The history of reckless illegal immigration in California


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
For many many years farmers enjoyed cheap slave labor on their farms. The government monitored illegals and even sprayed people with DDT.

At some point in time, the Socialists who took over California decided to load the state with people from Mexico. Cheap labor, more electoral votes, and another good way to destroy everything.

Hispanic gangs have been causing problems in the cities since the 50's.

By the late 70's , drug crime and gang crime were rising rapidly. Why did Americans want action? because the crimes were reported in the news and becoming more frequent. (no it wasn't because of "racism")

By the early 1980's illegal immigration and crime was completely out of control.

The first thing that happened was Americans started to pick up and leave California. They weren't going to vote, they weren't going to complain, they weren't going to talk about it, they just packed their sht and moved out of the state. This is what people called "White Flight"

People started to demand political action for crime and illegal immigration, and at first , ALL the politicians were onboard, ...talking about all the great things they were going to do.

What no one knew was, our "Democracy" degraded into a bunch of politicians who had no care, whatsoever, what the people wanted and what they were voting for. Not much of a surprise with the Democrats, but the Republicans of California were just as worthless. California had Republican governors most of the time. Most of these problems should have been solved in the late 70's.


The Socialists designed the welfare system so it's not for males.

Women are paid to have children, the more they have, the more money they get.

plus schooling and rent/mortgage breaks, all paid for by the working American.

County health care services. 'Hey! can't pay? don't worry about it, we'll tax Americans'

Now, do you want to live in a cardboard box, or a shack in Mexico? or do you want to walk across the red carpet to America?


First our liar politicians said ,

"Yes we need to do something about illegal immigration"


"They only take jobs Americans don't want"


"The economy will be hurt if they leave"


"You're racist if you want to enforce the law"


"These people have constitutional rights"

and now it's "You need to kiss their ass if you want to win an election"


So now, mothers are sitting home on welfare or the parents are out working jobs. The kids are running wild and the statistics on gang activity are going through the roof.

The left wing says "oh look, many of these gang members are citizens"

How is this a "home grown" phenomenon when the parents and the kids are growing up in 100% Hispanic communities and none of them have any loyalty to the country what-so-ever?


We have hoards of these people in the schools in our society.

The majority of them of horrible reading/writing skills, how will they survive in America?

No problem, the Socialist cut wages and just change the work force so these people need to master a few simple tasks.

My parents were terrified (my dad has an 8th grade education), everything related to the government they felt they had to comprehend , fill out correctly and completely.

In dealing with the Mexicans the government says "Hey! don't even worry about it", the government never bothers them . If there is some official business that can't be ignored, they have businesses that will take care of everything for them, in their language. No Problem.

You can go down to Olvera street, right now, and buy bootleg movies, yeah it's illegal but hey don't worry about it , the Mexicans need the under-the-table money. The FBI can shove their little warning


The government bullsht statistics.

The area is 100% Hispanic for miles and miles and miles, and the government was telling us for years the city is 80% "white"


The Democrats drove the train off the tracks.

The Mexican Mafia took over street crime by killing everyone who doesn't obey when they get to prison, and in many cases county jail.

California is now one of the largest open air growing regions of marijuana in the world. The government puts on their little drug enforcement act, flies a helicopter over the farm so everyone can run away, then makes a raid to burn the plants every now and then.

When weed stores were legalized, crime organizations were the first ones to start supplying the stores.


At first it was "Hey! these people take jobs Americans don't want"

Now many companies and trades expect to see Hispanic employees.

Gardening, Drywall , Painting...better start your own business if you're not Hispanic because no one is hiring you out here for that kind of work.

Los Angeles has decided the best way to avoid racism complaints from a Hispanic community is to hire more Hispanic police. (of course, now they have problems with police ignoring certain crimes)

Since the Ranger's department deals mostly with permits to play soccer in the parks, the Ranger's department needs to be all Hispanic too. ...there's another job Americans didn't want.


Who they hell gave the left-wing the authority to slam the door on young Americans for careers and hand them over to immigrants?


Enough is enough. All this freebie bullsht has to come to an end. If they can't be responsible for themselves they have to leave...and take their American citizen kid with them.

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