The last 100 yards to bin Laden


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Analysis: The last 100 yards to bin Laden – Afghanistan Crossroads - Blogs

The fact that Attorney General Eric Holder believes that Osama bin Laden will not be found alive is not surprising to those I speak to in the national security community.

Senior military and intelligence officials have said to me over the years they don't really expect to get bin Laden alive.

The feeling is either he has a poison pill such as cyanide that he would take if cornered, a weapon on his person at all times to shoot himself, or his immediate security personnel - who are with him at all times - have taken a vow to shoot and kill him before he is taken.

Holder went on to say as much after his initial comment Tuesday.

"The chances he'll be captured alive are infinitesimal. He'll be killed by our people or his own people so he's not captured by us," Holder told Congress.

This has been a long-standing view by almost everyone I have spoken to, that generally the "last 100 yards to bin Laden" would be the toughest because of this scenario.
Bib Laden's been dead for years. The Pentagon keeps his ghost alive because the White House globalists need it as a PR tool to convince their pawns that they need to send their children to kill and die on foreign soil.
Can you imagine if Rudy ran NY like that and said, "the last 100 yards to Gotti will be the hardest" and talked about "reading Miranda rights to his corpse"
Can you imagine if Rudy ran NY like that and said, "the last 100 yards to Gotti will be the hardest" and talked about "reading Miranda rights to his corpse"

Bin Laden will never be taken alive. He knows his value as a martyr dissapears once he is captured. He must have a legend of he went down fighting the infidels rather than he went down by lethal injection

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