The French.

The American way. If l lived there (well I do from time to time) I’d probably get into it. As it is, I’m sort of disenfranchised, politically and economically.
I could not even finish this, she is so bat-shit insane and ignorant about how economics are supposed to work. She needs to take ECON. 101. Unless this agit-prop. is on purpose?

She should get together with AOC and Bernie Sanders, her ideas about how economics work, are about as realistic and helpful. She has a lot in common with those two.

Command economy solutions, only muck up society, the market, and in the end, make things worse.

If there is a problem? It stems from the government, and the Central Bank. Her dumb ass covering for the elites, and their corrupt machinations, is NOT helping matters at all.

The distortions in the market, just have to work themselves out. If the ruling elites, by their own stupid policies, make energy un-affordable, or make us all homeless, well? Then so be it. . . better to push us all closer to lopping off the heads of the aristocrats and the ruling elites, and overthrowing the global banking cabal, and dismantling the Aristocratic Common Wealth of Nations, that further mucking up the market.

The only thing, that has ever proved to free people, and work in the long run, is natural law.

The folks running France, are still in cahoots with the WEF. The last thing we need to do, is adopt more socialism.


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