The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The United States


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The United States​

24 Sep 2021 ~~ By Michael Snyder
Our violent, blood-soaked culture has produced a violent, blood-soaked reality in our streets. The final numbers for 2020 have finally been released by the FBI, and they are stunning.
Prior to last year, the largest one year increase in the murder rate in the United States was 12.7 percent, and that came all the way back in 1968. Needless to say, many of you that are reading this article were not even alive in 1968. Well, we didn't just break the old record last year. We more than doubled it. According to the FBI's annual report on crime, the nationwide murder rate was up about 29 percent in 2020...
The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the FBI for its annual report on crime.
The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29%. The previous largest one-year change was a 12.7% increase in 1968.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Never before in U.S. history has the murder rate shot up so rapidly.
And guess what?
The murder rate is even higher this year than it was last year.
According to the New York Times, so far in 2021 the murder rate in our largest cities is almost 10 percent higher than it was during the same period in 2020...
The evidence from big cities suggests murder is still up in 2021 relative to 2020, although the increase is not nearly as big. My collection of data from 87 cities with publicly available year-to-date data shows murder up by 9.9 percent relative to comparable points in 2020.
That means that the violence in our inner cities has gotten even worse.
So why is this happening?
In an editorial for USA Today, a former deputy police commissioner linked the rise in violent crime to a lack of policing...
After the George Floyd protests started in New York City, the New York Police Department logged 45,000 fewer arrests from June to December -- a 38% decline while the Big Apple added more than 100 additional homicides (a 58% increase).
From June through the end of this February, Chicago's police made 31,000 fewer arrests -- a 53% decline as murders rose 65%. In Louisville, where massive unrest included the shooting of two police officers during a protest, homicides jumped 87% as the police made 35% fewer vehicle stops since June while arrests plummeted 42% during summer months compared with 2019.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.
The border invaders will be killing people right and left, but YOU will go to the death camps if you defend yourself.
All part of the plan.
Of course the violence, rioting, arson and murders committed by Antifa/BLM hasn't helped things. Then there's Chicago where the daily shootings exceed those in Afghanistan, and South Africa combined. But hey, who's counting.
Apparently Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have forgotten how to count. Meanwhile, the FBI points it's finger at white supremacists.
Indeed, PM/DSA Dem Leftists are the first to blame police for racism, brutality and murder telling us we should defund the police and put more emphasis on using Social Workers while they turn their backs to the rising crime rate within America.

The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The United States​

24 Sep 2021 ~~ By Michael Snyder
Our violent, blood-soaked culture has produced a violent, blood-soaked reality in our streets. The final numbers for 2020 have finally been released by the FBI, and they are stunning.
Prior to last year, the largest one year increase in the murder rate in the United States was 12.7 percent, and that came all the way back in 1968. Needless to say, many of you that are reading this article were not even alive in 1968. Well, we didn't just break the old record last year. We more than doubled it. According to the FBI's annual report on crime, the nationwide murder rate was up about 29 percent in 2020...
The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the FBI for its annual report on crime.
The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29%. The previous largest one-year change was a 12.7% increase in 1968.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Never before in U.S. history has the murder rate shot up so rapidly.
And guess what?
The murder rate is even higher this year than it was last year.
According to the New York Times, so far in 2021 the murder rate in our largest cities is almost 10 percent higher than it was during the same period in 2020...
The evidence from big cities suggests murder is still up in 2021 relative to 2020, although the increase is not nearly as big. My collection of data from 87 cities with publicly available year-to-date data shows murder up by 9.9 percent relative to comparable points in 2020.
That means that the violence in our inner cities has gotten even worse.
So why is this happening?
In an editorial for USA Today, a former deputy police commissioner linked the rise in violent crime to a lack of policing...
After the George Floyd protests started in New York City, the New York Police Department logged 45,000 fewer arrests from June to December -- a 38% decline while the Big Apple added more than 100 additional homicides (a 58% increase).
From June through the end of this February, Chicago's police made 31,000 fewer arrests -- a 53% decline as murders rose 65%. In Louisville, where massive unrest included the shooting of two police officers during a protest, homicides jumped 87% as the police made 35% fewer vehicle stops since June while arrests plummeted 42% during summer months compared with 2019.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.
The border invaders will be killing people right and left, but YOU will go to the death camps if you defend yourself.
All part of the plan.
Of course the violence, rioting, arson and murders committed by Antifa/BLM hasn't helped things. Then there's Chicago where the daily shootings exceed those in Afghanistan, and South Africa combined. But hey, who's counting.
Apparently Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have forgotten how to count. Meanwhile, the FBI points it's finger at white supremacists.
Indeed, PM/DSA Dem Leftists are the first to blame police for racism, brutality and murder telling us we should defund the police and put more emphasis on using Social Workers while they turn their backs to the rising crime rate within America.
You know who was President in 2020, right?
You know who was President in 2020, right?
I do. I also know - just as you do you feckin' HACK - that had he come down hard on the blue cesspool scum he'd have been attacked by POS wastes of carbon just like YOU. Guess what? When he's re-elected, neither he nor his supporters are going to give f**k-all about your whining and demands for investigations. THAT crap is DONE. Your media isn't going to matter, either. All it can do is mobilize hate against him and neither he nor his supporters give a damn about your hate. You know what that means? Only those with a spine will be paid any attention at all.

