The left’s obsession with oppression


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has focused on limiting (or eliminating) every single right and liberty afforded to a U.S. citizen.
Students at Cumberland County High School are fighting against what they say is the local Pennsylvania school district’s unconstitutional ban on distributing Bibles on campus.

The students allege that David Harris, the high school’s principal, told members of the Christians in Action student club that they were not allowed to pass out Bibles to their friends during lunchtime and that if they wanted to pass out Bibles after the school day, they would have to get approval from the school administration.
The school has absolutely 0 authority to prevent students from passing out Bibles. Zero. The students are not government employees like the teachers and administration. They are private citizens on public property and thus have every constitutional right to offer a Bible to someone.

Pennsylvania High School Students Demand Repeal of Campus ‘Bible Ban’
The left has focused on limiting (or eliminating) every single right and liberty afforded to a U.S. citizen.
Students at Cumberland County High School are fighting against what they say is the local Pennsylvania school district’s unconstitutional ban on distributing Bibles on campus.

The students allege that David Harris, the high school’s principal, told members of the Christians in Action student club that they were not allowed to pass out Bibles to their friends during lunchtime and that if they wanted to pass out Bibles after the school day, they would have to get approval from the school administration.
The school has absolutely 0 authority to prevent students from passing out Bibles. Zero. The students are not government employees like the teachers and administration. They are private citizens on public property and thus have every constitutional right to offer a Bible to someone.

Pennsylvania High School Students Demand Repeal of Campus ‘Bible Ban’

Please tell them to demand armed teachers as well. Turns out the armed cops at schools thing didn't work out so well.
Please tell them to demand armed teachers as well. Turns out the armed cops at schools thing didn't work out so well. tends to not work out so well when the officers are cowards who refuse to go into the building and actually engage the shooter.
Well at least we have a president who would have run in even without a gun.
The left has focused on limiting (or eliminating) every single right and liberty afforded to a U.S. citizen.
Students at Cumberland County High School are fighting against what they say is the local Pennsylvania school district’s unconstitutional ban on distributing Bibles on campus.

The students allege that David Harris, the high school’s principal, told members of the Christians in Action student club that they were not allowed to pass out Bibles to their friends during lunchtime and that if they wanted to pass out Bibles after the school day, they would have to get approval from the school administration.
The school has absolutely 0 authority to prevent students from passing out Bibles. Zero. The students are not government employees like the teachers and administration. They are private citizens on public property and thus have every constitutional right to offer a Bible to someone.

Pennsylvania High School Students Demand Repeal of Campus ‘Bible Ban’
I might have to disagree here. Schools have to draw a line somewhere. I mean I don't think it's necessarily a bible issue, it maybe a more general no soliciting type thing. I mean I doubt they allow businesses or political groups to hand out material. I maybe wrong but I find it hard to decide that it's not their place to oversee what's distributed on school grounds.
How could have sworn this thread was about handing out Bibles at school....well dumb me.
Nah, just some kids pushing theocracy who are learning about the constitution their parents don't want them to honor.

There is no constitutional contradiction in kids giving bibles to other kids any damn place they chose unless it interrupts normal school activities. And there was nothing within the story to indicate that. You're a freaking idiot, so is the principle.

I maybe wrong but I find it hard to decide that it's not their place to oversee what's distributed on school grounds.
Distribution is a strong word. Offering a Bible to someone (who can politely turn it down) is well within their constitutional rights.
I maybe wrong but I find it hard to decide that it's not their place to oversee what's distributed on school grounds.
Distribution is a strong word. Offering a Bible to someone (who can politely turn it down) is well within their constitutional rights.
I understand what you're saying, it's just that I don't know what city council or other govt rules and regs the school is up against.
How could have sworn this thread was about handing out Bibles at school....well dumb me.
Nah, just some kids pushing theocracy who are learning about the constitution their parents don't want them to honor.

There is no constitutional contradiction in kids giving bibles to other kids any damn place they chose unless it interrupts normal school activities. And there was nothing within the story to indicate that. You're a freaking idiot, so is the principle.

And you''d say the same thing if some kid was handing out Qurans to all their classmates, right?
How could have sworn this thread was about handing out Bibles at school....well dumb me.
Nah, just some kids pushing theocracy who are learning about the constitution their parents don't want them to honor.

There is no constitutional contradiction in kids giving bibles to other kids any damn place they chose unless it interrupts normal school activities. And there was nothing within the story to indicate that. You're a freaking idiot, so is the principle.

And you''d say the same thing if some kid was handing out Qurans to all their classmates, right?


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

That's The Part The Left Pretends Doesn't Exist
All The Rest Of The Amendment
The Left Twists To Suit Their Desires
The left has focused on limiting (or eliminating) every single right and liberty afforded to a U.S. citizen.
Students at Cumberland County High School are fighting against what they say is the local Pennsylvania school district’s unconstitutional ban on distributing Bibles on campus.

The students allege that David Harris, the high school’s principal, told members of the Christians in Action student club that they were not allowed to pass out Bibles to their friends during lunchtime and that if they wanted to pass out Bibles after the school day, they would have to get approval from the school administration.
The school has absolutely 0 authority to prevent students from passing out Bibles. Zero. The students are not government employees like the teachers and administration. They are private citizens on public property and thus have every constitutional right to offer a Bible to someone.

Pennsylvania High School Students Demand Repeal of Campus ‘Bible Ban’

That's disgraceful. Those kids should be expelled. I do not send my children to school to have asshat cultists trying to convert them.
I maybe wrong but I find it hard to decide that it's not their place to oversee what's distributed on school grounds.
Distribution is a strong word. Offering a Bible to someone (who can politely turn it down) is well within their constitutional rights.

There is a time and a place for everything. School is not the time to push YOUR religion on underage children without their parents' presence of consent. I sent my children to a PUBLIC school because I didn't them getting religious instruction there. I take my children to church - OUR church, for their religious instruction.
Dragonlady said:
That's disgraceful. Those kids should be expelled. I do not send my children to school to have asshat cultists trying to convert them.
That's The Not "Prohibiting The Free Exercise Thereof"
Part Of The 1st Amendment
You Know,
The Part Everyone Pretends Doesn't Exist

Some American Public Schools
Have Children Reciting The Shahada
As A Part Of Cultural Learning
Islam Says Reciting The Shahada Makes You A Muslim
Whether You Like It Or Not

Other Public Schools
Have Had Students Replace "Allah"
In "One Nation, Under God"
How could have sworn this thread was about handing out Bibles at school....well dumb me.
Nah, just some kids pushing theocracy who are learning about the constitution their parents don't want them to honor.

Thats not pushing theocracy. Pushing theocracy would be a nation/state law that demanded a certain religion. Thats not what's happening here. Quite frankly, Id be terrified for any teacher of any public school to teach any type of scripture.

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