the left is going to try to minimize and redefine treason !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
and they will claim that actual treason is just dirty modern day politics as usual ......that both sides regrettably practice it against their political rivals .... and they will call for a kumbaya movement between democrats and conservatives...they will claim that the political climate has gotten so heated that good people in power made honest mistakes in which they believed they were doing the right thing in attempt to overthrow an election they lost !! they will falsely claim that its just rough politics and though it maybe wrong is not treasonous or criminal .....they will do this when the the Durham investigation is complete and may even start as early as the release of the IG report ..... and the left wing media and their leftist followers will bite into it hook line and sinker !! they will then make up bullshit claims that the right does or has done the same thing in the past using bullshit comparisons that dont add up or straight out lies .... they will then take the hi road and say it is time for a cooling of the heated political dialogue on both sides for ....wait for it......the good of the country .....
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The constitution provides us with THE definition of treason:

In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.

Our founders made the definition narrow for a specific reason. They had lived in a system where treason was whatever the King said it was. Some guy with a crown could just pronounce someone guilty and they were hung. This power to have people killed was something they strongly felt the president should not have.
Corrupting our bipartisan foreign policy by attempting to weaponizing it against a domestic political foe is out of bounds. But it's not treason, and neither is investigating it.
and they will claim that actual treason is just dirty modern day politics as usual ......that both sides regrettably practice it against their political rivals .... and they will call for a kumbaya movement between democrats and conservatives...they will claim that the political climate has gotten so heated that good people in power made honest mistakes in which they believed they were doing the right thing in attempt to overthrow an election they lost !! they will falsely claim that its just rough politics and though it maybe wrong is not treasonous or criminal .....they will do this when the the Durham investigation is complete and may even start as early as the release of the IG report ..... and the left wing media and their leftist followers will bite into it hook line and sinker !! they will then make up bullshit claims that the right does or has done the same thing in the past using bullshit comparisons that dont add up or straight out lies .... they will then take the hi road and say it is time for a cooling of the heated political dialogue on both sides for ....wait for it......the good of the country .....

Another Trumpkin who has no clue what Treason means.

Not even Trump calling another country to investigate his political rival is treason.

Read the Constitution.
treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Like giving aid to a hostile nation sabotaging nuclear negotiations by running the cohen hearings on the same day?

Like kerry & obama meeting with Iran right after Trump pulls the plug on obamas nuclear "deal"?

Arming the mexican drug cartel? Selling russia 20% of all US uranium?

That's quite a bit of aid to our enemies!
The constitution provides us with THE definition of treason:

In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.

Our founders made the definition narrow for a specific reason. They had lived in a system where treason was whatever the King said it was. Some guy with a crown could just pronounce someone guilty and they were hung. This power to have people killed was something they strongly felt the president should not have.

Wow, that definition sounds exactly like Democrats:

Levying war against the US: check
Adhering to our enemies: check
Giving enemies aid and comfort: check
and they will claim that actual treason is just dirty modern day politics as usual ......that both sides regrettably practice it against their political rivals .... and they will call for a kumbaya movement between democrats and conservatives...they will claim that the political climate has gotten so heated that good people in power made honest mistakes in which they believed they were doing the right thing in attempt to overthrow an election they lost !! they will falsely claim that its just rough politics and though it maybe wrong is not treasonous or criminal .....they will do this when the the Durham investigation is complete and may even start as early as the release of the IG report ..... and the left wing media and their leftist followers will bite into it hook line and sinker !! they will then make up bullshit claims that the right does or has done the same thing in the past using bullshit comparisons that dont add up or straight out lies .... they will then take the hi road and say it is time for a cooling of the heated political dialogue on both sides for ....wait for it......the good of the country .....
Wow, you just started a whole new conspiracy theory.
treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Like giving aid to a hostile nation sabotaging nuclear negotiations by running the cohen hearings on the same day?

Like kerry & obama meeting with Iran right after Trump pulls the plug on obamas nuclear "deal"?

Arming the mexican drug cartel? Selling russia 20% of all US uranium?

That's quite a bit of aid to our enemies!
Why are you arguing against the constitution? If any of them are guilty of treason then Trump's history concerning Russia puts his head in a noose. If Trump is not compromised by Putin he is putting on a good act.
The constitution provides us with THE definition of treason:

In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.

Our founders made the definition narrow for a specific reason. They had lived in a system where treason was whatever the King said it was. Some guy with a crown could just pronounce someone guilty and they were hung. This power to have people killed was something they strongly felt the president should not have.
That sounds a lot like Schiff-for-Brains.
Why are you arguing against the constitution?

Who's arguing against the constitution?

I gave you 4 SPECIFIC examples of democrat neck stretch.
Who cares? Do you know why so few people have been charged with treason? It's because it's practically impossible to convict. Authoritarians like you love to throw around accusations of high treason because you know it's an inflammatory term but it is by no means an accurate legal term for anything that has happened.
The constitution provides us with THE definition of treason:

In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.

