The End of America Is In Sight


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The programming of the sheeples enters its final phase.
The COVID culture war: At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?

I'm confused again.

  • WHAT is the "public good?"

  • Why isn't giving up aborting human life for the public good too?

  • How is it for any public good to be forced to get an experimental vaccine that appears up to a THIRD as deadly as Covid itself when the only ones with any potential benefit from your getting the vaccine are the other unvaccinated people who will be eliminated either by Covid infection or when they are forced to get the vaccine as well?

  • How can it ever be for the public good to give up the freedom to decide what is best for yourself when all the "good" people out there who have gotten the vaccine are not possibly endangered by your NOT getting it?

  • What possible good will our society have left when all freedom is replaced by a system where the "public good" ALWAYS outweighs your own individual needs?
I'm confused again.

  • WHAT is the "public good?"

  • Why isn't giving up aborting human life for the public good too?

  • How is it for any public good to be forced to get an experimental vaccine that appears up to a THIRD as deadly as Covid itself when the only ones with any potential benefit from your getting the vaccine are the other unvaccinated people who will be eliminated either by Covid infection or when they are forced to get the vaccine as well?

  • How can it ever be for the public good to give up the freedom to decide what is best for yourself when all the "good" people out there who have gotten the vaccine are not possibly endangered by your NOT getting it?

  • What possible good will our society have left when all freedom is replaced by a system where the "public good" ALWAYS outweighs your own individual needs?
Dangerous thoughts Comrade. Off to the Gulag with you.
Programming of the sheeples? More like than trantrum revolt of the morons.

The End of America Is In Sight? What a drama queen!

Get over yourself and do your part to stop the spread of the disease in your community. If you got a valid medical reason other than cowardice to avoid the vaccine, don't take it. Hint: Politics ain't it.
At what point should personal freedom yield to common good? For people that support their community, it is public health. People that don't believe in taking precautions are just nasty, and I will avoid them if I can.


and if protesters and rioters are now classified as political prisoners...well...:dunno:

I'm confused again.

  • WHAT is the "public good?"

  • Why isn't giving up aborting human life for the public good too?

  • How is it for any public good to be forced to get an experimental vaccine that appears up to a THIRD as deadly as Covid itself when the only ones with any potential benefit from your getting the vaccine are the other unvaccinated people who will be eliminated either by Covid infection or when they are forced to get the vaccine as well?

  • How can it ever be for the public good to give up the freedom to decide what is best for yourself when all the "good" people out there who have gotten the vaccine are not possibly endangered by your NOT getting it?

  • What possible good will our society have left when all freedom is replaced by a system where the "public good" ALWAYS outweighs your own individual needs?

The public good is when the people decide as in roe v wade. You can decide to hide and refuse to be vaccinated on political grounds and eventually die. That would still be the public good.
That's what you are free to do. Knock yourself out.
No one is burning books, imprisoning political dissidents or asking for papers. Your side is attacking free speech rights and voting rights to start off with.

If you look real quick you might be able to see the point that just flew over your head.
No one is burning books, imprisoning political dissidents or asking for papers. Your side is attacking free speech rights and voting rights to start off with.
The political dissidents arrested on Jan. 6 are still in prison without formal charges or a trial. Do you have your covid passport in order?

The argument over whether this is becoming a communist country is over. It is.
We may be in the final phase, but where did the initial phase begin for you? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq? Other?

It struck me in 2003 that the American century had come to its end.

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