The Global Climate Status Report (GCSR) Summary Climate Assessment December 10, 2014


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The Global Climate Status Report(GCSR)
Summary Climate Assessment
December 10, 2014

Now this is one heck of warning. Retired NASA Scientists among many others are warning that our current cooling cycle is about to rapidly increase.

2.Climate Prediction for the Next Thirty Years.

Based on the SSRC’s Relational Cycle Theory (RC Theory) using natural cycles as a means for climate prediction and in view of the trends demonstrated by the twenty four global climate parameters, the following climate prediction is believed to be the most accurate available for the period of 2015 to 2044:

a.Highly variable and extreme weather events are expected during the transition from the past warm period to one of rapid global cooling.

b.This next climate change to a long and deep cold era is expected to last for at least the next thirty to forty years.

c.The extent and depth of the cold weather produced in this new climate era is estimated to be the worst in over two hundred years producing a global temperature reduction of 1.0 to 1.5 degrees centigrade.
The Global Climate Status Report(GCSR)
Summary Climate Assessment
December 10, 2014

Now this is one heck of warning. Retired NASA Scientists among many others are warning that our current cooling cycle is about to rapidly increase.

2.Climate Prediction for the Next Thirty Years.

Based on the SSRC’s Relational Cycle Theory (RC Theory) using natural cycles as a means for climate prediction and in view of the trends demonstrated by the twenty four global climate parameters, the following climate prediction is believed to be the most accurate available for the period of 2015 to 2044:

a.Highly variable and extreme weather events are expected during the transition from the past warm period to one of rapid global cooling.

b.This next climate change to a long and deep cold era is expected to last for at least the next thirty to forty years.

c.The extent and depth of the cold weather produced in this new climate era is estimated to be the worst in over two hundred years producing a global temperature reduction of 1.0 to 1.5 degrees centigrade.

The Space and Science Research Corporation? Are you kidding? Have you been to their website?

Why don't you stop wasting our time.
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Evidently, nobody is caring about the globe warming by .04 degree's or so over the past 18 years. All the "consensus sciece" people were telling us for years that the globe would be increasing in temps by 3.5 degree's + by now. Ghey.

Astute people who wander into this forum DO NOTICE that the climate crusader AGW bomb throwers always refer to vague terms like "warming" and "increasing" to perpetuate the notion that Miami will be under water by 2020. is what it is with these people.

The agenda is at risk to accept anything short of the established narrative.

Lets face it........blatant intellectual dishonesty is so fucking ghey.[URL=][/URL]
LOL. Oh well, watch the dingleberries make excuses as the globe continues to warm.
The Global Climate Status Report(GCSR)
Summary Climate Assessment
December 10, 2014

Now this is one heck of warning. Retired NASA Scientists among many others are warning that our current cooling cycle is about to rapidly increase.

2.Climate Prediction for the Next Thirty Years.

Based on the SSRC’s Relational Cycle Theory (RC Theory) using natural cycles as a means for climate prediction and in view of the trends demonstrated by the twenty four global climate parameters, the following climate prediction is believed to be the most accurate available for the period of 2015 to 2044:

a.Highly variable and extreme weather events are expected during the transition from the past warm period to one of rapid global cooling.

b.This next climate change to a long and deep cold era is expected to last for at least the next thirty to forty years.

c.The extent and depth of the cold weather produced in this new climate era is estimated to be the worst in over two hundred years producing a global temperature reduction of 1.0 to 1.5 degrees centigrade.

The Space and Science Research Corporation? Are you kidding? Have you been to their website?

Why don't you stop wasting our time.

CAGW whores have wasted my time and billions upon billions of dollars to promote their lie. If you want to spout off about wasting time, you guys take the cake, the bank, and freedoms for fun...

Both you and Old Fraud cant even debate the science they show. You use adhoms and try and discredit everyone you dont agree with.. It is YOU who is wasting our time and monies for stupidity.
Billy, I've asked you before why, given how all your previous ice age predictions have flopped, anyone should believe this prediction. You ran.

I've asked what you're going to do when this new ice age prediction flops. You ran.

I detect a pattern.

A year from now, the warming will have continued. And Billy will then make yet another ice age prediction, and will again get very cross when his perfect record of failure is pointed out.

Billy, give us a number. How many more years of warming will it take for you to admit you've been totally wrong?
Billy, I've asked you before why, given how all your previous ice age predictions have flopped, anyone should believe this prediction. You ran.

I've asked what you're going to do when this new ice age prediction flops. You ran.

I detect a pattern.

A year from now, the warming will have continued. And Billy will then make yet another ice age prediction, and will again get very cross when his perfect record of failure is pointed out.

Billy, give us a number. How many more years of warming will it take for you to admit you've been totally wrong?

Ummmm.............can you please define "warming" for the audience, honey????:boobies::boobies::dunno:
Billy, I've asked you before why, given how all your previous ice age predictions have flopped, anyone should believe this prediction. You ran.

I've asked what you're going to do when this new ice age prediction flops. You ran.

I detect a pattern.

A year from now, the warming will have continued. And Billy will then make yet another ice age prediction, and will again get very cross when his perfect record of failure is pointed out.

Billy, give us a number. How many more years of warming will it take for you to admit you've been totally wrong?

Too Funny.. 18 years 3 months of zero warming.. and you believe its warming? Stuck on stupid..
Of course, in those 18 years, we have seen 16 of the warmest on record. Gee whiz, why would that make us think that the warming is continuing?

Billy Boob, please continue to post your dingleberry looney bin sites. They give those not yet familiar with the science a yard stick with which to measure the true depths of depravity that you denialists have resorted to.
Of course, in those 18 years, we have seen 16 of the warmest on record. Gee whiz, why would that make us think that the warming is continuing?

Billy Boob, please continue to post your dingleberry looney bin sites. They give those not yet familiar with the science a yard stick with which to measure the true depths of depravity that you denialists have resorted to.


The Version 5.6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for February, 2015 is +0.30 deg. C, down a little from the January 2015 value of +0.35 deg. C (click for full size version):

February temperature higher than any prior to 1998. Look at the average prior to 1998. Look at the average after 1998. Will the next step be the same or larger.

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