The left wants violence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Yes, that's what I said the left wants violence. Think about it.

1. They are always accusing the Tea party protester of violence when they aren't.

2. They are trying to force the most divisive policies down the throats of the American people despite overwhelming opposition to the Country.

3. They are adopting policies that are putting more people out of work and taxing more people.

4. They are spending us into so much debt that the second we have to seriously cut government to pay it back there will be riots in the street.

5. Since the health care bill was passed they are going out of their way to accuse the right of violence.

Does this sound like the actions of someone trying to remain peaceful or someone who is trying to stir up violence. The key is they want the right to start it. Because they have control over the government. If they can manufacture some insurrection they can justify taking even more control.

The President has surrounded himself with revolutionaries. They want revolution. They always have. They just know that if they are seen as the ones starting it they will be percieved as the bad guys. Ever seen V for Vendetta? It's exactly the same tactic.

Violence is not a good option. In fact, it's a very bad option. It plays into their hands. It gives them exactly what they want, a pretext to seize more power.

And if war starts and the right wins, we are not the type of people who can handle restoring the Republic yet. We need to change our lives. We need to be a more moral people. We need to be honest with ourselves and those around us and until we do, we are not prepared for what's coming.

So protest but let's not descend to the level of the left. If we do our Republic is doomed. Instead, prepare your minds and hearts. Educate yourself. Discipline yourselfs. Learn to be men and women of honor like our Founders were.

We can do more with non-violent action then any violent or obnoxious behavior right now. Please. Think about it.
I've known this for some time and now they are starting to step it up. Notice the news, blogs, forum thread titles? They want to create a massive increase in violence. They need it. They won't get it unless they manufacture it by way of Union Thugs, ACORN thugs, and possibly letting inmates out of prison.

Stand tall, and as long as each of us stay true to your beliefs, morals, and constitution we will prevail. Not without hardship but we will win this in the end.
Yes, that's what I said the left wants violence. Think about it.

1. They are always accusing the Tea party protester of violence when they aren't.

2. They are trying to force the most divisive policies down the throats of the American people despite overwhelming opposition to the Country.

3. They are adopting policies that are putting more people out of work and taxing more people.

4. They are spending us into so much debt that the second we have to seriously cut government to pay it back there will be riots in the street.

5. Since the health care bill was passed they are going out of their way to accuse the right of violence.

Does this sound like the actions of someone trying to remain peaceful or someone who is trying to stir up violence. The key is they want the right to start it. Because they have control over the government. If they can manufacture some insurrection they can justify taking even more control.

The President has surrounded himself with revolutionaries. They want revolution. They always have. They just know that if they are seen as the ones starting it they will be percieved as the bad guys. Ever seen V for Vendetta? It's exactly the same tactic.

Violence is not a good option. In fact, it's a very bad option. It plays into their hands. It gives them exactly what they want, a pretext to seize more power.

And if war starts and the right wins, we are not the type of people who can handle restoring the Republic yet. We need to change our lives. We need to be a more moral people. We need to be honest with ourselves and those around us and until we do, we are not prepared for what's coming.

So protest but let's not descend to the level of the left. If we do our Republic is doomed. Instead, prepare your minds and hearts. Educate yourself. Discipline yourselfs. Learn to be men and women of honor like our Founders were.

We can do more with non-violent action then any violent or obnoxious behavior right now. Please. Think about it.

No one wants violence.
Current Portrait of The Right Wing:

Those who try to warn about violence are the violent ones?

You people truely are brain fucked.
No. I don't think they want violence. I just think they want more control over people's lives and more government involvement in things it's not already involved in. Some want it because they think it would help, and some probably want it because they just like being in control.

Plus, the more peacefully you gain power, the more likely it is to stick without further violence.
Yes, the left is at fault for all the bad things in the world.

I see the talking points have been issued.

It amazes me when someone comes on this forum (like the person you were responding to) and thinks that the side opposite to them is the font of all evil.
WOW Avatar, you have a major mental problem... you are the typical right winger...a VICTIM
people on your side of the line are killing and assaulting people.

There were cops killed because some gun nut thought Obama was sending them to take his guns.

Your ideas and propaganda have already gotten cops killed.
I dont think its left wanting violence. Rather its their belief that violence is an inevitable extension of the politics of neoconservatives, the religious right, and the extremists who align themselves with the Republicans and Tea Party.
No. I don't think they want violence. I just think they want more control over people's lives and more government involvement in things it's not already involved in. Some want it because they think it would help, and some probably want it because they just like being in control.


No doubt some liberals and progressives are after control and the preservation of their ideology. But the exact same thing can be said of some Republicans trying to control America to fit their 1950s fairy tale land America and a religious right agenda of control.
people on your side of the line are killing and assaulting people.

