The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and standard deductions are welfare programs for the lazy

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Oct 5, 2019
Both of these pretty much insure that the poor to lower middle-class never pay their fair share of taxes. Which is pathetic considering they are the ones who use the most government services. And since they aren't paying for the services they all abuse, they then force the job creators to pay more taxes. Which of course kilsl our economy. The EITC is the worst because that gives people money just for existing and working a couple days in between popping out new kids for more credits. That is why people are poor. They don't work because they are lazy and they keep having kids which they cannot support or raise correctly. I've never once met a hard working person who earns under $80,000/yr.

As for the standard deduction, I could support it because in general I support tax breaks. However, the way we do it now excuses a large portion of the population from paying any significant portion of taxes. Someone making $42k/yr pays less than $4k in federal income tax every year despite the fact that these lazy unmotivated people use up the majority of the services. It's even worse for someone making $24k, they only pay like $800/yr in federal taxes. And guess what? They are almost certainly collecting welfare from some sort socialist democrat party program. They all do it. So they might pay that $800, but they are getting like $1200/mo in food stamps, $800/mo in Obamacare subsidies and probably free housing. Then they use their paycheck to buy luxuries like flat screen TVs, smart phones, AOL, laptop computers, indoor plumbing, sega genesis, and who knows what else.

So, we need to completely do away with the EITC and do something different with the standard deduction. I would have to do more research, but I suggest making it so the standard deduction only kicks in after someone earns somewhere between $80 - $100k. We could even stimulate the economy further by increasing the standard deduction with every $100k of income past that. This would encourage people work harder and smarter so that they can earn higher deductions. It's time to do something to stop the greedy poor and middle-class form destroying our country by wanting free stuff and not even being willing to pay anything to make it work.
Both of these pretty much insure that the poor to lower middle-class never pay their fair share of taxes. Which is pathetic considering they are the ones who use the most government services. And since they aren't paying for the services they all abuse, they then force the job creators to pay more taxes. Which of course kilsl our economy. The EITC is the worst because that gives people money just for existing and working a couple days in between popping out new kids for more credits. That is why people are poor. They don't work because they are lazy and they keep having kids which they cannot support or raise correctly. I've never once met a hard working person who earns under $80,000/yr.

As for the standard deduction, I could support it because in general I support tax breaks. However, the way we do it now excuses a large portion of the population from paying any significant portion of taxes. Someone making $42k/yr pays less than $4k in federal income tax every year despite the fact that these lazy unmotivated people use up the majority of the services. It's even worse for someone making $24k, they only pay like $800/yr in federal taxes. And guess what? They are almost certainly collecting welfare from some sort socialist democrat party program. They all do it. So they might pay that $800, but they are getting like $1200/mo in food stamps, $800/mo in Obamacare subsidies and probably free housing. Then they use their paycheck to buy luxuries like flat screen TVs, smart phones, AOL, laptop computers, indoor plumbing, sega genesis, and who knows what else.

So, we need to completely do away with the EITC and do something different with the standard deduction. I would have to do more research, but I suggest making it so the standard deduction only kicks in after someone earns somewhere between $80 - $100k. We could even stimulate the economy further by increasing the standard deduction with every $100k of income past that. This would encourage people work harder and smarter so that they can earn higher deductions. It's time to do something to stop the greedy poor and middle-class form destroying our country by wanting free stuff and not even being willing to pay anything to make it work.

And what would you do with retired people like me? My home is paid for, State, local taxes aren't high enough to qualify for deductions and most of my income is tax free. The Standard Deduction for 2018 zeroed out my federal tax liability thanks to the tax cuts.

Come on Einstein give us a clue.

Sega Genesis ??

No wonder why he didn't provide a link to this 25 year old article

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