The end approaches for Chile’s military-era constitution


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The cool kids. The usual suspects. The ones everyone knows about.

That’s how a law professor wryly describes the constitutions of South Africa, Canada and other countries commonly discussed as blueprints for democracy when a nation, like Chile this year, drafts a new one.

“Everybody looks at foreign examples; it’s a question of degree. Constitutions are pretty formulaic,” said the professor, David Law of the University of Hong Kong. Law, who studies constitutions around the world, said in an email: ″There’s a lot of peer emulation going on.”

On April 11, Chileans elect an assembly to write fresh governing principles and put them to a national vote in 2022. The goal? A more inclusive country and the erasure of a much-amended relic of military rule, the 1980 constitution.

I'm not sure why it is necessary to spell it out as far as inclusion in the constitution itself but I am not familiar with their current constitution either.
I read it, and could probably read it 99 times , and still not grasp the complexity of it Disir

wtf is the 'blueprint of true democracy' on this rock anyways?

and then there is>>>

. The constitution created under Gen. Augusto Pinochet was a flashpoint, branded an enabler for centralized power and private enterprise at the expense of equality.

remember what Kissy & Tricky Dick did there, after they bombed (pun intended) in SE Asia?


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