The Four Main Fails of AGW


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
You can trace it back to the real culprit of Greenhouse gases, water vapor. Prog elites have not yet been able to figure out how to tax that, but when they do, you can bet it will be on the progs radar....
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
You can trace it back to the real culprit of Greenhouse gases, water vapor. Prog elites have not yet been able to figure out how to tax that, but when they do, you can bet it will be on the progs radar....
In the AGW Bible, "Earth in the Balance" Al Gore does state that water vapor is the culprit, but that the water vapor increases due to increases in CO2
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
You can trace it back to the real culprit of Greenhouse gases, water vapor. Prog elites have not yet been able to figure out how to tax that, but when they do, you can bet it will be on the progs radar....
In the AGW Bible, "Earth in the Balance" Al Gore does state that water vapor is the culprit, but that the water vapor increases due to increases in CO2
Al Jazeera Gore is a interplanetary terrorist....Fucker pollutes more than a small city..
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments.
A flat out lie. The absorption characteristics of CO2 are characterized by hundreds of papers. We've shown them to Frank before.

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep?
Well, yes. Again, we've explained that to Frank in one-syllable words. The fact that he's an imbecile doesn't make reality invalid.

3. So many failed predictions!
Again, a big lie. The climate scientist predictions have been excellent, while Frank and his cult pals have faceplanted consistently for over 40 years running now.

4. The AGW Cult;

Flat earthers and scientologists also claim that those outside of their cults are the real cultists. That's standard behavior for authoritarian-follower cult losers. They can cry and whine all they like, but all the data _still_ say's they're kook cult losers. Frank thinks he can overturn reality if he just throws enough trantrums, but that is not the case.

AGW science crosses all political boundaries all around the world, because it's actual science. If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change at all.

Frank's butthurt denialism is restricted mostly to American conservatives, because it's entirely political. If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly cease to exist.
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments.
A flat out lie. The absorption characteristics of CO2 are characterized by hundreds of papers. We've shown them to Frank before.

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep?
Well, yes. Again, we've explained that to Frank in one-syllable words. The fact that he's an imbecile doesn't make reality invalid.

3. So many failed predictions!
Again, a big lie. The climate scientist predictions have been excellent, while Frank and his cult pals have faceplanted consistently for over 40 years running now.

4. The AGW Cult;

Flat earthers and scientologists also claim that those outside of their cults are the real cultists. That's standard behavior for authoritarian-follower cult losers. They can cry and whine all they like, but all the data _still_ say's they're kook cult losers. Frank thinks he can overturn reality if he just throws enough trantrums, but that is not the case.

AGW science crosses all political boundaries all around the world, because it's actual science. If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change at all.

Frank's butthurt denialism is restricted mostly to American conservatives, because it's entirely political. If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly cease to exist.
Ooooh, Hundreds of papers, but most scientist agree that the big reason why heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere is water vapor, but the prog elite has yet to figure out how to tax that.

My wife the other day went into the Atlantic ocean to see if it was warm enough to swim, you would think after all these years of alarmist warming theory it would be around 80 degress, but it wasnt, it was just over 50 degrees. But hey, keep on being a stupid twit.

The predictions of increased hurricane activity never happened and the intensity hasnt happened either. But when you change global warming into Climate Change, then you can just add stupid shit to the predictions and if it happens, you can congratulate yourself. A stopped clock is right two times a day.

AGW science is like the APA deciding to take homosexuality off as a mental illness. It only took a majority of doctors to vote that it wasnt crazy shit anymore.

Today it was 68 degrees down here in Florida, 20 degrees below normal, but why is it below normal?

A prog slave theory "It must first get really hot up in the Arctic Circle so all that ice can melt, then the cooling air from the ice, moves down into the hot areas to cool that area. Insanity, prog slaves are just fucking inane.
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Ooooh, Hundreds of papers, but most scientist agree that the big reason why heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere is water vapor, but the prog elite has yet to figure out how to tax that.

Water vapor is a feedback, not a forcing. The CO2 causes the warming, and the warming causes more water vapor.