There were cops killed because some gun nut thought Obama was sending them to take his guns.

Your ideas and propaganda have already gotten cops killed.
There was also a left wing lunatic in Alabama who shot up the college she worked at.

So, your ideas and propaganda got people killed too.

Alabama shooter "Obsessed" with Obama | Western

The fact that she was homicidally disgruntled because she did not get tenure was because of liberal ideas and propaganda?

And I suppose the fact that she murdered her brother when he was a teenager was also due to the massive socialist propaganda mill...not because she was deranged.
people on your side of the line are killing and assaulting people.

There were cops killed because some gun nut thought Obama was sending them to take his guns.

Your ideas and propaganda have already gotten cops killed.
There was also a left wing lunatic in Alabama who shot up the college she worked at.

So, your ideas and propaganda got people killed too.

Alabama shooter "Obsessed" with Obama | Western

The fact that she was homicidally disgruntled because she did not get tenure was because of liberal ideas and propaganda?

And I suppose the fact that she murdered her brother when he was a teenager was also due to the massive socialist propaganda mill...not because she was deranged.
Exactly. Her mental state has nothing to do with anything. Her political views are all that mattered.
people on your side of the line are killing and assaulting people.

There were cops killed because some gun nut thought Obama was sending them to take his guns.

Your ideas and propaganda have already gotten cops killed.
There was also a left wing lunatic in Alabama who shot up the college she worked at.

So, your ideas and propaganda got people killed too.

Alabama shooter "Obsessed" with Obama | Western

Lest we forget this little gem: Denver Vandal Worked for Dem Politician
Yes, that's what I said the left wants violence. Think about it.

1. They are always accusing the Tea party protester of violence when they aren't.

2. They are trying to force the most divisive policies down the throats of the American people despite overwhelming opposition to the Country.

3. They are adopting policies that are putting more people out of work and taxing more people.

4. They are spending us into so much debt that the second we have to seriously cut government to pay it back there will be riots in the street.

5. Since the health care bill was passed they are going out of their way to accuse the right of violence.

Does this sound like the actions of someone trying to remain peaceful or someone who is trying to stir up violence. The key is they want the right to start it. Because they have control over the government. If they can manufacture some insurrection they can justify taking even more control.

The President has surrounded himself with revolutionaries. They want revolution. They always have. They just know that if they are seen as the ones starting it they will be percieved as the bad guys. Ever seen V for Vendetta? It's exactly the same tactic.

Violence is not a good option. In fact, it's a very bad option. It plays into their hands. It gives them exactly what they want, a pretext to seize more power.

And if war starts and the right wins, we are not the type of people who can handle restoring the Republic yet. We need to change our lives. We need to be a more moral people. We need to be honest with ourselves and those around us and until we do, we are not prepared for what's coming.

So protest but let's not descend to the level of the left. If we do our Republic is doomed. Instead, prepare your minds and hearts. Educate yourself. Discipline yourselfs. Learn to be men and women of honor like our Founders were.

We can do more with non-violent action then any violent or obnoxious behavior right now. Please. Think about it.

ah, the civil discourse. fuck off!
Yes, that's what I said the left wants violence. Think about it.

1. They are always accusing the Tea party protester of violence when they aren't.

2. They are trying to force the most divisive policies down the throats of the American people despite overwhelming opposition to the Country.

3. They are adopting policies that are putting more people out of work and taxing more people.

4. They are spending us into so much debt that the second we have to seriously cut government to pay it back there will be riots in the street.

5. Since the health care bill was passed they are going out of their way to accuse the right of violence.

Does this sound like the actions of someone trying to remain peaceful or someone who is trying to stir up violence. The key is they want the right to start it. Because they have control over the government. If they can manufacture some insurrection they can justify taking even more control.

The President has surrounded himself with revolutionaries. They want revolution. They always have. They just know that if they are seen as the ones starting it they will be percieved as the bad guys. Ever seen V for Vendetta? It's exactly the same tactic.

Violence is not a good option. In fact, it's a very bad option. It plays into their hands. It gives them exactly what they want, a pretext to seize more power.

And if war starts and the right wins, we are not the type of people who can handle restoring the Republic yet. We need to change our lives. We need to be a more moral people. We need to be honest with ourselves and those around us and until we do, we are not prepared for what's coming.

So protest but let's not descend to the level of the left. If we do our Republic is doomed. Instead, prepare your minds and hearts. Educate yourself. Discipline yourselfs. Learn to be men and women of honor like our Founders were.

We can do more with non-violent action then any violent or obnoxious behavior right now. Please. Think about it.

No one wants violence.

I disagree. There are many at both ends that do. One prepares for it, the other is trying to light the fuse.

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