The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so.

AND, this behavior, done by the heroes of the show, was accepted as normal behavior, by the nation wide viewing audience.

THus, demonstrating my point, that the symbol has for over 5 generations been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Your denial of the fact that the characters were showing regional pride with those actions and symbols, is not credible. You are being very dishonest.
"The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so."

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

The "main characters" did no such thing, ys dumbshit. It was a TV show. The makers of the show put those on the car. And they did so to reflect the location was in the south. It had nothing to do with slavery or regional pride. It was just a prop on a TV show.

Do you know why Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation in 1863 after the war was already started in 1861? Lol hehehe
Of course. To keep with his words from years earlier... he was fighting the Civil War to keep the nation whole. Emancipation was a tool to give him an edge to attain that goal.
Lmfao hahahahah you are full of shit! The war started not to end slavery! You idiot!

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

I never said "the war started not to end slavery."

You're such a flaming moron, you're now arguing with your own hallucinations.

Ok good so you admit it,, now do you admit the south would have eventually ended slavery yes or no?
One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.

Carroll O'Connor himself was an anti racist and personally rejected the beliefs of Archie Bunker.
I would hope so. But according to Correll's absurd position, the nation embraced bigotry and racism because it was a popular show which utilized bigotry and racism as a prop.
The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so.

AND, this behavior, done by the heroes of the show, was accepted as normal behavior, by the nation wide viewing audience.

THus, demonstrating my point, that the symbol has for over 5 generations been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Your denial of the fact that the characters were showing regional pride with those actions and symbols, is not credible. You are being very dishonest.
"The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so."

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

The "main characters" did no such thing, ys dumbshit. It was a TV show. The makers of the show put those on the car. And they did so to reflect the location was in the south. It had nothing to do with slavery or regional pride. It was just a prop on a TV show.

Do you know why Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation in 1863 after the war was already started in 1861? Lol hehehe
Of course. To keep with his words from years earlier... he was fighting the Civil War to keep the nation whole. Emancipation was a tool to give him an edge to attain that goal.
Neither the North or the South initially wanted to abolish slavery. The south seceding to form the confederacy was done over an issue of states rights. The north did not desire to free enslaved people until it was clear Lincoln would need more men to end the war and bring the southern states back into the fold.

For reference, the American Civil war started in 1861.

Lincoln did not sign and put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation until 1863.

To deify Lincoln as a pure and upstanding person is kind of misguided. He was actually pretty racist.

“During his famous debates with Sen. Stephen Douglas, Lincoln explained to the crowd: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.””

-FACT CHECK: Did Abraham Lincoln Express Opposition to Racial Equality?

Lincoln was the foundation for the spectate but equal mindset. He wanted to segregate the entirety of the “black race” to keep them away from the “white race”.

Most economic historians agree that slavery would have ended by itself eventually. It is not economically sustainable to pay for room, board, clothes, and medical care to a individual when you could just pay him a terrible wage and be done with it.

Slavery was a dying practice. To suggest the civil war was about slavery just an antiquated view from the winning side.

The civil war was about keeping the Union together.

"The south seceding to form the confederacy was done over an issue of states rights."

The states' right to keep slavery legal.

It wasn’t about slavery again
I said most
The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
I said most
The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.

I have no need to "pretend" about ANYTHING. A TV show depicting some backwards, backwoods hillbillies as proof of the Confederate flag being a "regional symbol of pride" is the most humorous joke that I've heard in a long time. it proudly, in an attempt to put lipstick on a PIG.

I saw plenty of confederate flags in the 60's.

I know what it stood for.

Again, the point is not the show, but the acceptance of it by the nation wide viewing audience.

It proves that the symbol has long been accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Lol I’m wiping the floor with you lol you should be embarrassed lol

Saying that in the stark face of the opposite is nothing short of laughable.

Tell me again how slavery wasn't the primary reason for secession...

"In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove."
Is this the quote of 100% of the Southerners? Lol NOOOOO that is a quote from the elite Democrats.. most Southerners didn’t own slaves most slaves were part of Southers families they wanted a different end it was going to end it was not economically Realistic to keep slavery going
Of course it's not the view of every southerner. It was still done in their name whether they agreed with it or not.

And you say "most" now because even you know you were retarded to first say "90%."

