The Lie of Octobor Jobs Report

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Now that the gravy train of federal unemployment has ended, I predict much higher jobs numbers for the month. It's only a guess, but I don't have a crystal ball like Democrats do.

The jobs number for September won't be available until October. If my prediction proves accurate, I also predict the MSM and all liberals will be embellishing Biden as if he had anything to do with it. Well in a way he did. He persuaded people not to go to work until September. But giving Biden credit for a great jobs report would be like giving credit to the arsonist for putting out a fire that he started.

The October lie is right around the corner. They will lie about job creation when there really is none. Millions of jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just that industry was competing with government for workers, and government won. Even in states like mine where the Governors stopped the federal unemployment, little improvements were made because various groups were suing their state to have the fed money reinstated, and of course if they won, would mean those still on unemployment would get all that fed money back retroactively.

My prediction is at least 750,000 jobs, the MSM will glorify Biden for it, and make claim it was his vaccine push responsible for the numbers. All lies.
What if we constantly go against the grain of Progs and we lose out. Maybe we should join them in the purpose of overloading the costs.
Now that the gravy train of federal unemployment has ended, I predict much higher jobs numbers for the month. It's only a guess, but I don't have a crystal ball like Democrats do.

The jobs number for September won't be available until October. If my prediction proves accurate, I also predict the MSM and all liberals will be embellishing Biden as if he had anything to do with it. Well in a way he did. He persuaded people not to go to work until September. But giving Biden credit for a great jobs report would be like giving credit to the arsonist for putting out a fire that he started.

The October lie is right around the corner. They will lie about job creation when there really is none. Millions of jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just that industry was competing with government for workers, and government won. Even in states like mine where the Governors stopped the federal unemployment, little improvements were made because various groups were suing their state to have the fed money reinstated, and of course if they won, would mean those still on unemployment would get all that fed money back retroactively.

My prediction is at least 750,000 jobs, the MSM will glorify Biden for it, and make claim it was his vaccine push responsible for the numbers. All lies.
I'm not so sure it will happen that fast. But, it will happen.
Ray From Cleveland
I agree. Those jobs were already there. They were vacant because of the Chinese virus and people being paid huge sums to sit home.

Not new jobs. Old jobs that will have to be filled now that the UE came to an end. Oh they will make it look like its Bidung being a great POTUS. LOL What a joke.

We know what they will do, but the real problem is how many losers will actually believe they are new jobs and Dementia had something to do with creating them.

“Jobs Up, Wages Up, Unemployment Down” – Joe Biden Celebrates Abysmal September Jobs Report – Worst Report of the Year​

8 Oct 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The September jobs report came out Friday morning and it’s worse than August’s numbers.
Biden’s joke of an economy only added 194,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate fell by 0.4%, the US Bureau Labor Statistics reported.
The ‘experts’ predicted 500,000 jobs would be added but they were wrong again.
Biden’s disastrous jobs report was so bad that it shocked the CNBC panel as the numbers rolled in during a live broadcast.
CNN said it’s the worst jobs report of the year.
Joe Biden however celebrated and said, “Jobs up, wages up, unemployment down,” during a presser from the White House on Friday. “That’s progress.”

Joe Biden turned his back on the press and shuffled away after reading from a teleprompter for 10 minutes.

Corrupt Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies think they own us and sell us out to stuff their own pockets, our justice system has been bastardized and weaponized against us, the cops are BLM support squads, the military is full of America haters arming the Taliban, we don't have a border, our country is not even run by Americans anymore, the globalist overlords and China own them all! Its time to throw the "kings" tea into the bay and get this party started.
How ridiculously corrupt are statistics that demonstrate Joey Xi and his handlers exponentially missed the jobs created projection yet somehow there is a decline in unemployment rate?
it just might be the result of millions of illegal aliens crossing the border the past year taking whatever they can get at less then minimum wage driving down the unemployment number and distorting wage growth numbers...
The Quisling Media narrative is the 'Delta' variant virus is slowing commerce and job growth rather then the disastrous PM/DSA Democrat Commie policies put forth by this administration...
Look at ANY live event, attendees are packed to capacity with zero masks and social distancing.
I continue to got a kick out of the, "We don't hate America, We LOVE America!" from the PM/DSA Dem's. I always ask: Well, if you love it, why do find it so important to "Fundamentally Transform America" into Marxist Socialism? [crickets]
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First and only move the Xiden admin. has done I can agree with. But they fucked it up so bad I'm not sure they can stop the bleeding. Besides, folks are too good to work today. After all, we watch our govt., especially leftists who are certified unaccountable and irresponsible, and of course they're our leaders. Monkey see monkey do.
The business channels we listen to are pessimistic about better job numbers. We'll see.

Unemployment paid so well that people were able to save up. Now that the extra unemployment is gone, they have enough money to stretch it out a few more weeks or even months apparently. Everybody needs money to live on.
Now that the gravy train of federal unemployment has ended, I predict much higher jobs numbers for the month. It's only a guess, but I don't have a crystal ball like Democrats do.

