The Kerry Effect


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

A lot that has happened that has really soured me, happened in the last term ( the direction of Iraq despite the Surge, more spending etc.) but I wasn't a rah rah Bush guy, and yes, Kerry was a huge factor, last time I wrote in Ron Paul because I could not stand either one of them.

and this time around? remember it took a confluence of events to push Obama over the top; "republican" exhaustion ( with), the housing market crash, a message that resonated, McCain was horrid and he won with 52.9%? despite popular media driven horse-hockey thats not a landslide, no where near it, I think Romney or Perry all things being equal,with the economy even at say 8.5% unemployment, they can make up 3% to 5%.
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Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

I believe that Herman Munster could win, based on the "obama effect".
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should not have been close at all....the Democrat, should have won in a landslide....people were very soured with the iraq war deaths of our men and women, gitmo and water boarding, the Abu Ghraib photos, how they passed the Pill Bill in the wee hours with bribes, cheney's energy task force still stealth, Halliburtan's vanishing money to Iraqi's, pundits on the payroll (armstrong williams) etc etc etc.
Most of the time presidents get re elected despite their opposition.

Bush I lost because he broke several major promises, and he seemed clueless about what people wanted. Carter.... Well Carter was Carter.

Obama lacks GHWBush's charm and engagement. He has no leadership.

McCain had a perfect storm against him in terms of personality, message, events, the whole melt down and still just managed to loose.

In 1980 the Republicans put up an elderly actor with a reputation for senility and bizzarity. People were so sick of Carter they voted for Reagan by a huge majority.

I have the feeling that the Republican candidate really won't matter. All the Lefties on the board keep saying the Republicans have got nobody. That may be true. But the Democrats have Obama.
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should not have been close at all....the Democrat, should have won in a landslide....people were very soured with the iraq war deaths of our men and women, gitmo and water boarding, the Abu Ghraib photos, how they passed the Pill Bill in the wee hours with bribes, cheney's energy task force still stealth, Halliburtan's vanishing money to Iraqi's, pundits on the payroll (armstrong williams) etc etc etc.

cheney's energy task force still stealth,

On the other hand you could say that Obama won the election because of the McCain effect. Even the surprise appointment of conservative dynamic Sarah Palin as VP couldn't energize republicans to vote for a rino.
Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should not have been close at all....the Democrat, should have won in a landslide....people were very soured with the iraq war deaths of our men and women, gitmo and water boarding, the Abu Ghraib photos, how they passed the Pill Bill in the wee hours with bribes, cheney's energy task force still stealth, Halliburtan's vanishing money to Iraqi's, pundits on the payroll (armstrong williams) etc etc etc.

cheney's energy task force still stealth,
yes, when they first took office, cheney gathered a PRIVATE energy task force....somethings were leaked or conjecture was made that he laid out plans to get a gas line put in to afghanistan and many other reason to go to war in iraq, with these energy heads like the Ken Lays of the industry and even with freedom of information act requests he still refused to tell us....
On the other hand you could say that Obama won the election because of the McCain effect. Even the surprise appointment of conservative dynamic Sarah Palin as VP couldn't energize republicans to vote for a rino.
right! except i think it's a little different when an existing president is running.
Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should not have been close at all....the Democrat, should have won in a landslide....people were very soured with the iraq war deaths of our men and women, gitmo and water boarding, the Abu Ghraib photos, how they passed the Pill Bill in the wee hours with bribes, cheney's energy task force still stealth, Halliburtan's vanishing money to Iraqi's, pundits on the payroll (armstrong williams) etc etc etc.

cheney's energy task force still stealth,


Still is...

"Executive priviledge" somehow extends to the vice president according to Cheney's bestest friend, Tony "The Shark" Scalia. :lol:
You are right. It's a little different when an existing president is running. That's wht you can't compare Kerry and incumbent president Obama except that they are both democrats. Bill Clinton beat incumbent George Bush sr. because of 3rd party candidate Ross Perot syphoning votes from republicans. John Kerry tried to promote his Military service to democrats who hated the Military and to republicans who saw through his exaggerated service record. His demeanor was angry and defensive and hostile. Kerry never had a chance to defeat an incumbent even with the total cooperation of the liberal media.
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

Thanks for Admitting that Obama does not actually deserve to win this Election, and needs to be helped by the Opposition putting up a weak Candidate.
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

I don't think that is true at all. First, people forget that back in 2004, the economy was good. Unemployment was at 3.5-4. Second people still justifiably feared al qaeda. Third, the GOP is putting up 3 very good options in Romney, Perry and Cain. If they let a nut in like Bachmann they are toast.
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

The problem isn't Democrats or Republicans. It's independents.