Yes by democrats
The region now being held mostly by Republicans. Conservatives have always been the ideology of racism regardless of which political party they favored.
All crimes of racial oppression have only come from town run by democrats,, Baltimore Detroit Chicago Boston St. Louis Louisiana Baton Rouge all democratic run mayors all blue city Council.. i’ll close the racial oppression have only come from towns run by democrats.. NOT REPUBLICANS

And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
The flag and the name didn't portay regional pride on the show anymore than it portrayed lawlessness as part of the south, which were the main characters of the show. The show was about some southerners and the flag and name were props to describe the location.

The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so.

AND, this behavior, done by the heroes of the show, was accepted as normal behavior, by the nation wide viewing audience.

THus, demonstrating my point, that the symbol has for over 5 generations been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Your denial of the fact that the characters were showing regional pride with those actions and symbols, is not credible. You are being very dishonest.
"The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so."

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

The "main characters" did no such thing, ys dumbshit. It was a TV show. The makers of the show put those on the car. And they did so to reflect the location was in the south. It had nothing to do with slavery or regional pride. It was just a prop on a TV show.

In the story told by the tv show, the main characters did it. And the nation as a whole, had no problem with them doing that, and being portrayed by the show as heroes.

Because the symbols had generations ago, stopped being about secession and slavery and long been "rebranded" as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

IF, as you claim, those symbols were seen by the nation as a whole, as symbols of secession and slavery and racism, the viewing audience would never have accepted them as the clean, wholesome characters they were presented as.
"get a education"


These jokes just write themselves.


And dumbass, nothing alters the reality that the south fought for independence so that they could keep their slaves.
Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No more so than a pet or favorite horse.

If they were members of the family, they would not be held in slavery and would be allowed free will
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Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No more so than a pet or favorite horse.

If they were members of the family, they would not be held in slavery and would be allowed free will
Wow that was racist, calling Ms Dunn a liar? Booker T. Washington was a liar? Is that where you call black people you disagree with farm animals? Is that where you call black people you disagree with farm animals
I said most
The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.

All in the Family was a much more serious and nuanced show than The Dukes of Hazzard. Archie was initially intended to be the bad guy, but the hard working man, supporting not only his wife, but his child and her "meathead" husband, was too sympathetic to too many people. THe show quickly started walking back his bigotry and softening and growing his character over time.

And nothing in his character was as heinous as you claim the Confederate Flag is, anyways. And the Duke Boys, were never shown growing out of their regional pride, or their celebration of their southern heritage with the Confederate Flag staying on the top of the General Lee, that whole series.

The easy acceptance of the Duke Boys, with their confederate flag, painted on top of their car, The General Lee, shows that those symbols had long ago been "rebranded" as harmless symbols of regional pride.
One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.
But you say nothing about the Archie Bunker type behavior coming from African-Americans.. do you even know what intersectionality is? That’s where whites are on the bottom of any opinion .. that’s pretty racist

IMO, most of that behavior, actually comes from white liberals. Just saying.

MOST. Not all.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.

Carroll O'Connor himself was an anti racist and personally rejected the beliefs of Archie Bunker.
I would hope so. But according to Correll's absurd position, the nation embraced bigotry and racism because it was a popular show which utilized bigotry and racism as a prop.

According to Correll there is a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. He's an idiot.
One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.

I have no need to "pretend" about ANYTHING. A TV show depicting some backwards, backwoods hillbillies as proof of the Confederate flag being a "regional symbol of pride" is the most humorous joke that I've heard in a long time. it proudly, in an attempt to put lipstick on a PIG.

I saw plenty of confederate flags in the 60's.

I know what it stood for.

Again, the point is not the show, but the acceptance of it by the nation wide viewing audience.

It proves that the symbol has long been accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

"Nationwide viewing audience"?

We didn't watch that show in my household, nor did many that I knew during its run.

Most people that I knew at the time, viewed that show as a being an example of somewhere that they wouldn't want to be after dark.

If the "viewing audience" primarily consisted of Confederate flag waving individuals, it only proves that it appealed to a certain demographic.

Certainly not a nationwide audience.
Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No more so than a pet or favorite horse.

If they were members of the family, they would not be held in slavery and would be allowed free will

Why do these idiots try making slavery nice? We blacks don't need whites to explain what slavery was and the gaslighting done by these racists only piss us off more..
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.

I have no need to "pretend" about ANYTHING. A TV show depicting some backwards, backwoods hillbillies as proof of the Confederate flag being a "regional symbol of pride" is the most humorous joke that I've heard in a long time. it proudly, in an attempt to put lipstick on a PIG.

I saw plenty of confederate flags in the 60's.

I know what it stood for.

Again, the point is not the show, but the acceptance of it by the nation wide viewing audience.

