The Great Train Robbery

Gavin Newsom clarifies calling train thieves ‘gangs’: 'Forgive me ... They're organized groups'....
Why not call them what they are, Gavin Newsome Voters
Gavin Newsom clarifies calling train thieves ‘gangs’: 'Forgive me ... They're organized groups'....
Why not call them what they are, Gavin Newsome Voters
I was amazed when he said the robberies were a moving target. Maybe he ought to think back to the last time train robberies were common and do what they did. Put armed guards on the trains with the authority to shoot to kill anyone who boards the train illegally.
The left cares so much about the environment they say...yet after a leftist event they leave the area a mess of litter and discarded items (pets, garbage, rape victims and dead bodies). Obama's inauguration ....what a freakin' mess when those people left. Over and over we see this from the left's so called envirowhackos. Now we have the garbage and litter from these so called train robberies. Newsome apologized for calling them gangs. can't have that. And the litter was left there.

SO. a group of people concerned with the mess decided to go clean it up..for a number of reasons, it was hazardous to trains and to the area (derailment of a train carrying some hazardous material) The cops told them they could not go into the area yet those same cops do nothing when these gangs go in to jump onto slowmoving or stopped trains, use bolt cutters to get into them and then steal items leaving everything else in train or on the ground.

Sounds like we are living in an alternate universe doesn't it. when good people are denied entry and thieves are given carte blanche.

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