The thing was, yeah, Kerry wasn't a great candidate, but the fact is, Bush wasn't that bad of one.

When he stood for re-election in 2004, unemployment was at 5.5%. Fatalies in Iraq were less than 1000. We had seemed to have bounced back from the recession of 2001 that followed 9/11.

So independents could go with the "Devil you Know".

Also, Kerry himself was a large part of the problem. He was unable to attack Bush on the Iraq War because he had voted for it and was in the KILL SADDAM caucus of the Democratic party. He tried to paint himself as this big war hero by hiding his anti-war past, which the Swift Vets were happy to remind everyone of.

It wasn't his lack of Charisma, it was his lack of character what did him in.

(Do you like the little coloquiealism I did there?)

Obama doesn't have the luxury of saying, "Well Good enough". In every imaginable way, things are a lot worse now than when he took office. Maybe it's not his fault in that this was a pretty bad recession, but he hasn't inspired much confidence, so people might go with a bland Republican who looks like he can get the job done.
Quite often, after President Bush won his reelection, I've asked the people who voted for him the second time around, "why did you vote to reelect him?", and their answer always came back..."Because the Democrats put up Kerry as their candidate".....

Is Obama going to win his reelection in 2012 due to the "Kerry Effect"?

Due to there not being a strong, energetic, and charismatic Republican candidate that can pull Democrats over to vote for him?

He could. Look at Perry, the newest guy Republicans have wood for, or do they ? There is a yacht club ware I work now and again. At some point, any republican politician who wants the big Texas dollars will come and do a meet and greet and ask for money. Perry should have been there already, but has not shown up yet. I dont think folks are as jazzed up about him as the media makes them out to be.
Most of the time presidents get re elected despite their opposition.

Bush I lost because he broke several major promises, and he seemed clueless about what people wanted. Carter.... Well Carter was Carter.

Obama lacks GHWBush's charm and engagement. He has no leadership.

McCain had a perfect storm against him in terms of personality, message, events, the whole melt down and still just managed to loose.

In 1980 the Republicans put up an elderly actor with a reputation for senility and bizzarity. People were so sick of Carter they voted for Reagan by a huge majority.

I have the feeling that the Republican candidate really won't matter. All the Lefties on the board keep saying the Republicans have got nobody. That may be true. But the Democrats have Obama.

McCain didn't "just manage to lose". President Obama won with 365 electoral votes and 52% of the vote.

That said, he probably would have won had the economy not tanked and had he not picked the VP candidate he did.
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Kerry might have taken it if he took the Swift boat liars a little more seriously. But even with that the election was pretty close.

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CLose only counts in Hand Grenades and Horseshoes, Shallow.

I'm always amused how the Swift Vets get blamed for Kerry's loss.

Kerry did himself in on that one.

He tried to paint himself as something he wasn't.

"Only look at my three months in Vietnam where I got three Purple Hearts for superficial injuries! Don't look at my testimony in front of Congress where I accused soldiers of murdering babies. Don't look at the footage of me throwing my...errr someone's medals at Congress. Don't look at a 20 year congressional record of voting against the military. Don't look at my membership in VVAW, which once plotted to assassinate Senators. Don't look at me at the same anti-war rally with Jane Fonda. Don't look at ANY of that stuff. Just look at my three purple hearts. You are getting sleepy." :eusa_hand:

And then along come the Swift Vets, and they point out, "Uh, yeah, we served with that guy. What an asshole. He got out a week before a well-deserved fragging, truth to be told." :eek:

(For those not familiar with "Fragging", it was how enlisted men in Vietnam disposed of bad officers. Come to think of it, Kerry kind of looked like Nedermeyer from Animal House.)

In short, Kerry tried to paint himself as something he wasn't, and he got called on it. And unlike the GOP Congressman who gets caught with the hooker, he didn't even attempt to m ake a half-assed apology for it.

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