It proves that the symbol has long been accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

"Nationwide viewing audience"?

We didn't watch that show in my household, nor did many that I knew during its run.

Most people that I knew at the time, viewed that show as a being an example of somewhere that they wouldn't want to be after dark.

If the "viewing audience" primarily consisted of Confederate flag waving individuals, it only proves that it appealed to a certain demographic.

Certainly not a nationwide audience.

I didn't watch it.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.

Carroll O'Connor himself was an anti racist and personally rejected the beliefs of Archie Bunker.
I would hope so. But according to Correll's absurd position, the nation embraced bigotry and racism because it was a popular show which utilized bigotry and racism as a prop.

Your dishonesty in lying about what my point is, is because you know that if you are honest about what my point is,

that you cannot refute it.

You are knowingly supporting a position that you know is based on lies.
According to historian of the South, Eugene Genovese, about fifteen percent of slaves stayed with their masters.

Open a lions cage and the lion will go back into its cage. It is what is most familiar
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I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.

I have no need to "pretend" about ANYTHING. A TV show depicting some backwards, backwoods hillbillies as proof of the Confederate flag being a "regional symbol of pride" is the most humorous joke that I've heard in a long time. it proudly, in an attempt to put lipstick on a PIG.

I saw plenty of confederate flags in the 60's.

I know what it stood for.

Again, the point is not the show, but the acceptance of it by the nation wide viewing audience.

It proves that the symbol has long been accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

"Nationwide viewing audience"?

We didn't watch that show in my household, nor did many that I knew during its run.

Most people that I knew at the time, viewed that show as a being an example of somewhere that they wouldn't want to be after dark.

If the "viewing audience" primarily consisted of Confederate flag waving individuals, it only proves that it appealed to a certain demographic.

Certainly not a nationwide audience.

I didn't watch it.

I'm sure that you did not. This is a ludicrous argument.
I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The nation also accepted the outright bigotry and racism of Archie Bunker in his role on a TV show. That doesn't mean bigotry or racism was, or is, tolerated by the folks who were entertained by it while watching All in the Family.

Carroll O'Connor himself was an anti racist and personally rejected the beliefs of Archie Bunker.
I would hope so. But according to Correll's absurd position, the nation embraced bigotry and racism because it was a popular show which utilized bigotry and racism as a prop.

According to Correll there is a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. He's an idiot.

Any attempt to direct resources to one group, to make up for past discrimination, is by the nature of limited resources, discriminating against other groups, that also need those resources.

Be it money, or jobs, or school slots, or promotions.

Only an idiot, can not figure that out.

BTW, every white lib that reads you claiming otherwise, and lets your stupidity pass, is doing so because he or she thinks that you are not capable of doing better.

Because of your race.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.

The easy acceptance by the nation wide viewing audience of the heroes' use of the symbols, proves that on the national stage, that the flag was accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

That is the point. The reaction of the nation wide viewing audience. Which utterly refutes your claim.

You keep pretending to not get that.

That is the history of this.

I have no need to "pretend" about ANYTHING. A TV show depicting some backwards, backwoods hillbillies as proof of the Confederate flag being a "regional symbol of pride" is the most humorous joke that I've heard in a long time. it proudly, in an attempt to put lipstick on a PIG.

I saw plenty of confederate flags in the 60's.

I know what it stood for.

Again, the point is not the show, but the acceptance of it by the nation wide viewing audience.

It proves that the symbol has long been accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

"Nationwide viewing audience"?

We didn't watch that show in my household, nor did many that I knew during its run.

Most people that I knew at the time, viewed that show as a being an example of somewhere that they wouldn't want to be after dark.

If the "viewing audience" primarily consisted of Confederate flag waving individuals, it only proves that it appealed to a certain demographic.

Certainly not a nationwide audience.

By nationwide viewing audience I am not talking about actual fans of the show, but all the people who were aware of the shows existence enough to know about the General Lee and the Good Ole Boys, Bo and Luke.

You and your peers might not have liked the show, nor wanted to hang around the South, but you raised no fuss about the use of supposedly Evul symbols, representing slavery and treason and racism,

because you knew that that was not the intent of the show producers, nor the characters in the story.

If you had made a fuss, you would have been laughed at.

Because those symbols had been "rebranded" generations before you were born, and accepted as harmless symbols of regional pride, by the very veterans that fought to defeat the Confederacy.


And the show's fan base was NOT limited to the South, or to any "certain demographic". It was a huge nation wide hit.

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