The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends

Well, if you are going to comment on supposed crimes, it would be helpful if you had some idea of what you are talking about, wouldn't it?


". . . The inquiry is related to the department's broader probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and not a criminal investigation of Trump himself, the official said. . . "

That, is based off of this;

". . . Federal criminal investigations are by design opaque, and probes involving political figures are among the most closely held secrets at the Justice Department. Many end without criminal charges. The lack of observable investigative activity involving Trump and his White House for more than a year after the Jan. 6 attack has fueled criticism, particularly from the left, that the Justice Department is not pursuing the case aggressively enough. . . "

And? I'm just asking you, do you really believe, there is really any "there," THERE, or is this just a shiny object from the current administration, and the bureaucracy, which has a very deep interest in keeping the DNC in power in D.C.?

Remember, just like Trump and his acolytes could never produce anything that would hold up in front of a jury, do you really think these folks will be able to produce anything that is criminal, to hold up in front of a jury?

I admit, Giuliani is sort of a clown, but you can't underestimate Trump that much? Do you, do you really?

You honestly think he is a "criminal?"

Never trust the Neo-GOP. They have the memory of a GoldFish.

The Russia-Gate bullshit probably caused us to be in war in Ukraine. We can thank the Clintons and Bidens for all that fake shit.

If the Bidens and Clintons had been thrown in the tank? We might not have all this inflation, and this war in Ukraine now, we could have worked out a bi-lateral defense and energy structure with Russia, for all of Europe.

But. . . ???? Nah. . that isn't what the Davos crowd really wanted. They want a global technocratic police state, with them calling all the shots.

Do you even remember when they stole the nomination from Bernie? Do you even remember when Wasserman-Schultz had to resign in disgrace? Do you even remember when Donna Brazile gave Hillary the debate questions? Do you even remember the contents of those wikileaks? Why on Earth are you accusing others, of what you can't remember what the hell happened?

Of course Hillary needed to be locked up. She still does, she is responsible for Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens death.

Hillary Clinton's Russiagate led to today's conflict with Russia​


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Right. For you, it is NO PROBLEM that the Left is using the FBI and DJ to attack and criminalize people not for any crime, but purely on the basis of their political views to silence them much the same way the IRS was used in 2012 to silence Romney organizations so Obumma could win again!

Not only have not one of you Derps likely even read a word of the OP's linked article, just imagine the squealing and wallering from you VERY SAME PEOPLE if Trump or the GOP is reelected to office in 24 and a GOP-controlled Washington starts rounding up and criminalizing all you people FOR BEING DEMOCRATS.

With Biden's record the past 1.5 years, and the thousands of riots and looting Dems did in 2020, I don't suppose it would be very hard to make the case that all of you are domestic terrorists intent on subverting the rule of law.
The useful idiots are gonna be in for a shocker when it's turned on them and the boots come down on thier necks
What's the alternative if administration officials break the law? I know some people want a pardon for Trump and his henchmen for the greater good. My question is, "Is it really for the greater good for lawlessness to go unpunished to appease a portion of the country that has disconnected itself from reality?"

You can't be convicted in this nation without a hearing by a jury of your peers proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That is how American law is implemented. The rich and powerful have many tools to avoid being convicted for their wrongs so if Trump and crew go down then it will be because it is a slam dunk.
You too can fuck off

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