The Long, Strange History of Conservative Christian Panic Over Satanism


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And in 2015 we have people still believing this stuff in the United States. Fear for this Country

The Smurfs in particular were suspected of being undead dark side recruiters. “Smurfs were little blue imps disguised as Saturday morning cartoon characters,” “They were capable of murder, rape, violence and general mayhem, and, as such, all Smurf paraphernalia had to be either banished or burned or both from any respectable Jehovah’s Witness home…Demons roamed the earth, along with Satan the Devil. They lurked behind every corner, literally, just waiting for an invitation to wreak havoc on one’s mind and body.”

The endless search for Satanic messages also created a side industry of spotting occult symbols and demonic codes hidden in every piece of cultural data, until what began as a goofy Revelations reference by bands like Iron Maiden soon became a serious branding problem for major corporations. Throughout the '80s accusations persisted that 666 could be spotted in Proctor & Gamble’s “man on the moon” logo, eventually culminating in a rumor that the CEO of Proctor & Gamble had announced on the Phil Donahue show that he donated a portion of the company’s proceeds to the Church of Satan.

Beyonc as Gateway to Satan The Long Strange History of Conservative Christian Panic Over Satanism Alternet
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And in 2015 we have people still believing this stuff in the United States. Fear for this Country

The Smurfs in particular were suspected of being undead dark side recruiters. “Smurfs were little blue imps disguised as Saturday morning cartoon characters,” “They were capable of murder, rape, violence and general mayhem, and, as such, all Smurf paraphernalia had to be either banished or burned or both from any respectable Jehovah’s Witness home…Demons roamed the earth, along with Satan the Devil. They lurked behind every corner, literally, just waiting for an invitation to wreak havoc on one’s mind and body.”

The endless search for Satanic messages also created a side industry of spotting occult symbols and demonic codes hidden in every piece of cultural data, until what began as a goofy Revelations reference by bands like Iron Maiden soon became a serious branding problem for major corporations. Throughout the '80s accusations persisted that 666 could be spotted in Proctor & Gamble’s “man on the moon” logo, eventually culminating in a rumor that the CEO of Proctor & Gamble had announced on the Phil Donahue show that he donated a portion of the company’s proceeds to the Church of Satan.

Beyonc as Gateway to Satan The Long Strange History of Conservative Christian Panic Over Satanism Alternet

This stuff started in the early 80's at the same time mental hospitals were closing down

Published: October 30, 1984

This has been around long before the current fad.

In the Victorian era it became fashionable to "dabble in the occult" because of what was being uncovered about ancient Egypt. The conservative Christians seized upon this to accuse innocent people of being "sex demons". Next came the popularity of psychology and suddenly accusations of "sex maniacs" were commonplace. After that came the phony "war on drugs" and lo and behold Bill Clinton was accused of being a "sex addict" by his conservative Christian persecutors.

Next up it will be "sex terrorists" IMO.
satan worship is so cool. like vampires and walking dead stuff. cool man cool. is that chris christie all clowned up?
satan worship is so cool. like vampires and walking dead stuff. cool man cool. is that chris christie all clowned up?

Yup! Krispie Kreme makes a great clown IMO.

Just waiting for him to figure out there is not going to be any GOP establishment funding for his presidential ambitions lost cause.
satan worship is so cool. like vampires and walking dead stuff. cool man cool. is that chris christie all clowned up?

Yup! Krispie Kreme makes a great clown IMO.

Just waiting for him to figure out there is not going to be any GOP establishment funding for his presidential ambitions lost cause.
loll. thank God too. Told there was a God
And in 2015 we have people still believing this stuff in the United States. Fear for this Country

The Smurfs in particular were suspected of being undead dark side recruiters. “Smurfs were little blue imps disguised as Saturday morning cartoon characters,” “They were capable of murder, rape, violence and general mayhem, and, as such, all Smurf paraphernalia had to be either banished or burned or both from any respectable Jehovah’s Witness home…Demons roamed the earth, along with Satan the Devil. They lurked behind every corner, literally, just waiting for an invitation to wreak havoc on one’s mind and body.”

The endless search for Satanic messages also created a side industry of spotting occult symbols and demonic codes hidden in every piece of cultural data, until what began as a goofy Revelations reference by bands like Iron Maiden soon became a serious branding problem for major corporations. Throughout the '80s accusations persisted that 666 could be spotted in Proctor & Gamble’s “man on the moon” logo, eventually culminating in a rumor that the CEO of Proctor & Gamble had announced on the Phil Donahue show that he donated a portion of the company’s proceeds to the Church of Satan.

Beyonc as Gateway to Satan The Long Strange History of Conservative Christian Panic Over Satanism Alternet

This stuff started in the early 80's at the same time mental hospitals were closing down

Published: October 30, 1984

Guno, I am so sorry you missed your Messiah, it must be hard to be in a trap and/or snare, and not know how to get out of it.

Isaiah 8:14 and he will be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel he will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.
wow thanks for that Isaiah. I think he's a heavy stone to carry but one can always put it down and hide under it for protection from this cruel evil world. i see a snare the people of Jerusalem always fall into. wanna trap them again?

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