or they would be ruined
politically and financially if they got scapegoated along with the poor, then this
destruction went on despite community protests against removing gravesites,
seizing and destroying historic houses in a landmarked district, and burning or
tearing down historic churches, brick streets hand laid by Freed Slaves, and
a WWII military complex of public housing originally built for vet families.

So I already got a preview of what was going on.

All that I see now is a nationalized version of the same Democratic exploitation and abuse.

Not surprised, but had to get over the shock and rage, in order to talk about and address this calmly and rationally. Had to get past the heartbreak and anguish over the betrayal and destruction of 20 years of work I invested trying to save a church community. So I can call out the Democrats for committing genocide at taxpayer expense. And talk about it like this is just fact, at a NORMAL speech level.

I'm not the one who is sick for pointing this out.
Think about the people who did this, without thinking it would matter.
That all the people protesting somehow didn't count, and everyone
would only hold them accountable if they didn't do what the corporate developers wanted who decide who gets to stay in office because they have money to pay.

Very sick. So I had to stomach all this,
and watch this viral abuse take over federal govt and the media on national levels.

I've become immune emotionally where I no longer react to these atrocities, but still have my conscience intact where I know it is wrong, and restitution is owed.

Been there. Watched that. Prepared to clean up a huge huge mess.....
When you say genocide you mean there were dead people(not from old age)? Not a metaphoric, hey let's all feel melancholy and (sniff) cry on each others shoulders kinda thingy?
Dear P@triot
The main reason I am not shocked by this was I was already
exposed to constant legal abuse and media coverup of corruption
and genocide of an entire historic church community and national landmark,
right in my own neighborhood. Under Democrats as our Congressional rep,
State reps, City Mayors, etc. Right under their noses. And many of them
participated in this corporate abuse of tax money to destroy a national district,
including evicting residents to break up the church community so we couldn't
function and petition to stop the desecration of graves and demolition of churches.

The media coverup is what taught me the gap in reality between what
was happening on the ground level where I knew the politics going on,
and what was reported, which was of course, blamed on poor residents
as if they had committed crimes and deserved to have their rights violated
by corporate interests colluding with officials to abuse authority to bypass and break laws. Because nobody had the political power to sue, or they would be ruined
politically and financially if they got scapegoated along with the poor, then this
destruction went on despite community protests against removing gravesites,
seizing and destroying historic houses in a landmarked district, and burning or
tearing down historic churches, brick streets hand laid by Freed Slaves, and
a WWII military complex of public housing originally built for vet families.

So I already got a preview of what was going on.

All that I see now is a nationalized version of the same Democratic exploitation and abuse.

Not surprised, but had to get over the shock and rage, in order to talk about and address this calmly and rationally. Had to get past the heartbreak and anguish over the betrayal and destruction of 20 years of work I invested trying to save a church community. So I can call out the Democrats for committing genocide at taxpayer expense. And talk about it like this is just fact, at a NORMAL speech level.

I'm not the one who is sick for pointing this out.
Think about the people who did this, without thinking it would matter.
That all the people protesting somehow didn't count, and everyone
would only hold them accountable if they didn't do what the corporate developers wanted who decide who gets to stay in office because they have money to pay.

Very sick. So I had to stomach all this,
and watch this viral abuse take over federal govt and the media on national levels.

I've become immune emotionally where I no longer react to these atrocities, but still have my conscience intact where I know it is wrong, and restitution is owed.

Been there. Watched that. Prepared to clean up a huge huge mess.....
When you say genocide you mean there were dead people(not from old age)? Not a metaphoric, hey let's all feel melancholy and (sniff) cry on each others shoulders kinda thingy?
She must live in Colorado
Dear P@triot
The main reason I am not shocked by this was I was already
exposed to constant legal abuse and media coverup of corruption
and genocide of an entire historic church community and national landmark,
right in my own neighborhood. Under Democrats as our Congressional rep,
State reps, City Mayors, etc. Right under their noses. And many of them
participated in this corporate abuse of tax money to destroy a national district,
including evicting residents to break up the church community so we couldn't
function and petition to stop the desecration of graves and demolition of churches.

The media coverup is what taught me the gap in reality between what
was happening on the ground level where I knew the politics going on,
and what was reported, which was of course, blamed on poor residents
as if they had committed crimes and deserved to have their rights violated
by corporate interests colluding with officials to abuse authority to bypass and break laws. Because nobody had the political power to sue, or they would be ruined
politically and financially if they got scapegoated along with the poor, then this
destruction went on despite community protests against removing gravesites,
seizing and destroying historic houses in a landmarked district, and burning or
tearing down historic churches, brick streets hand laid by Freed Slaves, and
a WWII military complex of public housing originally built for vet families.

