The Horrible Insurrection . . .Watch the Video in Horror


Platinum Member
May 1, 2021
Look at this: People storming the capitol building, occupying it for days. Who is this? Look at this video:


According to reports: ". . . Thousands . . . have effectively occupied the state Capitol and the grounds around it for more than 36 hours now.
The first wave that jammed Capitol Square here yesterday to protest . . . .
. . . The chants of hundreds of public employees, union activists and supporters from the community could be heard as she spoke.

Meanwhile, the crowds outside, preparing for a second huge rally at 5 p.m. today, had already grown to over 20,000. The mass demonstrations and, thus far, two-day occupation of the Capitol building were triggered by the Republican governor’s budget proposal which called for elimination of collective bargaining rights for state workers.

As the first crowds jammed the square yesterday more than 3,000 went inside the Capitol where they chanted and protested while a hearing on the bill was conducted. By today their numbers had grown to 5,000, according to union organizers.

As Mann spoke, she said, teachers, teacher assistants and hundreds of students were being “peacefully escorted” into the Capitol building by state police. . . . "


Wait a second,
did you read that last? "hundreds of students were being “peacefully escorted” into the Capitol building by state police"

So under Republican Governor Walker, the insurrectionists we actually allowed inside to protest.
Under Democrats in Washington, the insurrectionists were shot at.

I wonder if things would have been nicer if Democrats had been welcoming like the Republican Governor was. Instead Democrats chose to shoot their own people, much like their puppet masters the Communist Chinese.

How interesting.
Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

According to Gomer here, since not every insurrectionist was violent, it means there were no violent insurrectionists. By the same logic, if we show even one BLM rally that wasn't violent, it means there was zero violence from BLM.

(Oh, did I just make Gomer's head explode?)
Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

According to Gomer here, since not every insurrectionist was violent, it means there were no violent insurrectionists. By the same logic, if we show even one BLM rally that wasn't violent, it means there was zero violence from BLM.

(Oh, did I just make Gomer's head explode?)
Fascist coup? Man you are such a slave...


"Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!"
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Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

So says the fascist. You fascists' are very good at trying to accuse others of that which you yourself are guilty of.

Democrats are today's American Fascists. That is a verifiable fact.

Antisemitism from the squad and others . . . . . attacks on Christian conservatives, outing ("doxing") Trump donors and supporters, targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like Antifa, a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector, calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler. The democratic party behaves exactly like Nazis and uses their tactics and mirrors their policies.

. . . . the Democrats today, openly socialist just like Hitler, behave exactly like Nazis. Exactly!

Imagine Democrat governors calling on neighbors to rat each other pout for having to many guests at Thanksgiving. Just like Hitler Youth leaders told kids to rat out their own parents.

The liberals are dealing with a serious fascism problem. Whether it be the rise of anti Semitism, The Kristallnacht tactics of Antifa, the shouting down and shutting down free speech on campus or the random attempted murder of police.

My God just look around you: People are locked in their homes and our most precious rights of freedom to associate and travel are stripped from us.

Democrats enable the murder of millions of innocent humans every years in their Planned Butcherhood "clinics". And now I suppose you will say that a baby is not an innocent human being?

How about embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism)? Nazis forced people in school to learn their junk science on the Arian race, just like Liberals embrace junk science on transgenderism and gender fluidity.

Gun control? favorite of Nazis and Communists.

You embrace the very evils that they practiced. Democrats' Nazi strong arm tactics, blackshirts in the streets (Antifa), heir murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Parenthood death camps, their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
This is my take-away from the OP:

Wait a second, did you read that last? "hundreds of students were being “peacefully escorted” into the Capitol building by state police"

So under Republican Governor Walker, the insurrectionists we actually allowed inside to protest.
Under Democrats in Washington, the insurrectionists were shot at.

I wonder if things would have been nicer if Democrats had been welcoming like the Republican Governor was. Instead Democrats chose to shoot their own people, much like their puppet masters the Communist Chinese.

How interesting.
Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

According to Gomer here, since not every insurrectionist was violent, it means there were no violent insurrectionists. By the same logic, if we show even one BLM rally that wasn't violent, it means there was zero violence from BLM.

(Oh, did I just make Gomer's head explode?)
All the "violent insurrectionists" were crisis actors.

Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

So says the fascist. You fascists' are very good at trying to accuse others of that which you yourself are guilty of.

Democrats are today's American Fascists. That is a verifiable fact.

Antisemitism from the squad and others . . . . . attacks on Christian conservatives, outing ("doxing") Trump donors and supporters, targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like Antifa, a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector, calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler. The democratic party behaves exactly like Nazis and uses their tactics and mirrors their policies.

. . . . the Democrats today, openly socialist just like Hitler, behave exactly like Nazis. Exactly!

Imagine Democrat governors calling on neighbors to rat each other pout for having to many guests at Thanksgiving. Just like Hitler Youth leaders told kids to rat out their own parents.

The liberals are dealing with a serious fascism problem. Whether it be the rise of anti Semitism, The Kristallnacht tactics of Antifa, the shouting down and shutting down free speech on campus or the random attempted murder of police.

