The Human Condition(human nature) & repeating The Past Over & Over & Over...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???

"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???


Soon, using the "M" word in public will get you arrested.

Well, maybe just in the big shithole cities. We still have values in small town America.

"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???

Well, we're a flawed species, to say the least. You may be talking about what is known as our "Id", our personal driving force.

While we're clearly advancing as a species in terms of technology, I don't know that we are in terms of our psychological growth. And it could be argued that our advancements in the former may be retarding or even damaging our advancements in the latter.

It appears we can't seem to get past groupthink and tribalism. They protect us. That appears to be a brick wall for us. My guess (and that's all we have) is that we have become intellectually lazy and simply unwilling to challenge ourselves (or fearful). To stretch. I call it "intellectual elasticity".

As a result, to your point, we don't seem to learn, in the big picture. Our "Id" may be the culprit.
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"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???

The problem is twofold

Power and Religion

Fear and the Wilfully ignorant

'the struggle between for and against is the minds worst disease


Soon, using the "M" word in public will get you arrested.

Well, maybe just in the big shithole cities. We still have values in small town America.

Small town America is where it's at, save for the rumors, scandals & scuttlebutt!

In 1972 I found myself employed as a 2nd year union apprentice construction(Shoshone court house) in the little mining town named Wallace, in Idaho which back then was LOADED with illegal houses of ill repute. On top of that there was illegal gambling in the basements of the taverns. The 'houses' were all well identified by the red door, red light & named(Oasis, U&I, Lux, Luxette etc.) How could the houses & gambling not be raided since they were literally ADVERTIZING to the general public on the street? EASY like the Sheriff was on the take for $$$$$ & a little lusting on the side! EVERYBODY back then in Wallace was on the take like there was 5 dollars in that town & everybody was chasing it!

A bit of history here; In 1992 I drove my C-J5 up to Wallace one evening to see if I could locate a couple(I'll call them Bill & Kathy) that were former fellow students that I had befriended when I was @ SFCC picking up my first degree(AAS). Bill had told me if I ever wanted to visit them to go to a certain tavern in Wallace & ask the bartender to let Bill know that I was there to visit them. When I arrived & walked into that tavern then asked the bartender if she would contact Bill & let him know I was in the pub to see him & Kathy, that tavern IMMEDIATELY went dead quiet. To make a long story a tad shorter they arrived & when the locals in the pub realized I was not a bad guy(a fed) the whole place came back to life like a pin ball machine coming to life!

The next day we pulled back into Wallace from Mullen(8/9 miles east on I-90 from Wallace) & Bill took me to a residence on the outskirts of Wallace(only 1 block off a paved street!). He led me to a refrigerated 18 wheel trailer, we went up the stairs & Bill pulled one of the doors open. To my absolute disbelief there were 7 ELK hanging on 7 hooks from the track mounted to the ceiling, with an 8th elk being butchered on table. They had a full butcher shop in that trailer for the animals they poached!!! I asked Bill if they were crazy as they had just been raided by the FBI but he assured me that they had made sure that their poaching operation was in no danger from the authorities. Like I said above EVERYBODY was in on the take back then in the small towns ESPECIALLY Idaho!!!!!! Below is the story of BLACK SUNDAY.

Yes I do agree that MODERN small town America is the 'value' area of America. Life was a LOT different back in the 60's/early 70's & I was a typical product of what I still call the era of survival(for me @ least).
Small town America is where it's at, save for the rumors, scandals & scuttlebutt!

In 1972 I found myself employed as a 2nd year union apprentice construction(Shoshone court house) in the little mining town named Wallace, in Idaho which back then was LOADED with illegal houses of ill repute. On top of that there was illegal gambling in the basements of the taverns. The 'houses' were all well identified by the red door, red light & named(Oasis, U&I, Lux, Luxette etc.) How could the houses & gambling not be raided since they were literally ADVERTIZING to the general public on the street? EASY like the Sheriff was on the take for $$$$$ & a little lusting on the side! EVERYBODY back then in Wallace was on the take like there was 5 dollars in that town & everybody was chasing it!

