Have a read of this article. Many of you constantly bitch and moan about the "liberal media". It doesn't exist. It's a myth. It's a crock. One need only look at the media coverage during the 2000 presidential campaign - Gore was constantly ravaged by the media while Bush was given free passes. The "liberal media" hyped the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am sick and tired of hearing about the "liberal media". It's a lie perpetuated by conservatives who are afraid of honest reporting of themselves.
Have a read of this article. Many of you constantly bitch and moan about the "liberal media". It doesn't exist. It's a myth. It's a crock. One need only look at the media coverage during the 2000 presidential campaign - Gore was constantly ravaged by the media while Bush was given free passes. The "liberal media" hyped the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am sick and tired of hearing about the "liberal media". It's a lie perpetuated by conservatives who are afraid of honest reporting of themselves.