The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The United States​

24 Sep 2021 ~~ By Michael Snyder
Our violent, blood-soaked culture has produced a violent, blood-soaked reality in our streets. The final numbers for 2020 have finally been released by the FBI, and they are stunning.
Prior to last year, the largest one year increase in the murder rate in the United States was 12.7 percent, and that came all the way back in 1968. Needless to say, many of you that are reading this article were not even alive in 1968. Well, we didn't just break the old record last year. We more than doubled it. According to the FBI's annual report on crime, the nationwide murder rate was up about 29 percent in 2020...
The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the FBI for its annual report on crime.
The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29%. The previous largest one-year change was a 12.7% increase in 1968.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Never before in U.S. history has the murder rate shot up so rapidly.
And guess what?
The murder rate is even higher this year than it was last year.
According to the New York Times, so far in 2021 the murder rate in our largest cities is almost 10 percent higher than it was during the same period in 2020...
The evidence from big cities suggests murder is still up in 2021 relative to 2020, although the increase is not nearly as big. My collection of data from 87 cities with publicly available year-to-date data shows murder up by 9.9 percent relative to comparable points in 2020.
That means that the violence in our inner cities has gotten even worse.
So why is this happening?
In an editorial for USA Today, a former deputy police commissioner linked the rise in violent crime to a lack of policing...
After the George Floyd protests started in New York City, the New York Police Department logged 45,000 fewer arrests from June to December -- a 38% decline while the Big Apple added more than 100 additional homicides (a 58% increase).
From June through the end of this February, Chicago's police made 31,000 fewer arrests -- a 53% decline as murders rose 65%. In Louisville, where massive unrest included the shooting of two police officers during a protest, homicides jumped 87% as the police made 35% fewer vehicle stops since June while arrests plummeted 42% during summer months compared with 2019.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.
The border invaders will be killing people right and left, but YOU will go to the death camps if you defend yourself.
All part of the plan.
Of course the violence, rioting, arson and murders committed by Antifa/BLM hasn't helped things. Then there's Chicago where the daily shootings exceed those in Afghanistan, and South Africa combined. But hey, who's counting.
Apparently Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have forgotten how to count. Meanwhile, the FBI points it's finger at white supremacists.
Indeed, PM/DSA Dem Leftists are the first to blame police for racism, brutality and murder telling us we should defund the police and put more emphasis on using Social Workers while they turn their backs to the rising crime rate within America.
..yes this is undeniable --thanks to the Dems and BLM/blacks .....they murder each other at much higher rates and commit crime at much higher rates --and they want to defund the police/hate police!!!! = IDIOTS
You know who was President in 2020, right?

If you read the article, it claims that 2021 has already surpassed the crime rate across the U.S. for 2020.
"According to the New York Times, so far in 2021 the murder rate in our largest cities is almost 10 percent higher than it was during the same period in 2020...
The evidence from big cities suggests murder is still up in 2021 relative to 2020, although the increase is not nearly as big. My collection of data from 87 cities with publicly available year-to-date data shows murder up by 9.9 percent relative to comparable points in 2020."
Your deflection is duly noted. As usual it shows you're wrong.

The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The United States​

The nationwide murder rate was up about 29 percent in 2020... Just more good work by the Radical Leftwing blockheads, radicalized by their treasonous, hate-filled teachers and instructors, their lying media, and all the great people of Antifa, BLM, the Biddum Administration and the traitors of the democrat party.

kamala cum.jpg
Yes, it is all going according to plan.

Democrats cant "build back better" - aka Stalinist -- unless they totally destroy first.

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