The Liberal Myth


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
"Recent Studies Destroy Myth That Liberals Treat People More Equally Than Conservatives"

"When it comes to equality, for the political left, it’s just a talking point, and basically, that’s it. According to recent studies, when it comes to how people are treated, conservatives are more likely to treat people equally. "

"On Twitter, “liberals were more likely to amplify the successes of female and Black athletes than male and White athletes, whereas conservatives treated the successes of groups more similarly,” one study found."

"Other studies showed that “white liberals presented less self-competence to black than white interaction partners, whereas white conservatives treated black and white interaction partners more similarly."

The modern, Liberal Democrat is the most racist human being apparently.
"Recent Studies Destroy Myth That Liberals Treat People More Equally Than Conservatives"

"When it comes to equality, for the political left, it’s just a talking point, and basically, that’s it. According to recent studies, when it comes to how people are treated, conservatives are more likely to treat people equally. "

"On Twitter, “liberals were more likely to amplify the successes of female and Black athletes than male and White athletes, whereas conservatives treated the successes of groups more similarly,” one study found."

"Other studies showed that “white liberals presented less self-competence to black than white interaction partners, whereas white conservatives treated black and white interaction partners more similarly."

The modern, Liberal Democrat is the most racist human being apparently.
Liberals promote black and female anything more than they do white people. Me, I'm an equal opportunity asshole, I'll fuck with you regardless of what color, gender or persuasion you are.
"Recent Studies Destroy Myth That Liberals Treat People More Equally Than Conservatives"

"When it comes to equality, for the political left, it’s just a talking point, and basically, that’s it. According to recent studies, when it comes to how people are treated, conservatives are more likely to treat people equally. "

"On Twitter, “liberals were more likely to amplify the successes of female and Black athletes than male and White athletes, whereas conservatives treated the successes of groups more similarly,” one study found."

"Other studies showed that “white liberals presented less self-competence to black than white interaction partners, whereas white conservatives treated black and white interaction partners more similarly."

The modern, Liberal Democrat is the most racist human being apparently.

AND this is a surprise to absolutely no one.

Individualism means treating and viewing people as individuals.

Collectivism means views and treating people as collections based on skin color or other common attributes.

Collectivism is racist by nature.
"Recent Studies Destroy Myth That Liberals Treat People More Equally Than Conservatives"

"When it comes to equality, for the political left, it’s just a talking point, and basically, that’s it. According to recent studies, when it comes to how people are treated, conservatives are more likely to treat people equally. "

"On Twitter, “liberals were more likely to amplify the successes of female and Black athletes than male and White athletes, whereas conservatives treated the successes of groups more similarly,” one study found."

"Other studies showed that “white liberals presented less self-competence to black than white interaction partners, whereas white conservatives treated black and white interaction partners more similarly."

The modern, Liberal Democrat is the most racist human being apparently.

AND this is a surprise to absolutely no one.

Individualism means treating and viewing people as individuals.

Collectivism means views and treating people as collections based on skin color or other common attributes.

Collectivism is racist by nature.
My electric co-op is a communistic operation?
My electric co-op is a communistic operation?
Thanks Moonie, this thread would not be complete without one of your 1 liner troll posts. ;)
All collectives are bad, says the conservo-bot...Even the ones that benefit yous, eh? An electric co-op is a collective of electric customers...They are inherently evil..As far as how liberals treat each other I am sure they treat some people okay and others not so okay just like everyone else in the world.
"Recent Studies Destroy Myth That Liberals Treat People More Equally Than Conservatives"

"When it comes to equality, for the political left, it’s just a talking point, and basically, that’s it. According to recent studies, when it comes to how people are treated, conservatives are more likely to treat people equally. "

"On Twitter, “liberals were more likely to amplify the successes of female and Black athletes than male and White athletes, whereas conservatives treated the successes of groups more similarly,” one study found."

"Other studies showed that “white liberals presented less self-competence to black than white interaction partners, whereas white conservatives treated black and white interaction partners more similarly."

The modern, Liberal Democrat is the most racist human being apparently.
Activists for racial issues aren’t fighting for everybody to be treated equally. They are trying to balance scales so they most definitely promote minorities over whites. You can call that racist if you want but I don’t think you are going to fool anybody. Maybe yourself
Activists for racial issues aren’t fighting for everybody to be treated equally. They are trying to balance scales so they most definitely promote minorities over whites. You can call that racist if you want but I don’t think you are going to fool anybody. Maybe yourself

So the answer to racism is systemic racism.


Fucking Nazis....
Activists for racial issues aren’t fighting for everybody to be treated equally. They are trying to balance scales so they most definitely promote minorities over whites. You can call that racist if you want but I don’t think you are going to fool anybody. Maybe yourself

So the answer to racism is systemic racism.


Fucking Nazis....
No, the answer to oppression is favoritism... that very different from how you’re trying to paint it
No, the answer to oppression is favoritism... that very different from how you’re trying to paint it

No, that is tyranny.

Racism is not the solution to racism.

Equality is.

Fucking Nazis.....
It appears as if you misunderstood my statement. I’ll try again... the answer to oppression is favoritism, that is very different from how you’re trying to paint it
Right, but lynching is evil and helping the oppressed is not

Racism doesn't help the oppressed, it simply oppresses others.

You seek revenge against those who have done you no harm.

You are evil.
That’s not even close to reality. Are you familiar with the handicapping system used in the game of golf? Do you think that system makes things more fair or unfair in that game?
It appears as if you misunderstood my statement. I’ll try again... the answer to oppression is favoritism, that is very different from how you’re trying to paint it


Oppressing others because the group you favor was once oppressed is the perpetuation of evil.

Someone you never knew was hurt, so you want to hurt others who you don't know.

That makes you evil.
That’s not even close to reality. Are you familiar with the handicapping system used in the game of golf? Do you think that system makes things more fair or unfair in that game?

Golf is irrelevant.

You seek to do harm against some who have done you no injury as revenge for harm against others who you have never met and are long dead.

You are the oppressor - you are evil.

Own it - you are a fascist.

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