The fitness of US presidents


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This article:

A History of Fat Presidents - Forbes

Came out in 2011, not 2013 or 2014.

It lists the five presidents who were technically obese.


William Howard Taft (R): 1909-1913


Grover Cleveland (D): 1885-1889, 1893-1897


William McKinley (R): 1897-1901


Zachary Taylor (Whig): 1849-1850


T. Roosevelt (R): 1901-1909

It lists an old BMI index of the gentlemen.

Taft is the best known case, for he was definitely the fattest of all of our presidents. The story of the bathtub is indeed a true one. What is less known about Taft is that he never really wanted to be President, he really wanted to be a Supreme Court justice (as wish that would be fullfilled after his term in office). In fact, immediately after leaving office, he dropped 30 pounds very quickly.

Teddy Roosevelt was big, but he also lifted weights and ran.

Bill Clinton was overweight while in office, but he was not obese. Since his heart condition, he has become much leaner.

There were other presidents who were overweight, but not technically obese:


Warren Harding (R): 1921-1923

FDR (D): 1933-1945

Actually, before the polio struck, FDR, who was a tall man, was quite lean. Here is a pic of him as Vice-Presidential nominee in the 1920 campaign:



Ulysees S. Grant (R): 1869-1877

The war-worn, extremely popular General started pretty lean in office, but he picked-up a lot of weight while in office.


I think it is fair to say that, by and large, our Presidents since Harry Truman have been pretty lean, and most of them were quite fit.


Harry Truman (D): 1945-1953

Truman had a normal build and was known to eat pretty frugally.


Dwight D. Eisenhower (R): 1953-1961

Eisenhower as a football player:



John F. Kennedy (D): 1961-1963

Before his illness, Kennedy was quite an athletic man.


Lyndon Baines Johnson (D): 1963-1968

Neither fat nor thin, LBJ had an average stature.


Richard Nixon (R): 1969-1974

Nixon also played football as a young man:



Gerald R. Ford (R): 1974-1977

Ford was one of the fittest presidents we ever had. He was also probably the most talented football player of the bunch:


(University of Michigan, 1933)


Jimmy Carter (D): 1977-1981

Carter was a lean man, and stayed quite fit.


Ronald R. Reagan (R): 1981-1989

Reagan also played college football, but was better know for his looks as a hollywood actor:


The President's commission on fitness was started during the Reagan administration. In his 70s, Reagan was not the leanest man in the world, but he stayed active.


George Herbert Walker Bush (R): 1989-1993

Bush as a college footballer:



Bill Clinton (D): 1993-2001

Bill looked relatively lean on the campaign trail in 1992, but he picked up weight while in office. He was probably our heaviest president since FDR. Since leaving office, after his heart condition was diagnosed, he has lost a lot of weight.


George W. Bush, Jr. (R): 2001-2009

and young George W. Bush:


He was a football cheerleader:


At the time he was a football cheerleader, it was quite normal for males to do this.

President Bush did not smoke and he gave up drinking years before. He also had a strict morning workout regimine. He is probably one of the fittest presidents we ever had.


Barack H. Obama (D): 2009-

And a young Obama:


There is no doubt that President Obama is one of the leanest Presidents we have ever had. Not a football officionado, he prefers basketball.


I hope you enjoyed this picture gallery of many of our presidents.

Were Chris Christie to be elected to the Presidency in 2016, he would be our first fat President since late FDR and our first really obese President since Taft.

You can see from the listing that we went through a period after the Civil War, during and beyond the so called "gilded Age", where most pols were quite rotund.

This is no way denigrates Gov. Christie, his weight would not be a factor in my decision to vote or to not vote for him.

But in this media-dominated age, it would be interesting to see if a truly fat person would even have a chance at the Presidency.

On my list of the fittest president ever, I would have these names, in reverse chronological order:

Barack Obama
George W. Bush, Jr.
George W. Bush, Sr.
Gerald Ford
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harry Truman
Woodrow Wilson

Feel free to add any information over the fitness of our presidents that you think is appropriate.
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I wouldn't call Teddy Roosevelt obese. He had a stocky build but was quite physically fit

JFK had back problems that prevented him from being physically fit (didn't hold up his sex life though)

We all know about FDR who was quite fit before he contracted polio
Cool thread.

Damn, Nixon looked alot like Ben Stiller in his youth.

He'd fit in with today's hipsters with that hair do..

Don't think I've ever heard LBJ described as "average stature". I don't know his dimensions but I thought he was pretty tall. Or maybe it was just the way he leaned over people while giving the "Johnson treatment" (put that into Google Images). He was definitely not very fit, had already had a heart attack before even being VP, went back to smoking after leaving office and died in four years.