Our founders made the definition narrow for a specific reason. They had lived in a system where treason was whatever the King said it was. Some guy with a crown could just pronounce someone guilty and they were hung. This power to have people killed was something they strongly felt the president should not have.

Wow, that definition sounds exactly like Democrats:

Levying war against the US: check
Adhering to our enemies: check
Giving enemies aid and comfort: check

No surprise that you Trumpettes think that 31% of all American voters are traitors........including virtually every African American and the majority of Jewish Americans.

No surprise at all
and they will claim that actual treason is just dirty modern day politics as usual ......that both sides regrettably practice it against their political rivals .... and they will call for a kumbaya movement between democrats and conservatives...they will claim that the political climate has gotten so heated that good people in power made honest mistakes in which they believed they were doing the right thing in attempt to overthrow an election they lost !! they will falsely claim that its just rough politics and though it maybe wrong is not treasonous or criminal .....they will do this when the the Durham investigation is complete and may even start as early as the release of the IG report ..... and the left wing media and their leftist followers will bite into it hook line and sinker !! they will then make up bullshit claims that the right does or has done the same thing in the past using bullshit comparisons that dont add up or straight out lies .... they will then take the hi road and say it is time for a cooling of the heated political dialogue on both sides for ....wait for it......the good of the country .....

If there's no opposition then there's no limits to what they can (and will) do.

All that is required for evil Leftists to prevail is for "good men" to believe that the only thing they need to do is maybe vote"

Venezuela is the most vivid modern example of what happens when "good men" look the other way too long. But China also now has reverted to extreme totalitarianism as well as Russia. People will forever become slaves and oppressed because they never learn and therefore always commit the same errors.
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No surprise that you Trumpettes think that 31% of all American voters are traitors........including virtually every African American and the majority of Jewish Americans.
No surprise at all

It's also no surprise that you snowflakes believe you have more support than you actually do. A surprising number of my African American friends are disgusted with democrats.
If you believe the media then you are sorely misinformed. The media today is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Only the severely ignorant don't know this by now. Fortunately for you snowflakes, the number of severely ignorant gullible to the left's propaganda is growing.
No surprise that you Trumpettes think that 31% of all American voters are traitors........including virtually every African American and the majority of Jewish Americans.
No surprise at all

It's also no surprise that you snowflakes believe you have more support than you actually do. A surprising number of my African American friends are disgusted with democrats.
If you believe the media then you are sorely misinformed. The media today is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Only the severely ignorant don't know this by now. Fortunately for you snowflakes, the number of severely ignorant gullible to the left's propaganda is growing.

Meanwhile you snowflakes are gullible enough to believe your Orange Messiah's propaganda. Only the severely ignorant don't know this by now.

And really- you have African American friends? lol

90% of African American voters consistently vote Democrat- or what you and your buddies would call them: Traitors.
and they will claim that actual treason is just dirty modern day politics as usual ......that both sides regrettably practice it against their political rivals .... and they will call for a kumbaya movement between democrats and conservatives...they will claim that the political climate has gotten so heated that good people in power made honest mistakes in which they believed they were doing the right thing in attempt to overthrow an election they lost !! they will falsely claim that its just rough politics and though it maybe wrong is not treasonous or criminal .....they will do this when the the Durham investigation is complete and may even start as early as the release of the IG report ..... and the left wing media and their leftist followers will bite into it hook line and sinker !! they will then make up bullshit claims that the right does or has done the same thing in the past using bullshit comparisons that dont add up or straight out lies .... they will then take the hi road and say it is time for a cooling of the heated political dialogue on both sides for ....wait for it......the good of the country .....

Another Trumpkin who has no clue what Treason means.

Not even Trump calling another country to investigate his political rival is treason.

Read the Constitution.

Do they have clue about anything? Hell they sit around all day posting and playing with their genitals.
No surprise that you Trumpettes think that 31% of all American voters are traitors........including virtually every African American and the majority of Jewish Americans.
No surprise at all

It's also no surprise that you snowflakes believe you have more support than you actually do. A surprising number of my African American friends are disgusted with democrats.
If you believe the media then you are sorely misinformed. The media today is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Only the severely ignorant don't know this by now. Fortunately for you snowflakes, the number of severely ignorant gullible to the left's propaganda is growing.

Oh look little Johnny there is one of my African American Friends oh I meant sometime maybe one of them might like me. If you had a friend you would have said one of my black friends.
The constitution provides us with THE definition of treason:

In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.

Our founders made the definition narrow for a specific reason. They had lived in a system where treason was whatever the King said it was. Some guy with a crown could just pronounce someone guilty and they were hung. This power to have people killed was something they strongly felt the president should not have.

Wow, that definition sounds exactly like Democrats:

Levying war against the US: check
Adhering to our enemies: check
Giving enemies aid and comfort: check

No surprise that you Trumpettes think that 31% of all American voters are traitors........including virtually every African American and the majority of Jewish Americans.

No surprise at all

Oh but when President Trump or any other Republicans win it’s okay to label half the country “racist” or “Russian agents” or “uneducated whites”.

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