The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It?

By Joshua Holland

Redistributing the wealth is a defining function of the modern state, just like defending its borders or maintaining a judicial system.

American conservatives have lurched so far to the right they're now trying to re-litigate questions about the role of government that have been settled for hundreds of years.

More: The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It?

Yes, they did, Dunno.


Karl Marx - The Father of The Constitution


Friedrich Engels - Ass't Founding Father

As Always, Heil Hitler.

The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It?

By Joshua Holland

Redistributing the wealth is a defining function of the modern state, just like defending its borders or maintaining a judicial system.

American conservatives have lurched so far to the right they're now trying to re-litigate questions about the role of government that have been settled for hundreds of years.

More: The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

That's probably the most stupid thing I have ever read.

Congrats for finding it and sharing. We're all the more stupid for having read it and the fact that this is what you seek out, explains why you're so vapid.
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Granted Josh Holland, the author of the essay, is a radical left winger but you have to have your thumb up your ass to believe that the taxes in effect shortly after the Revolution, which financed the fledgling government and the Constitutional mandate to "provide for the common defence", were enacted to redistribute wealth. It just ain't true and Holland probably knows it. If he doesn't it is an example of the sorry state of the education system in the US.
The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It?

By Joshua Holland

Redistributing the wealth is a defining function of the modern state, just like defending its borders or maintaining a judicial system.

American conservatives have lurched so far to the right they're now trying to re-litigate questions about the role of government that have been settled for hundreds of years.

More: The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Dam, it was right in front of me all this time, your hallowing at the moon has done permanent brain damage...
Ain't the OP the guy yelling "*******" in one of his threads? Yeah people like RW and TM give him "thanks" all the time...
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It always cracks me up when people say that our founding fathers believed this or that, or that Jesus believed this or that...
The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It?

By Joshua Holland

Redistributing the wealth is a defining function of the modern state, just like defending its borders or maintaining a judicial system.

American conservatives have lurched so far to the right they're now trying to re-litigate questions about the role of government that have been settled for hundreds of years.

More: The Founding Fathers Believed in Redistributing Wealth -- Why Do Tea Party Heroes Like Perry and Bachmann Vilify It? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

did you even read your own dumb ass link?

The guy says nothing to prove the founding fathers believed in 'wealth redistribution'. He talks about the normal taxes of the day which were imposed. Not a damned thing in that piece talks about taking my money and giving it to people who do not, in your tiny little mind, have enough... just to 'be neighborly', as Obama put it.

Pub dupes!! The rich have tripled their wealth under voodoo, but it's the Kenyan Muslim Marxist who wants to redistribute the dumb CAN you get?

You see asshole, people who have increased their wealth have EARNED their money, while people like you sit on your fat asses collecting checks from what amounts to State sanctioned larceny.
levying taxes to build a road or fight a war isn't quite the same as levying taxes to keep your belly full of malt liquor and ring dings and pay you to sit on your fat ass, you twit!

it isn't? fat ass Cheney got fat off tax dollars, I would rather pay someone a few dollars to sit on their ass then pay someone billions of dollars to destroy our country.
Talk about dishonesty by both the author of the OP and author of the link. I guess if we're for any taxes at all we're for wealth redistribution now? Of course that means exactly the same thing as taking from haves and giving to the have nots. What a fucking joke.
Talk about dishonesty by both the author of the OP and author of the link. I guess if we're for any taxes at all we're for wealth redistribution now? Of course that means exactly the same thing as taking from haves and giving to the have nots. What a fucking joke.

You said it all right there, Bern.... perfect
Granted Josh Holland, the author of the essay, is a radical left winger but you have to have your thumb up your ass to believe that the taxes in effect shortly after the Revolution, which financed the fledgling government and the Constitutional mandate to "provide for the common defence", were enacted to redistribute wealth. It just ain't true and Holland probably knows it. If he doesn't it is an example of the sorry state of the education system in the US.

Yeah. I remember reading about that "fledgeling Govt" haveng a hissy fit when $10,000 dollars was given to French immigrants to help them settle in America.

Our allies the French who helped up win the war.

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