But he definitely became the longest-haired ex-POTUS in modern times...

Don't think I've ever heard LBJ described as "average stature". I don't know his dimensions but I thought he was pretty tall. Or maybe it was just the way he leaned over people while giving the "Johnson treatment" (put that into Google Images). He was definitely not very fit, had already had a heart attack before even being VP, went back to smoking after leaving office and died in four years.

But he definitely became the longest-haired ex-POTUS in modern times...


I believe Johnson was around 6 ft 4

He is also rumored to have the biggest Johnson and didn't hesitate to show it off
Keep in mind that a slim figure has not always been idolized. In the 19th century, an expanded waste-line was considered a mark of prosperity. Full figured women were admired for their beauty. It wasn't until the turn of the 20th century that government began issuing guidelines on balanced diet. About 1916, a report was issued linking overweight with disease. Life insurance companies increased premiums for seriously overweight subscribers. However, it wasn't till WWII when charts showing ideal weight began to appear. After the war diet foods and medical studies linking obesity to illness became common place.

America's obsession with weight loss dates back 150 years
This article:

On my list of the fittest president ever, I would have these names, in reverse chronological order:

Barack Obama
George W. Bush, Jr.
George W. Bush, Sr.
Gerald Ford
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harry Truman
Woodrow Wilson

Feel free to add any information over the fitness of our presidents that you think is appropriate.

Hmm-- the title said "fittest" but then seemed to only consider weight.

Wilson had a stroke while in office. A bad one. It's believed he was incapacitated and his wife ran the country. Not sure I'd rank Bush Sr. quite so high after he puked on the Japanese PM. And I've never thought of FDR as "fat".

Then again I don't see the name of William Henry Harrison, who spent his one month in office in a sick bed before kicking the bucket. Based on that he would have to be the unfittest, even with Taft included.

Flopper's observations on public perceptions of fat are spot on. It was considered a mark of success in the 19th to be able to overeat. As for Christie, it's hard to see how anyone would take that seriously as an issue, unless he were to get the nomination and pick a Quayle or a Palin as a running mate. Surely his opponents will try to sell it as an issue but I doubt anyone will buy.
Don't think I've ever heard LBJ described as "average stature". I don't know his dimensions but I thought he was pretty tall. Or maybe it was just the way he leaned over people while giving the "Johnson treatment" (put that into Google Images). He was definitely not very fit, had already had a heart attack before even being VP, went back to smoking after leaving office and died in four years.

But he definitely became the longest-haired ex-POTUS in modern times...


I believe Johnson was around 6 ft 4

He is also rumored to have the biggest Johnson and didn't hesitate to show it off

Hmm -- that could be a whole 'nother thread. If only we had somebody who was into stats...

Oh wait, we do!

LBJ's legacy could be uh, padded on account of there having been two Presidents Johnson. Just sayin'.

(NB "Presidents Johnson" is not to be confused with "the President's Johnson")
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This article:

On my list of the fittest president ever, I would have these names, in reverse chronological order:

Barack Obama
George W. Bush, Jr.
George W. Bush, Sr.
Gerald Ford
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harry Truman
Woodrow Wilson

Feel free to add any information over the fitness of our presidents that you think is appropriate.

Hmm-- the title said "fittest" but then seemed to only consider weight.

Wilson had a stroke while in office. A bad one. It's believed he was incapacitated and his wife ran the country. Not sure I'd rank Bush Sr. quite so high after he puked on the Japanese PM. And I've never thought of FDR as "fat".

Then again I don't see the name of William Henry Harrison, who spent his one month in office in a sick bed before kicking the bucket. Based on that he would have to be the unfittest, even with Taft included.

Flopper's observations on public perceptions of fat are spot on. It was considered a mark of success in the 19th to be able to overeat. As for Christie, it's hard to see how anyone would take that seriously as an issue, unless he were to get the nomination and pick a Quayle or a Palin as a running mate. Surely his opponents will try to sell it as an issue but I doubt anyone will buy.

Indeed: fit in terms of weight. Wilson started quite healthy, got sick in his second term.
Well I still say you can't top spending your entire month of Presidenting in a sick bed.
Don't think I've ever heard LBJ described as "average stature". I don't know his dimensions but I thought he was pretty tall. Or maybe it was just the way he leaned over people while giving the "Johnson treatment" (put that into Google Images). He was definitely not very fit, had already had a heart attack before even being VP, went back to smoking after leaving office and died in four years.

But he definitely became the longest-haired ex-POTUS in modern times...


I believe Johnson was around 6 ft 4

He is also rumored to have the biggest Johnson and didn't hesitate to show it off

I've heard the audio of tape of him telling the his tailer to cut extra room in his trousers.

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