This is basic stuff, and you fail completely at it. You;'re too ignorant of the topic to understand how ignorant you are, a textbook example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

My wife the other day went into the Atlantic ocean to see if it was warm enough to swim
Sweet Jeebus, you're dim. The grownups are talking. Back to the kiddie table with you. Here's a juicebox.

The predictions of increased hurricane activity never happened
Increased hurircane activity was never predicted. Again, you're completely ignorant of the science.

and the intensity hasnt happened either.
Absolutely wrong.

But when you change global warming into Climate Change,
As the Bush admin did. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

Today it was 68 degrees down here in Florida, 20 degrees below normal, but why is it below normal?
You can't grasp the difference between climate and weather, but you expect _not_ to be laughed at by normal people?

A prog slave theory "It must first get really hot up in the Arctic Circle so all that ice can melt, then the cooling air from the ice, moves down into the hot areas to cool that area. Insanity, prog slaves are just fucking inane.
Meth is a helluva drug.
Ooooh, Hundreds of papers, but most scientist agree that the big reason why heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere is water vapor, but the prog elite has yet to figure out how to tax that.

Water vapor is a feedback, not a forcing. The CO2 causes the warming, and the warming causes more water vapor.

This is basic stuff, and you fail completely at it. You;'re too ignorant of the topic to understand how ignorant you are, a textbook example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

My wife the other day went into the Atlantic ocean to see if it was warm enough to swim
Sweet Jeebus, you're dim. The grownups are talking. Back to the kiddie table with you. Here's a juicebox.

The predictions of increased hurricane activity never happened
Increased hurircane activity was never predicted. Again, you're completely ignorant of the science.

and the intensity hasnt happened either.
Absolutely wrong.

But when you change global warming into Climate Change,
As the Bush admin did. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

Today it was 68 degrees down here in Florida, 20 degrees below normal, but why is it below normal?
You can't grasp the difference between climate and weather, but you expect _not_ to be laughed at by normal people?

A prog slave theory "It must first get really hot up in the Arctic Circle so all that ice can melt, then the cooling air from the ice, moves down into the hot areas to cool that area. Insanity, prog slaves are just fucking inane.
Meth is a helluva drug.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaa....Water Vapor is the cause of a green house. Walk into a Green House, can you breath in it with all the CO2 or just breath Water Vapor. Fuck where did you go to school.

As for you repudiating my statements, bwaaaahahhaaaaa..You are such a joke.

Climate is when in the summer time, the temperature gets hot. Weather is when in the winter time, it gets cold. When it gets really cold in the spring, nothing to see here, move along...
Ooooh, Hundreds of papers, but most scientist agree that the big reason why heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere is water vapor, but the prog elite has yet to figure out how to tax that.

Water vapor is a feedback, not a forcing. The CO2 causes the warming, and the warming causes more water vapor.

This is basic stuff, and you fail completely at it. You;'re too ignorant of the topic to understand how ignorant you are, a textbook example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

My wife the other day went into the Atlantic ocean to see if it was warm enough to swim
Sweet Jeebus, you're dim. The grownups are talking. Back to the kiddie table with you. Here's a juicebox.

The predictions of increased hurricane activity never happened
Increased hurircane activity was never predicted. Again, you're completely ignorant of the science.

and the intensity hasnt happened either.
Absolutely wrong.

But when you change global warming into Climate Change,
As the Bush admin did. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

Today it was 68 degrees down here in Florida, 20 degrees below normal, but why is it below normal?
You can't grasp the difference between climate and weather, but you expect _not_ to be laughed at by normal people?

A prog slave theory "It must first get really hot up in the Arctic Circle so all that ice can melt, then the cooling air from the ice, moves down into the hot areas to cool that area. Insanity, prog slaves are just fucking inane.
Meth is a helluva drug.
I bet you know all about drugs.....Manpoopth.
Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
1) Lack of physical bench test repeatability, in context.

2) Lack of a control group or sample.

3) Lack of quantifiability.

4) Lack of falsifiability.

Let's add:

5) 100% failure rate of predictability.

Climate is when in the summer time, the temperature gets hot. Weather is when in the winter time, it gets cold.

Just wow.

Nah, your level of stupidity is the norm, now.

