The Former King Of Spain Quits His Country???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The former king of Spain, Juan Carlos, announced on Monday he was abandoning his country amid a Spanish court investigation into a lucrative business contract and a separate money laundering and tax evasion probe in Switzerland. In a letter released by the royal household and addressed to King Felipe VI, his son and Spain’s current monarch, King Felipe thanked his father and stressed the importance of his legacy, while at the same time underlining Spain’s adherence to the rule of law and the values enshrined in its Constitution. In March, King Felipe VI renounced his personal inheritance from his father, and also stripped his father of his stipend, amid a money laundering investigation launched by a Swiss prosecutor and focused on two separate offshore foundations."

This is stupid....doesn't being a King come with certain privileges?? All of this "adherence to the rule of law" talk is for the common folks, not royalty..not the powerful....So what he evaded taxes and did some money laundering; he was the King for crying out loud...isn't there some Deep State boogeyman he can blame all of this stuff on and move on? And what kind of son do you have to be to throw your own father under the bus like that?? You distance yourself from your dad and then strip away his royal cash-flow too?? This type of thing would never happen in the states; we have more respect for our presidents than that...especially the conservative ones.
Juan Carlos has been a tremendous disappointment since the death of Spain's beloved Caudillo.

Generalissimo Franco showed he wasn't a good judge of character at all when he picked this doofus to reign.
The only country over there worse than Spain is Italy. It's asshole is the smallest county called Vatican shitty that controls both of them
Monarchy was always a profoundly poor idea of how to run things. Preserving it today is either laughable or insane, yet there are those who adore it.
A good monarchy (as in the Scandinavian countries or in Japan?) can be a stabilizing force.

For example, during the Honorable Donald J. Trump's four years in office, there was much animosity.

If we had had a monarch (king or queen) who was beloved and respected by almost all of the people, it might have helped to temper the unpleasantness of the last four years.

Human beings need someone to look up to. I would rather have young people look up to a monarch than to an athlete or singer.
Human beings need someone to look up to.
Why? I despise looking up to. I respect a lot of people's talent and skill(s), singers, song writers and story tellers come to mind.
Oh, Sprint Car drivers too- I should say them the most.

I look into myself- not up to. I rely on me, not others, for motivation, although something I see can inspire me to write a song- I can't tell a story worth a damn though-

I despise politicians and authoritarians who feel they're better than others- but, I don't look down on them, I just ignore their rhetoric and look at my signature line-

Do, why do people need someone to look up to is my point? What are they looking for?
A good monarchy (as in the Scandinavian countries or in Japan?) can be a stabilizing force.

For example, during the Honorable Donald J. Trump's four years in office, there was much animosity.

If we had had a monarch (king or queen) who was beloved and respected by almost all of the people, it might have helped to temper the unpleasantness of the last four years.

Human beings need someone to look up to. I would rather have young people look up to a monarch than to an athlete or singer.
The "need" for someone to look up to is entirely debatable. That people often do it is clear. It is usually the wrong person for the wrong reason(s). If it were Lao Tzu or Buddha or Jesus it would be much better. Looking up to those who are born into a certain family is an insult to human potential. Sports and entertainment figures make little sense as well. Unfortunately, society plays upon the feebleness of our race to keep us in its thrall rather than trying to enhance our abilities so we can be exalted.

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