The Greatest Killer ofMankind: Government


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Government has throughout history killed its own people with impunity, the 20th century alone totaling over 262 million people.

[ame=]Innocents Betrayed - Say NO to Gun Control! - YouTube[/ame]

While the above list of videos has some good information, it does have some 9/11 Truther bullshit in it, so viewers should keep that in mind, as Alex Jones has pushed that shit quite a bit and it has a lot of traction.

Different counts by different people have different totals depending on methodology and time frames chosen.

Rudolph Rummel has done the most detailed and documented count of people killed by their own government.

Rummel is the creator of the term democide: "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder". He has further stated: "I use the civil definition of murder, where someone can be guilty of murder if they are responsible in a reckless and wanton way for the loss of life, as in incarcerating people in camps where the may soon die of malnutrition, unattended disease, and forced labor, or deporting them into wastelands where they may die rapidly from exposure and disease."

His research concludes that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, he estimates that there have been 262 million victims of democide in the last century[7] and that six times as many people have died at the hands of people working for governments than have died in battle.

He argues that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity. "The more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom." He concludes: "Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth."
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Government has throughout history killed its own people with impunity, the 20th century alone totaling over 262 million people.

Innocents Betrayed - Say NO to Gun Control! - YouTube

Do you realize that "Government" is not an alien species or extraterrestrial.

Government is people.

You're talking about man's inhumanity toward man.

But our Government is the best in the world. Not perfect, but still the most progressive and amazing institution.

If you don't like it here, get out.
Government has throughout history killed its own people with impunity, the 20th century alone totaling over 262 million people.

Innocents Betrayed - Say NO to Gun Control! - YouTube

Do you realize that "Government" is not an alien species or extraterrestrial.

Government is people.

No shit, Sherlock, as has every murder in the history of mankind been PEOPLE too.

lol, whata stupid ass comment.

But our Government is the best in the world. Not perfect, but still the most progressive and amazing institution.

Our government has been turned into a dictatorship under the Obama Regime with the assistance of the Big Lie Media and the Democratic Party. RINOs are enabling it by not doing anything to oppose except to cause some ruckus as they stand inline for their share of the pork barrel pay outs.

You libtards are destroying our nation by supporting a dictator.

If you don't like it here, get out.

I am a native born American. I aint goin nowhere, dipshit.
Government has throughout history killed its own people with impunity, the 20th century alone totaling over 262 million people.

Innocents Betrayed - Say NO to Gun Control! - YouTube

Do you realize that "Government" is not an alien species or extraterrestrial.

Government is people.

You're talking about man's inhumanity toward man.

But our Government is the best in the world. Not perfect, but still the most progressive and amazing institution.

If you don't like it here, get out.

Inhumanity toward's man by men in Positions of power. Through the Gov't Stalin killed 20 million of his own people. Hitler killed millions of his own people. China killed millions of their own people. All controlled killing by people in charge of the Gov't.

The video to me is simply don't ever give up your right to own a gun. It's much harder to kill the people if they have the means to fight back.

Our Constitution has prevented the gun grabbers from taking away the guns in this country, but they will never stop trying to do so. Registration is the KEY FIRST STEP to this process. As this was done in Europe and Canada. Which is why honest gun owners who have never committed any crimes with their guns refuse to give them up.

The Gun grabbers use every killing in America to justify their cause, but ignore the acts in self defense where people were saved by the use of guns. These grabbers are intent on punishing the innocent for the actions of the criminals.............and they must be challenged at every step.

They will deny their true purpose, and will do so here on this thread. Saying they aren't trying to take guns............but they understand their purpose even as they Lie about their real intent. and so the issue continues................
BTW. I second the statement on not going anywhere dipshit..................

I also will never register or give up my guns...........I don't care what laws are passed that would force me to do so.........I will consider any law forcing me to give up my guns as against the Constitution, and will simply ignore them.

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