My God just look around you: People are locked in their homes and our most precious rights of freedom to associate and travel are stripped from us.

Democrats enable the murder of millions of innocent humans every years in their Planned Butcherhood "clinics". And now I suppose you will say that a baby is not an innocent human being?

How about embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism)? Nazis forced people in school to learn their junk science on the Arian race, just like Liberals embrace junk science on transgenderism and gender fluidity.

Gun control? favorite of Nazis and Communists.

You embrace the very evils that they practiced. Democrats' Nazi strong arm tactics, blackshirts in the streets (Antifa), heir murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Parenthood death camps, their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
It is called "DoubleThink". Orwell described it perfectly.
Check it out, another whitewashing of the very violent fascist coup attempt.

According to Gomer here, since not every insurrectionist was violent, it means there were no violent insurrectionists. By the same logic, if we show even one BLM rally that wasn't violent, it means there was zero violence from BLM.

(Oh, did I just make Gomer's head explode?)
Hmmm... uh, no guns seized, no shots fired, No looting OR arson... But, by all means, feel free to stay stuck on stupid. The evidence of cheating will set the stage for creating no way for a steal in 2024. IOW, the Left will be losing their effing miiiinds...
Democrats are today's American Fascists. That is a verifiable fact.

The Nazis also made up stories about how the Jews/liberals were really the violent ones, so they could justify their violence against Jews/liberals. You're following in the footsteps of your heroes and mentors.

It's not a question that you're emulating the Nazis in many ways. It's only a question of whether there's any way at all in which you differ from the Nazis. I can't see any. You'd all have made the perfect GoodGermans in the 1930s. You're basically an object lesson of how democracies can be lost to fascism.

Antisemitism from the squad and others . . . . .

Half of the Trump cultists here rave about the jews and the zionist conspiracy, and they're your best buddies. I'm just making it clear where we all stand. You all tongue antisemite rectums with gusto, while we oppose the antisemites. So, another way in which you emulate the Nazis, and which we oppose them.

attacks on Christian conservatives,

Pointing out your side's disgusting treasonous behavior makes us patriots, not Nazis. I understand that fascist criminals don't like to have their fascism and treason highlighted, but they're fascist traitors, so making them cry is a _good_ thing.

demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector,

Cuckoo, cuckook cuckoo, cuckoo ...

We get it. You don't know what "socialism" means. Your fascist masters told you to fling it as a mindless insult, and being a good fascist footsoldier, you always obey your masters.

. . . . the Democrats today, openly socialist just like Hitler, behave exactly like Nazis. Exactly!

That's right, the Nazis were all about economic growth, affordable health care and human rights.

Keep on sucking it hard, fascist losers. Cry all the fascist sore-loser tears you want, but Biden is still president. Your extremely violent brownshirt pals are still going to prison. The nation still despises your gang of fascists, and you're still just sorry fascist sore-losers, crying impotent sore-loser tears because you can't force everyone else to live in your fascist utopia.

Now, more tears, please. Your fascist sore-loser tears are a delectable beverage indeed. Mmmmm, so delicious. Yumyumyumyum.
Hmmm... uh, no guns seized, no shots fired, No looting OR arson...

And there it is again, a Trump cultist openly attempting to whitewash their extremely violent fascist insurrection, which they all proudly backed and still back.

I don't know if they've been brainwashed into actually believing their big lies, or if they're lying deliberately. It doesn't matter. Nobody outside of their fascist cult believes them. You know they're all shaking in rage now because their Goebbels-style big lie campaign isn't working for them.
Look at this: People storming the capitol building, occupying it for days. Who is this? Look at this video:

View attachment 486062

According to reports: ". . . Thousands . . . have effectively occupied the state Capitol and the grounds around it for more than 36 hours now.
The first wave that jammed Capitol Square here yesterday to protest . . . .
. . . The chants of hundreds of public employees, union activists and supporters from the community could be heard as she spoke.

Meanwhile, the crowds outside, preparing for a second huge rally at 5 p.m. today, had already grown to over 20,000. The mass demonstrations and, thus far, two-day occupation of the Capitol building were triggered by the Republican governor’s budget proposal which called for elimination of collective bargaining rights for state workers.

As the first crowds jammed the square yesterday more than 3,000 went inside the Capitol where they chanted and protested while a hearing on the bill was conducted. By today their numbers had grown to 5,000, according to union organizers.

As Mann spoke, she said, teachers, teacher assistants and hundreds of students were being “peacefully escorted” into the Capitol building by state police. . . . "


Wait a second,
did you read that last? "hundreds of students were being “peacefully escorted” into the Capitol building by state police"

So under Republican Governor Walker, the insurrectionists we actually allowed inside to protest.
Under Democrats in Washington, the insurrectionists were shot at.

I wonder if things would have been nicer if Democrats had been welcoming like the Republican Governor was. Instead Democrats chose to shoot their own people, much like their puppet masters the Communist Chinese.

How interesting.

That is the worst attack on Wisconsin democracy since Joe McCarthy.

Again, bottom line:

The Republican Governor let the mobs IN so they could protest inside.

The Democrats decided to SHOOT their fellow Americans.

Who here gets that

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