Not one of your claims refutes the OP. Not one. You ignore the scientific method, you claim computer derived fiction is data, and you have yet to make an accurate prediction.

In other words you and yours fit the very definition of a cult. An anti science cult. Very much on the order of a flat earther.

Not one of your claims refutes the OP. Not one. You ignore the scientific method,
Says the pseudoscinece crank who still won't tell us what could falsify his thoery of denialism, or even what his theory is.

Our beliefs can be falsified by hard data. Yours can't. That makes us the ones using the scientific method, and you pseudoscience-embracing religious cranks.

you claim computer derived fiction is data,

And so you go back to your weird lie about models. All of the directly measured hard data supports AGW theory. No models are required. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.

and you have yet to make an accurate prediction.
A really stupid lie. For example, the models predicted 0.2C warming per decade. The measured rate is 0.19C/decade. Stunning success there.

So, when's the major cooling going to arrive, as your side has been predicting for the past 40 years?


2) Lack of a control group or sample.
You think there can be a control group for "earth"? Where are you stashing the spare planet?

And while you're at it, what is your theory of denialism, and what hard data could falsify it? If you're not a psuedoscience crank, you should be able to answer that.


2) Lack of a control group or sample.
You think there can be a control group for "earth"? Where are you stashing the spare planet?

And while you're at it, what is your theory of denialism, and what hard data could falsify it? If you're not a psuedoscience crank, you should be able to answer that.

So you admit you have no control group or sample....Which itself is in turn a tacit admission that you cannot bench test your lunatic hypothesis on demand, and in context, either.

Exactly why you cannot quantify or falsify the hypothesis, and why your predictions have been wrong 100% of the time.

And I'm the "denialist". :auiqs.jpg:

Not one of your claims refutes the OP. Not one. You ignore the scientific method,
Says the pseudoscinece crank who still won't tell us what could falsify his thoery of denialism, or even what his theory is.

Our beliefs can be falsified by hard data. Yours can't. That makes us the ones using the scientific method, and you pseudoscience-embracing religious cranks.

you claim computer derived fiction is data,

And so you go back to your weird lie about models. All of the directly measured hard data supports AGW theory. No models are required. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.

and you have yet to make an accurate prediction.
A really stupid lie. For example, the models predicted 0.2C warming per decade. The measured rate is 0.19C/decade. Stunning success there.

So, when's the major cooling going to arrive, as your side has been predicting for the past 40 years?

You are so damned funny! Your so called "accurate prediction of warming" has been massaged so many time to make it fit to the reality that has occurred, and the data to support that "adjustment" so falsified as to be laughable. What's even more laughable is you think we don't remember the ACTUAL predictions, that were miles off!

Go suck eggs you idiot.

Not one of your claims refutes the OP. Not one. You ignore the scientific method,
Says the pseudoscinece crank who still won't tell us what could falsify his thoery of denialism, or even what his theory is.

Our beliefs can be falsified by hard data. Yours can't. That makes us the ones using the scientific method, and you pseudoscience-embracing religious cranks.

you claim computer derived fiction is data,

And so you go back to your weird lie about models. All of the directly measured hard data supports AGW theory. No models are required. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.

and you have yet to make an accurate prediction.
A really stupid lie. For example, the models predicted 0.2C warming per decade. The measured rate is 0.19C/decade. Stunning success there.

So, when's the major cooling going to arrive, as your side has been predicting for the past 40 years?

You are so damned funny! Your so called "accurate prediction of warming" has been massaged so many time to make it fit to the reality that has occurred, and the data to support that "adjustment" so falsified as to be laughable. What's even more laughable is you think we don't remember the ACTUAL predictions, that were miles off!

Go suck eggs you idiot.
If you listen to the Warming zelots, they must always say that the Earth temperature has gone up year after year, not taking into effect the record cold temperatures that would offset the warming periods, so you end up with screwed up data, while some people died in freezing temperatures because Wind and Solar(the energy of the past) just didnt fill the needs of the many. Shame Manpoopth wasnt one of those who froze to death. Probably would have on the tombstone.

Froze to Death
Because of
Global Warming

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