The Hussein is trotted out to campaign for Sleepy Joe


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
When has a candidate been so desperate they need a former President to campaign for them? Why are they campaigning in Michigan? Isn’t Biden up +10% there?


Joe Biden and Barack Obama are set to campaign in Flint and Detroit on Saturday, as the Democrats do what they can to ensure Biden wins Michigan this election year.

And, at least at the Detroit event, Stevie Wonder will be on hand to perform.

The Biden campaign announced on Friday some of the details of the events. Both
will be drive-in rallies, where attendees are encouraged to remain in their vehicles. Biden and Obama will focus on encouraging voter turnout for each event.

It's not very bright on the part of the Rats to send Hussein to campaign for Joke Biden, it's like one thug putting a good word for another thug.

He will hurt even more the dying Biden's campaign rather than help. I give a fig for those two criminals.:dunno:
Obama is more popular than Biden is, and he doesn't have a son like Hunter either. I think Barry wants to be appointed to the SCOTUS, and he knows Trump won't do it.
When has a candidate been so desperate they need a former President to campaign for them? Why are they campaigning in Michigan? Isn’t Biden up +10% there?


Joe Biden and Barack Obama are set to campaign in Flint and Detroit on Saturday, as the Democrats do what they can to ensure Biden wins Michigan this election year.

And, at least at the Detroit event, Stevie Wonder will be on hand to perform.

The Biden campaign announced on Friday some of the details of the events. Both
will be drive-in rallies, where attendees are encouraged to remain in their vehicles. Biden and Obama will focus on encouraging voter turnout for each event.

Check the name. LOL! Still seething that a multi racial man was your POTUS for 8 years.

Biden will be singing this song Tuesday night

oobla-di, oobla-da, party's over, grandpa!
When has a candidate been so desperate they need a former President to campaign for them? Why are they campaigning in Michigan? Isn’t Biden up +10% there?


Joe Biden and Barack Obama are set to campaign in Flint and Detroit on Saturday, as the Democrats do what they can to ensure Biden wins Michigan this election year.

And, at least at the Detroit event, Stevie Wonder will be on hand to perform.

The Biden campaign announced on Friday some of the details of the events. Both
will be drive-in rallies, where attendees are encouraged to remain in their vehicles. Biden and Obama will focus on encouraging voter turnout for each event.

Is that supposed to bring Black voters back to Biden? Obama didn't do jack squat for them for 8 years, this just makes Biden look even more like Obama 2.0.
Trump is a fascist.
If you have already voted for him, you voted for a dictator.

"""1. Trump uses military power and federal law enforcement to suppress peaceful political protest. In June, he deployed the National Guard and federal officers to violently evict protesters in Washington, terrorizing them with two military helicopters flying low near the crowd.

2. Trump persistently lies about voter fraud, setting the stage for him to use emergency powers to seize control of the election or challenge the results if he loses.

3. Trump has repeatedly suggested that he might remain in office after a second term and has offered reason to doubt he’d leave peacefully after this first term.
“Under the normal rules, I’ll be out in 2024, so we may have to go for an extra term,” he said at a rally last September.

4. Trump appears to believe he has the power to outlaw speech critical of him, and he calls the free press “the enemy of the people.”

5. With Fox News promoting Trump’s lies as truth, the president controls one of the most powerful propaganda machines ever created.

6. Trump believes that he has the power to do what he wants, regardless of Congress or the courts.

7. Trump acts as if he owns our government and can fire any official who defends the law.

8. Trump uses federal prosecutorial powers to investigate his opponents and anyone who dares scrutinize him or his allies for the many crimes they may have committed.

9. Trump viciously attacks his critics and has publicly implied that the Ukraine whistleblower should be hanged for treason.

10. Trump has messianic delusions that are supported with religious fervor by millions of his supporters.

11. Trump subscribes to a doctrine of genetic superiority and incites racial hatred to scapegoat immigrants and gain power.

12. Trump finds common ground with the world’s most ruthless dictators while denigrating America’s democratic allies.

The Great Obama is killing Trump day by day

Shows people what a REAL President looks like
"Lemme Be Clear"

Vote for Joe ......

You have to do your part.

I did my part by pimping out Malia to Hunter .....

Now go vote !!!
In 2016 Barry Obama was brought out to stump for another democrat candidate who had a weak lackluster
campaign. How did that work out for the party of Chinese collusion?
I thought Corrupt Joe had Michigan in the bag anyway! The left's rhetoric is contradicted by their

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