The Future of Fox News?

Fox News had to stay rational for the most part and limit the ridiculous nonsense to Hannity's program, which isn't news.

And so they're sucking their way back and will be fine after Trump's supporters with short attention spans forget what Fox needed to do.
Yeah, very possible. The question may be whether Newsmax and AON can sustain their momentum. Both are pure propaganda networks and 100% on board with any election conspiracy, though, and that's where the Trumpsters' heads are. And Fox is on Trump's shit list. They have their work cut out for them.
Yes! Only msnbc and cnn are TRUE news, only they will give you the straight and unbiased truth! Down with fox, down with newsmax! CNN forever!
You're certainly free to (try to) change the subject if you'd like.
Huh..I thought my post was on point..

Weren't you saying that oan and newsmax pure conspiracy? I was agreeing with you, cnn and msnbc should be the only news sources allowed because they are the only reputable news sources out there.

Where did I try to change the subject?
I don't agree that "cnn and msnbc should be the only news sources allowed because they are the only reputable news sources out there".
The extremist and rabid right need to ask themselves why most of the media has turned against them, especially now that even Fox News won't follow them into the cesspools of racism and hate.

Upstarts such as OANN and Newsmax won't do any better because there's a limit on how dirty they will be willing to go for politics. If they do't limit it they won't even be recognized as existing in a few months!

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