So I already got a preview of what was going on.

All that I see now is a nationalized version of the same Democratic exploitation and abuse.

Not surprised, but had to get over the shock and rage, in order to talk about and address this calmly and rationally. Had to get past the heartbreak and anguish over the betrayal and destruction of 20 years of work I invested trying to save a church community. So I can call out the Democrats for committing genocide at taxpayer expense. And talk about it like this is just fact, at a NORMAL speech level.

I'm not the one who is sick for pointing this out.
Think about the people who did this, without thinking it would matter.
That all the people protesting somehow didn't count, and everyone
would only hold them accountable if they didn't do what the corporate developers wanted who decide who gets to stay in office because they have money to pay.

Very sick. So I had to stomach all this,
and watch this viral abuse take over federal govt and the media on national levels.

I've become immune emotionally where I no longer react to these atrocities, but still have my conscience intact where I know it is wrong, and restitution is owed.

Been there. Watched that. Prepared to clean up a huge huge mess.....
When you say genocide you mean there were dead people(not from old age)? Not a metaphoric, hey let's all feel melancholy and (sniff) cry on each others shoulders kinda thingy?
She must live in Colorado
Does she sound as high as I am?
Dear P@triot
The main reason I am not shocked by this was I was already
exposed to constant legal abuse and media coverup of corruption
and genocide of an entire historic church community and national landmark,
right in my own neighborhood. Under Democrats as our Congressional rep,
State reps, City Mayors, etc. Right under their noses. And many of them
participated in this corporate abuse of tax money to destroy a national district,
including evicting residents to break up the church community so we couldn't
function and petition to stop the desecration of graves and demolition of churches.

The media coverup is what taught me the gap in reality between what
was happening on the ground level where I knew the politics going on,
and what was reported, which was of course, blamed on poor residents
as if they had committed crimes and deserved to have their rights violated
by corporate interests colluding with officials to abuse authority to bypass and break laws. Because nobody had the political power to sue, or they would be ruined
politically and financially if they got scapegoated along with the poor, then this
destruction went on despite community protests against removing gravesites,
seizing and destroying historic houses in a landmarked district, and burning or
tearing down historic churches, brick streets hand laid by Freed Slaves, and
a WWII military complex of public housing originally built for vet families.

So I already got a preview of what was going on.

All that I see now is a nationalized version of the same Democratic exploitation and abuse.

Not surprised, but had to get over the shock and rage, in order to talk about and address this calmly and rationally. Had to get past the heartbreak and anguish over the betrayal and destruction of 20 years of work I invested trying to save a church community. So I can call out the Democrats for committing genocide at taxpayer expense. And talk about it like this is just fact, at a NORMAL speech level.

I'm not the one who is sick for pointing this out.
Think about the people who did this, without thinking it would matter.
That all the people protesting somehow didn't count, and everyone
would only hold them accountable if they didn't do what the corporate developers wanted who decide who gets to stay in office because they have money to pay.

Very sick. So I had to stomach all this,
and watch this viral abuse take over federal govt and the media on national levels.

I've become immune emotionally where I no longer react to these atrocities, but still have my conscience intact where I know it is wrong, and restitution is owed.

Been there. Watched that. Prepared to clean up a huge huge mess.....
When you say genocide you mean there were dead people(not from old age)? Not a metaphoric, hey let's all feel melancholy and (sniff) cry on each others shoulders kinda thingy?
She must live in Colorado
Does she sound as high as I am?
I'm too stoned to make that judgement
When it comes to lying - the left has actually surpassed pathological status. They lie about their lies. And then they lie about that. It's gotten to the point that any lefty in the media doesn't even want to cover the truth as a part of their job. If it's not a lie - the left wants no part of it.
Emails obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show that reporters at the New York Times and theWashington Post told the Department of Justice's director of public affairs at the time, Melanie Newman, that while they were writing stories on the controversy, their editors were making them do it.
What a sad indictment on the left. It's a sad indictment on their professionalism, on their integrity, and on their character. They had a major story to cover and they did everything in their power to avoid covering it.

Emails Show WaPo, NYT Reporters Didn't Want to Cover Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

They have no clue what truth even is, so it comes to them naturally. As does destruction as result of their policies...

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