The Gospel (Explained under the light of Spiritism)


Jun 25, 2021
The Gospel (Explained under the light of Spiritism) contains the essence of the moral teachings of Christ, thus providing a foundation under which followers of all religions – even those who profess no religion at all – can gather, for it offers a sure guide for our inner transformation, which, according to Christ, is indispensable for us to find future happiness and inner peace, a state that is possible for the spirit on its evolutionary journey to God only by complying fully with the divine laws. E-book:
The Gospel (Explained under the light of Spiritism) contains the essence of the moral teachings of Christ, thus providing a foundation under which followers of all religions – even those who profess no religion at all – can gather, for it offers a sure guide for our inner transformation, which, according to Christ, is indispensable for us to find future happiness and inner peace, a state that is possible for the spirit on its evolutionary journey to God only by complying fully with the divine laws. E-book:
- which, according to Christ, is indispensable for us to find future happiness and inner peace, a state that is possible for the spirit on its evolutionary journey to God only by complying fully with the divine laws.
you have the etched tablet written by the 1st century itinerant for your claim to be true ...

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