The GOP betrayal of Romney


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Most Left wingers that post about this would say that Romney had a great deal of courage to defy the entire GOP to vote Trump as guilty in the Senate. However, may I offer another perspective?

I think Romney simply fears the Left more than all else. He fears them more than God, as we saw him turn pro-choice as a politician despite his so called religious beliefs, and now he has turned on Trump as well.

Mitt Romney

For you see, Romney was pro-choice despite the objections from a religion he supposedly embraced, but then thought that he could not win nationally unless he converted to pro-life. But now he believes that the pro-life crowd are not as powerful as he once thought. Add to the fact that he sees what the Left has done to the Trump family and those around him and he now fears the Left above all.

But on some level, I can sympathize with those fears. After all, the brown shirts are ravenous. Look what they have done to people who decided to defy the PC culture.

Here we have an ESPN announcer calling a tennis match with a black athlete and said she was using guerrilla tactics and was translated by many to mean gorilla tactics and racist. He was then fired and had a heart attack as he saw his professional life ruined and his health.

Or look at what happened to a man caught saying racist things on a private line which caused him to lose his NBA team once revealed. Keep in mind, he won an award by the NAACP for his support of those in the black community.

Donald Sterling banned for life by the NBA for racist comments - CBS News

Or how about Megyn Kelly losing her job over using the term Black face?

US journalist Megyn Kelly loses talk show after blackface remark - Breitbart

Meanwhile, if you are a democrat you can get caught coloring your face black in the past so long as you belong to the right party like we saw with the governor of Virginia or even Tardeau in Canada.

Mitch must have some fear because he has not yet converted to the democrat party so he must be careful.
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There is a possibility that Romney actually, genuinely thought Trump abused his power and voted guilty on that charge. If that’s the case then it was brave to go against the party and the president. If he did it out of spite or in coordination with opponents of the president then it’s slimy politics. I do think that there is a possibility though that he voted sincerely. It’s something we will never truly know though.
Most Left wingers that post about this would say that Romney had a great deal of courage to defy the entire GOP to vote Trump as guilty in the Senate. However, may I offer another perspective?

I think Romney simply fears the Left more than all else. He fears them more than God, as we saw him turn pro-choice as a politician despite his so called religious beliefs, and now he has turned on Trump as well.

Mitt Romney

For you see, Romney was pro-choice despite the objections from a religion he supposedly embraced, but then thought that he could not win nationally unless he converted to pro-life. But now he believes that the pro-life crowd are not as powerful as he once thought. Add to the fact that he sees what the Left has done to the Trump family and those around him and he now fears the Left above all.

But on some level, I can sympathize with those fears. After all, the brown shirts are ravenous. Look what they have done to people who decided to defy the PC culture.

Here we have an ESPN announcer calling a tennis match with a black athlete and said she was using guerrilla tactics and was translated by many to mean gorilla tactics and racist. He was then fired and had a heart attack as he saw his professional life ruined and his health.

Or look at what happened to a man caught saying racist things on a private line which caused him to lose his NBA team once revealed. Keep in mind, he won an award by the NAACP for his support of those in the black community.

Donald Sterling banned for life by the NBA for racist comments - CBS News

Or how about Megyn Kelly losing her job over using the term Black face?

US journalist Megyn Kelly loses talk show after blackface remark - Breitbart

Meanwhile, if you are a democrat you can get caught coloring your face black in the past so long as you belong to the right party like we saw with the governor of Virginia or even Tardeau in Canada.

Mitch must have some fear because he has not yet converted to the democrat party so he must be careful.

None of that is germane to why Mittens trembles in fear of the left.

He's up to his armpits in Barisma shit, and everyone behind the curtain knows it.
Romney has been a RINO and in Deep State's pocket for years.

Mitt Romney’s father, George, was the three term moderate governor of Michigan. Like his son, George Romney was a successful business leader before entering politics.

After being elected Governor in 1962, he broke with conservative Republicans in the legislature and with Democratic support implemented, for the first time, income taxes on Michigan’s citizens and also gave collective bargaining rights to public employees.
Why Republicans don't trust Romney
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There is a possibility that Romney actually, genuinely thought Trump abused his power and voted guilty on that charge. If that’s the case then it was brave to go against the party and the president. If he did it out of spite or in coordination with opponents of the president then it’s slimy politics. I do think that there is a possibility though that he voted sincerely. It’s something we will never truly know though.

Romney's a chameleon, like many.
Do I need to remind everyone that Romney made a speech imploring people not to vote for Trump in 2016? Romney wanted Hillary to win.
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.

It would be one thing if romney dug in with his dorothy heels and voted because of principle, had their been anything besides faux outrage from the left,..........but we both know that romneys croc tear heart tugging, consternation, hand wringing had to do with him being rejected and orange man being coronated. Im not sure what romney enjoys grabbing while cruising around in his batman underwear with his dog in tow on the roof and folders filled with prospective women to interview.
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.

Being in opposition to the majority of your party is fine. Joining with the Sith as a means of revenge is annoying.

In Romney's case, voting for conviction without evidence being presented is merely a tantrum over his own failure, and pathetic fawning for imagined popularity with the enemy. His weepy moral dilemma was nothing more than a dramatic construct meant to cover his true intent.
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.

Being in opposition to the majority of your party is fine. Joining with the Sith as a means of revenge is annoying.

In Romney's case, voting for conviction without evidence being presented is merely a tantrum over his own failure, and pathetic fawning for imagined popularity with the enemy. His weepy moral dilemma was nothing more than a dramatic construct meant to cover his true intent.
Your opinion of the evidence is just that. worth nothing beyond your opinion. worth no more or no less than a raging lib's. Romney, as a senator, however, actually got a vote, and it was as valid as any of the other 99
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.

Being in opposition to the majority of your party is fine. Joining with the Sith as a means of revenge is annoying.

In Romney's case, voting for conviction without evidence being presented is merely a tantrum over his own failure, and pathetic fawning for imagined popularity with the enemy. His weepy moral dilemma was nothing more than a dramatic construct meant to cover his true intent.
Your opinion of the evidence is just that. worth nothing beyond your opinion. worth no more or no less than a raging lib's. Romney, as a senator, however, actually got a vote, and it was as valid as any of the other 99

Reflecting on Romney more than me, eh? :113:
You mean to tell me that a person can be a republican and not countenance pussy grabbing and strong arming for countries to take out your political opponents? Ohhhhhhh, the temerity. Romney and Barr both need to get back on their knees and swear feality to their Lord and Master. And Kelly needs to be de-pensioned.
You best look at your own. There have been some if not many who make Trump look like a piker.
You marxist fucks thought romney was the spawn of satan when he had binders of women and dogs on the roof of his car. Your evolving 'opinions' mean fuck-all to most Americans, as you will soon find out this fall. God DAMN that's going to be sweet.

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