A bit of history here; In 1992 I drove my C-J5 up to Wallace one evening to see if I could locate a couple(I'll call them Bill & Kathy) that were former fellow students that I had befriended when I was @ SFCC picking up my first degree(AAS). Bill had told me if I ever wanted to visit them to go to a certain tavern in Wallace & ask the bartender to let Bill know that I was there to visit them. When I arrived & walked into that tavern then asked the bartender if she would contact Bill & let him know I was in the pub to see him & Kathy, that tavern IMMEDIATELY went dead quiet. To make a long story a tad shorter they arrived & when the locals in the pub realized I was not a bad guy(a fed) the whole place came back to life like a pin ball machine coming to life!

The next day we pulled back into Wallace from Mullen(8/9 miles east on I-90 from Wallace) & Bill took me to a residence on the outskirts of Wallace(only 1 block off a paved street!). He led me to a refrigerated 18 wheel trailer, we went up the stairs & Bill pulled one of the doors open. To my absolute disbelief there were 7 ELK hanging on 7 hooks from the track mounted to the ceiling, with an 8th elk being butchered on table. They had a full butcher shop in that trailer for the animals they poached!!! I asked Bill if they were crazy as they had just been raided by the FBI but he assured me that they had made sure that their poaching operation was in no danger from the authorities. Like I said above EVERYBODY was in on the take back then in the small towns ESPECIALLY Idaho!!!!!! Below is the story of BLACK SUNDAY.

Yes I do agree that MODERN small town America is the 'value' area of America. Life was a LOT different back in the 60's/early 70's & I was a typical product of what I still call the era of survival(for me @ least).



Wallace is such a charming little town. Unfortunately, charming little towns can be crooked.

I loved the film "Dante's Peak". It's a common topic of conversation when meeting folks while soaking in hot springs in small Western Montana and Eastern Idaho towns.



Wallace is such a charming little town. Unfortunately, charming little towns can be crooked.

I loved the film "Dante's Peak". It's a common topic of conversation when meeting folks while soaking in hot springs in small Western Montana and Eastern Idaho towns.

Wallace even has or had a BOARDWALK ON HIGH where one could look down into Wallace itself. I played the first electronic game in the world @ Sweets bar & Lounge, the game was called PONG a black & white ping pong game. We had a line of folks waiting to play PONG that went out to & on the sidewalk to play that game! I have fond memories of both Wallace & Harpster Idaho. Give me the stix/acreage & small towns ANYTIME!
Wallace even has or had a BOARDWALK ON HIGH where one could look down into Wallace itself. I played the first electronic game in the world @ Sweets bar & Lounge, the game was called PONG a black & white ping pong game. We had a line of folks waiting to play PONG that went out to & on the sidewalk to play that game! I have fond memories of both Wallace & Harpster Idaho. Give me the stix/acreage & small towns ANYTIME!

Yep, we played Pong all day long!

Gadzooks I can't believe I met another PONG player! Pong seemed short lived(?) & then I ran into Pac-Man but Pong was the granddaddy of all electronic games! Do you play card games like Canasta as well???
"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???

I'm not in much of a philosophical mood this morning. As it is, I've watched Bad Santa and Bad Santa 2 back to back, so.

Anyway. Placing that aside, a constructionist approach is, in my view, the Individual's only logical approach. Of course, that can be made applicable in different scenarios, including navigating the world around you in terms of every day life itself.
"There must be a way out of this for humanity." "It can't be that difficult to end this problem." "We need to get everyone on the same page." "It just takes reason & commonsense to make it work." "We have to escape this." "We as humanity can do better than this."

I heard the above mentioned so many times in my philosophy & sociology classes that they literally became mantras. Everyone of us, including ME had "THE" answer or correct suggestion to ending humanities problem with repeating the fiascos of humanities past. In one particular philosophy class a catfight actually broke out between two gals, each one from their own team. Once we managed to get them separated with one gal storming out the door threatening to sue the university & the other gal bawling her eyes out I remember thinking "schitt we just did the same thing our ancestors must have done." Once morals, team mentality & a skoosh of pride is mixed together we got a nuke ready to go off. We as individuals that form humanity as a whole, each & every single one of us have our own tailored opinions, meaning there really is no cure for humanity's problem with repeating the past disasters. A catfight in a philosophy class of all subjects can you even believe it???

If any of you thought you had THE answer, you all need to take a lot more classes then go out and get a lot more experience.
Gadzooks I can't believe I met another PONG player! Pong seemed short lived(?) & then I ran into Pac-Man but Pong was the granddaddy of all electronic games! Do you play card games like Canasta as well???

Nope. Never really played any other games. Actually never even got into Pac-Man.


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