The jobs number for September won't be available until October. If my prediction proves accurate, I also predict the MSM and all liberals will be embellishing Biden as if he had anything to do with it. Well in a way he did. He persuaded people not to go to work until September. But giving Biden credit for a great jobs report would be like giving credit to the arsonist for putting out a fire that he started.

The October lie is right around the corner. They will lie about job creation when there really is none. Millions of jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just that industry was competing with government for workers, and government won. Even in states like mine where the Governors stopped the federal unemployment, little improvements were made because various groups were suing their state to have the fed money reinstated, and of course if they won, would mean those still on unemployment would get all that fed money back retroactively.

My prediction is at least 750,000 jobs, the MSM will glorify Biden for it, and make claim it was his vaccine push responsible for the numbers. All lies.

Jesus Ray, 750,000 jobs! You were overly optimistic!
Get with the real program fer' chrissakes, AMERICA IS DISINTEGRATING DAILY AT BREAKNECK SPEED!!
Unemployment paid so well that people were able to save up. Now that the extra unemployment is gone, they have enough money to stretch it out a few more weeks or even months apparently. Everybody needs money to live on.
According to the Wall Street Journal today, the job numbers have been really awful ---- because people won't work. Millions have left the job market entirely, and you realize a lot of them are women, the best employees for many types of jobs. Women can't work outside the home if children are not cared for anywhere or in school and everyone is saying we'll get sick and die if we go anywhere people are.

The supply chains are suffering a collapse across the whole web, from meats to toys to computer chips --- many things. This is what happens when the government tells everyone to stop working indefinitely. I think we may have a mighty crash economically.
Sitting in your trailer getting a little extra or sitting on your yacht while the Fed pumps trillions into your stocks........I fail to see the difference.
According to the Wall Street Journal today, the job numbers have been really awful ---- because people won't work. Millions have left the job market entirely, and you realize a lot of them are women, the best employees for many types of jobs. Women can't work outside the home if children are not cared for anywhere or in school and everyone is saying we'll get sick and die if we go anywhere people are.

The supply chains are suffering a collapse across the whole web, from meats to toys to computer chips --- many things. This is what happens when the government tells everyone to stop working indefinitely. I think we may have a mighty crash economically.

You see this still makes no sense to me. Children or not, we all need income of some kind. Before the virus people found a way to have their kids cared for while working. Before the virus, schools were open as they are today. So it's not computing for some reason.

I'm retired now and my income comes from government and my rental properties. But when I was working, I didn't want to miss a day. I live by my own creed that every day you don't work is a day you missed out on making money. Maybe I'm just old or something? :eusa_shhh:
Now that the gravy train of federal unemployment has ended, I predict much higher jobs numbers for the month. It's only a guess, but I don't have a crystal ball like Democrats do.

The jobs number for September won't be available until October. If my prediction proves accurate, I also predict the MSM and all liberals will be embellishing Biden as if he had anything to do with it. Well in a way he did. He persuaded people not to go to work until September. But giving Biden credit for a great jobs report would be like giving credit to the arsonist for putting out a fire that he started.

The October lie is right around the corner. They will lie about job creation when there really is none. Millions of jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just that industry was competing with government for workers, and government won. Even in states like mine where the Governors stopped the federal unemployment, little improvements were made because various groups were suing their state to have the fed money reinstated, and of course if they won, would mean those still on unemployment would get all that fed money back retroactively.

My prediction is at least 750,000 jobs, the MSM will glorify Biden for it, and make claim it was his vaccine push responsible for the numbers. All lies.
Thousands of jobs available, owners offering signing bonuses on top of good pay, the Drm 'gravy training gone....people will go back to work...those who are vaccinated...and those who aren't will be forced to get vaccinated to get work.

Agreed, Biden will be credited with the rising job numbers despite him doing his damnedest to prevent it.

His job performance on the economy is 60+% negative with 67% believing him and his administration are to incompetent to lead the country, poll numbers well earned.

Broken supply chain, rising inflation, horrific jobs report numbers, rising fuel prices, & Joe firing Americans with Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates...If he was trying to destroy this country he couldn't do better than he is now.
Sitting in your trailer getting a little extra or sitting on your yacht while the Fed pumps trillions into your stocks........I fail to see the difference.

A little extra? Our state calculated the unemployments combined, and wrote it was equal to a working person making 58K a year. If you were living on 30 or 35K a year, that's more than a little extra, it's a hell of a lot.

We need people to work to make the economy grow and to provide the public with goods and services. What if every young healthy person just decided not to work? Where would our country be today?
A little extra? Our state calculated the unemployments combined, and wrote it was equal to a working person making 58K a year. If you were living on 30 or 35K a year, that's more than a little extra, it's a hell of a lot.

We need people to work to make the economy grow and to provide the public with goods and services. What if every young healthy person just decided not to work? Where would our country be today?

So 58k a year. I don't buy that but whatever. Others got millions.

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