The Future of the GOP is DONALD J TRUMP!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.

The future of America.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
Trump was the GOPs saviors and the country's as well.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
Any port in a storm, I choose Port Trump.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
The future of the party of trump is trump. trump has hijacked the GOP and destroyed it. There is no GOP.
Long live the trump autocracy!
I think both parties are changing, and the direction the GOP goes in depends on whether Trump wins. Assuming that he does, Trump's appeal is that he gets things done and he's not a far left socialist democrat loon. If he does win it sure as hell won't be due to his personality and popularity, so it'll almost have to be his achievements while in office which actually are pretty impressive for a guy who gets little or no help from Congress.

I don't know if the GOP will return to it's roots for fiscal responsibility or not, maybe they don't have to because the democrats' spending idea are so outrageous. I don't see the GOP moving away from the idea of less gov't and lower taxes and fewer regulations, and most of their positions on the social issues of abortion, gun control, law and order, etc. Whether Biden wins or not, I don't see the democrats moving back to the center on their Green New Deal, and their positions on open borders, bailouts, higher taxes, etc. So the Repubs are mostly gonna say vote for us cuz we ain't them. Negative politics is here to stay.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wou
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
The future of the party of trump is trump. trump has hijacked the GOP and destroyed it. There is no GOP.
Long live the trump autocracy!
Try doing better than a lame reply.
ldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
The future of the party of trump is trump. trump has hijacked the GOP and destroyed it. There is no GOP.
Long live the trump autocracy!
You can do better
Like Reagan, Trump is a once-in-a-generation phenomenon. Pence might ride his coattails for a term or two, but the handwriting is on the wall. The American Republic is infected from the inside, and the public is too stupid to understand that it will soon become fatal.

Eat, drink and be merry...
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wou
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
The future of the party of trump is trump. trump has hijacked the GOP and destroyed it. There is no GOP.
Long live the trump autocracy!
Try doing better than a lame reply.
ldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.
The future of the party of trump is trump. trump has hijacked the GOP and destroyed it. There is no GOP.
Long live the trump autocracy!
You can do better
I said all that needs to be said. The GOP has different values than trump, who values only himself.
Hell name one Republican other than Trump who can withstand the Dem, Media, swamp terrorists attacks on the right, there's nobody.
That would not be an issue if trump was a person of character instead of the grifter that he is.
This seems obvious to me, but some clingers still exist in Never Trump anuses.

Neither of those attacks landed. He famously opposed entitlement reform, and ran as a big-spending Republican. And the closet theocrat charge? Needless to say, that mantle is hard to hang on Trump. Clinton was left with a series of personal attacks on him that failed to resonate as much as Democrats had hoped.
Second, Rubio et al. might have amassed similar – or better – popular vote counts, but they wouldn’t have been as efficiently distributed as Trump’s and still would have lost. Remember, in 2012 the Electoral College actually had a Democratic bias to it, in part because Romney famously failed to connect with blue-collar voters because of his stance on fiscal issues and his culturally upscale persona.

The problem is that voters hated both candidates. Trump won because he was not Hillary Clinton. His stance on issues was not a major issue.

The Trump Republican Party has no future. It relies on rural areas of the country that are being replaced by fast growing suburban and urban areas. This will make Texas blue eventually.

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