The FBI Needs a Grand Jury to INVESTIGATE them!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
What the American people want is revenge and by th!is I mean they picked this fight and we will end it. How many times have we sat and watched the talking heads tell us all the info we need to know about these criminals and no one goes to jail let alone is indicted. We are sick and tired of being played! Now we want justice, real justice! They all need to go to jail or our system means nothing!


If the Federal Bureau of Investigation is to recover its lost reputation, the first item on Attorney General William Barr’s agenda must be to make good on something that set off a frenzy when he proposed it last week: an honest accounting of the FBI’s spying on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. To do it, Mr. Barr would be well advised to use a grand jury, the same tool used by special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation.

Right now the American people don’t even know when the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign really started. Officially it began July 31, 2016, set off by a tip from Australia’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, that Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos had told him Russia had damaging information on Hillary Clinton. But the accumulating evidence—confidential informants were reportedly reaching out to Trump campaign officials well before July 31—casts doubt on the party line.

Mr. Mueller showed how to get answers. A grand jury, with the powers to subpoena and indict, would wonderfully concentrate many Beltway minds now not inclined to cooperate.


Today the best candidate for a grand jury appearance may be former FBI general counsel James Baker. In closed testimony before the House Judiciary Committee released last week by Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins, Mr. Baker acknowledged his role in channeling Trump-Russia dirt commissioned by Clinton operatives to the FBI.

Under questioning, Mr. Baker agreed that the way the FBI handed the Russia investigation was “abnormal.” He further revealed he is under criminal investigation for leaks. On the advice of lawyers, he refused to answer questions about his contacts with reporters or whether Mr. Papadopoulos had been spied on via a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant.

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The AG will be investigating the entire shit show.

I'd bet he will have one very interesting report. How bout you??

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