The First Bill The New Congress Should Submit Is An Anti Socialism Bill Everyone Can Get Behind


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
For the past four years, I’ve recoiled in horror while a resentful Republican Party, drunk on power, terrorized people residing in Democratic areas. During the COVID-19 crisis, Trump had ventilator shipments seized in blue states so he could redistribute them to red states. Here in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis received more COVID-19 aid than he asked for, while the governors of Michigan and New York had to fight for what they needed because of Trump’s petty feuding. A shipment of 3 million N95 masks headed for Massachusetts were seized at port, and Maryland’s governor literally had to hide COVID-19 tests at an undisclosed location to keep the Feds from taking them. Worst of all, a life-saving national testing strategy was sabotaged because Jared Kushner believed deaths from the coronavirus would primarily affect blue cities and states.

It is unbelievable that genocide was a literal Republican policy in 2020.

The rhetoric against blue states hit a fever pitch after the passage of the CARES Act when Democratic leaders in New York and California were lectured about fiscal responsibility by the likes of Rick Scott and Mitch McConnell—two of the least qualified people in the Senate to speak about such things. Scott, a Florida man who literally got rich by defrauding the government, said it wasn’t fair to reward “liberal politicians in states like New York for their unwillingness to make tough and responsible choices.” Majority Leader McConnell, who went to Washington, D.C. with no money and is now somehow the seventh-richest Senator, insisted that giving any relief to New York was a “blue state bailout.” Further, he said he’d rather states go bankrupt than get aid, and attacked Democratic states as reckless spenders.

I propose that one of the first bills the Biden administration request from Congress is one that Republicans should all jump on: an anti-socialism bill. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Barring a national disaster, no state gets more than 1.5 times what they pay into the federal pot.
  • Every state at least gets back what they put in.
  • There will be no farm subsidies, no universal income, no state banks, no public utilities, no state-owned corporations, and no rural internet subsidies.
What Republican could possibly argue with this? Turns out, quite a few of them!

I can't believe for a second that the champions of capitalism on the GOP side, would not sign on.
For the past four years, I’ve recoiled in horror while a resentful Republican Party, drunk on power, terrorized people residing in Democratic areas. During the COVID-19 crisis, Trump had ventilator shipments seized in blue states so he could redistribute them to red states. Here in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis received more COVID-19 aid than he asked for, while the governors of Michigan and New York had to fight for what they needed because of Trump’s petty feuding. A shipment of 3 million N95 masks headed for Massachusetts were seized at port, and Maryland’s governor literally had to hide COVID-19 tests at an undisclosed location to keep the Feds from taking them. Worst of all, a life-saving national testing strategy was sabotaged because Jared Kushner believed deaths from the coronavirus would primarily affect blue cities and states.

It is unbelievable that genocide was a literal Republican policy in 2020.

The rhetoric against blue states hit a fever pitch after the passage of the CARES Act when Democratic leaders in New York and California were lectured about fiscal responsibility by the likes of Rick Scott and Mitch McConnell—two of the least qualified people in the Senate to speak about such things. Scott, a Florida man who literally got rich by defrauding the government, said it wasn’t fair to reward “liberal politicians in states like New York for their unwillingness to make tough and responsible choices.” Majority Leader McConnell, who went to Washington, D.C. with no money and is now somehow the seventh-richest Senator, insisted that giving any relief to New York was a “blue state bailout.” Further, he said he’d rather states go bankrupt than get aid, and attacked Democratic states as reckless spenders.

I propose that one of the first bills the Biden administration request from Congress is one that Republicans should all jump on: an anti-socialism bill. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Barring a national disaster, no state gets more than 1.5 times what they pay into the federal pot.
  • Every state at least gets back what they put in.
  • There will be no farm subsidies, no universal income, no state banks, no public utilities, no state-owned corporations, and no rural internet subsidies.
What Republican could possibly argue with this? Turns out, quite a few of them!

I can't believe for a second that the champions of capitalism on the GOP side, would not sign on.
And that includes all tax breaks for mortgages and everything else related including city and state tax breaks.
If you were sane, you'd 'recoil in horror' at the stupidity of whoever wrote that bullshit.
I propose that one of the first bills the Biden administration request from Congress is one that Republicans should all jump on: an anti-socialism bill.

This would be a winning move for Democrats. But Democrats don't seem to like winning moves.
Dimwingers just voted FOR Socialism, so does this mean you want your Socialists removed from office?
I propose that one of the first bills the Biden administration request from Congress is one that Republicans should all jump on: an anti-socialism bill.

This would be a winning move for Democrats. But Democrats don't seem to like winning moves.

There are many things like this they could do but they refuse to. An excellent one was after one of the school shootings. Trump said it was a problem with a lack of Mental Health care. The Democrats should have immediately sent a bill offering mental health coverage for all. They didn't.
The problem is the definition of socialism. The bigger problem is importing Chinas socialism. Which has been the Communist government of Chinas objective. Has been for the last 25 years.

From education to media, businesses and politicians. Chinas intelligence agencies have made Western intelligence the laughing stock of the world. Like taking candy from a baby and they did it in a far smarter way than Russia ever attempted.

That's how I see it. No bigger coup than seeing Trump lose his re-election. A nation that tells the world "we think putting your interests first is more important than our own interests" is the biggest welcome of approval of China. Consider the MSM, the NBA, Big Tech and Hollywood, and it's clear that China has convinced the world to abandon their own principles. "You will make a few bucks, don't worry about your comrades, we are peaceful, harmonious government. We only seek love and business"

Say what you want about China, but their leadership and ability to defeat a giant with a slingshot has been remarkable. I imagine they will be aggressively recruiting foreign spies with even greater success over the next decade. A slow, but certain strangling of the very agencies we rely on to defend us will become something entirely different.

Destroy a nations patriotism and those leaders who support patriotism, and you destroy a nations soul and Will to fight.
If you were sane, you'd 'recoil in horror' at the stupidity of whoever wrote that bullshit.

Nah, I'm now convinced that what this country needs, is a healthy dose of federalism. No doubt these anti socialist rural states, would have no problem pulling themselves up by their own boot straps, right willy?
For the past four years, I’ve recoiled in horror while a resentful Republican Party, drunk on power
The GOP was drunk on power the four years they controlled no branch of government? What was the DNC doing since 2018 while they controlled the entire Congress? And the last two years controlling the Exec as well?

, terrorized people residing in Democratic areas.
Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 11.00.26 AM.jpg

It is unbelievable that genocide was a literal Republican policy in 2020.


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