The Durham Indictment Is in and It's Big After All: Yes, It's Tied to the Hillary Campaign!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Red State ^ | 09/16/2021 | Nick Arama

We reported yesterday word that an indictment might be coming in the Durham investigation and that it would be a person of some significance — Michael Sussman, who worked for Perkins Coie, the firm that represented both Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

Now the indictment is in from the federal grand jury. The charge is that he lied to the FBI, telling them that he wasn’t representing the Clinton 2016 campaign when he was spreading the false stories about the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. In other words, the very charge is saying that, yes, he indeed was working for the Clinton campaign in spreading these false stories — saying officially (although we’ve obviously always known it) that the Clinton campaign was behind it. So that declaration is in itself is big.

Durham needed to get the indictment in under the wire because there was a five-year statute of limitations on the charge of making a false statement to federal authorities that was about to run out within three days.

From The NY Post:

According to the indictment, Sussmann met with then-FBI General Counsel James A. Baker on that date to pass along allegations that servers at the Trump Organization were connected to servers at Alfa-Bank, a Moscow-based financial institution. During their conversation, Sussmann allegedly told Baker that “he was not acting on behalf of any client, which led the FBI General Counsel to understand that Sussmann was conveying the allegations as a good citizen and not as an advocate”.
“In fact….” the indictment states, “in assembling and conveying these allegations, Sussmann acted on behalf of specific clients,” including the Clinton campaign. [….]
The indictment also claims that Sussmann had “coordinated and communicated” about the Alfa-Bank allegations “during telephone calls and meetings” with an unidentified tech executive who had passed him the purported server data in the summer of 2016 and the Clinton campaign’s general counsel, Marc Elias — then a Perkins Coie partner.
Those calls and meetings, the document alleges, were billed by Sussmann to the Clinton campaign.

That sounds like dead-to-rights to me. And they finally drop the name of Marc Elias. Can we expect to hear more there, as well?

You had stuff like this coming full circle — Hillary Clinton then using the information that she allegedly paid for against Donald Trump, pushing the myth of Russia collusion.

Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 1, 2016

Sussman then allegedly pressed reporters to write about the Alfa Bank allegation and accused a NY Times reporter of not thoroughly investigating Trump.

The FBI found the Alfa Bank claim was nonsense — that the server in question “was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization, but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump’s hotels and hundreds of other clients.”

Then there was this fascinating bit of information in the indictment — that they may have accessed “non-public information” about Trump and coordinated with the Clinton campaign. The “tech executive” was, according to the indictment, promised a job in the Clinton administration that never came to be.

Tik tok:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 16, 2021

As was clear from the beginning, the wrong was all on the side of the folks trying to push the Russia collusion hoax. They allegedly did what they were trying to accuse Trump of doing.

What will be interesting is to see what else, if anything, they might have coming, if they are picking off a fish this close to the Clintons.

Jonathan Turley has a great breakdown of some of the connect-the-dot highlights that have already been reported of late:

Even for those of us who followed and wrote on the Russia investigation for five years, much has been revealed in the last year. It was disclosed in October, for instance, that President Obama was briefed by his CIA director, John Brennan, on July 28, 2016, on intelligence suggesting that Hillary Clinton planned to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” [….]
Throughout the campaign, the Clinton campaign denied any involvement in the creation of the so-called Steele dossier’s allegations of Trump-Russia connections. However, weeks after the election, journalists discovered that the Clinton campaign hid payments for the dossier made to a research firm, Fusion GPS, as “legal fees” among the $5.6 million paid to the campaign’s law firm. New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said at the time that Clinton lawyer Marc Elias, with the law firm of Perkins Coie, denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”
It was not just reporters who asked the Clinton campaign about its role in the Steele dossier. John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress.

So there’s a lot there that they could yet pursue with a lot of names in the mix. But this indictment today, I have to admit, I had given up hope that we might ever see something that consequential that really tied the Clinton people into the collusion. So I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised and hopeful that more may yet be in the offing.


And if this is true, Sussman has a choice to make:

Cooperate and beg for protection.

Take the ride and pray he wins.

He’s a dead man walking.

All depends on how strong a case he has and what he’s looking at punishment wise. If he falls on the sword with the promise that his family will be taken care of, no harm to any of them, and he’ll be set for life when he gets out, he just might survive.

Anything short of that and he’s toast.

But again, all depends on the case, just how guilty he really is and who tries it.

BTW, Hildebeast says Sussmann did not kill himself, unlike Epstein!
This is a minor indictment.
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You voted to put this country through a 5yr Russia scam you GDF fool

All that time wasted so you absolute dumb fuckers thought this was ok.

GD what a pathetic life you lead
There was no scam. The Mueller report proved that. This is an indictment for one guy lying to the FBI about having a client. What we got put through was a corrupt ass lawless presidency that you want more of. That is what's pathetic.
The Durham Investigation has lasted 857 days, 183 days longer than the Mueller investigation

“If this is all Durham’s got, it has a feel of trying to justify his existence for the last two years,” said Randall Eliason, a former federal prosecutor who specialized in corruption cases. In the course of investigations, Eliason said, “there are a lot of cases that could be brought but aren’t because they are so trivial. And this seems to fall into that category to me. The indictment itself says the FBI already knew Sussmann was a lawyer for the Democratic National Committee.”

— Devlin Barrett and Spencer S. Hsu, WP Sept. 16, 2021


(March 18, 2021) Today marks the 675th day of the Durham investigation into the origins and conduct of the investigation that became the Mueller investigation. That means Durham’s investigation has lasted one day longer than the entire Mueller investigation, which Republicans complained lasted far too long.

The single solitary prosecution Durham has obtained in that span of time in which Mueller prosecuted George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Richard Pinedo, Alex Van der Zwan, Michael Cohen (for his lies about Trump’s Trump Tower Moscow deal) was the guilty plea of Kevin Clinesmith, based on conduct discovered by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

In addition to those prosecutions, Mueller referred further Cohen charges to SDNY, Sam Patten for prosecution to DC, and Bijan Kian for prosecution in EDVA. Mueller charged Roger Stone and handed that prosecution off to DC. He further charged Konstantin Kilimnik, 12 IRA trolls, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, and 12 GRU officers. He referred Paul Manafort’s influence peddling partners, Republican and Democratic alike, for further investigation, leading to the failed prosecution of Greg Craig. Mueller referred 12 other matters — most still sealed — for further investigation, along with the Egyptian bribery investigation originally started in DC.

Say what you will about Mueller’s investigation. But it was an investigation that showed real results. Durham, meanwhile, has been churning over the work that DOJ IG already did for as long as Mueller’s entire investigation.

675 Days In, the Durham Investigation Has Lasted Longer than the Mueller Investigation - emptywheel
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Just watch. This indictment doesn't erase Manifort giving polling data to russians or 140 meetings between the trump campaign and Russians. But you trump lovers will lie and conflate.
There was no scam. The Mueller report proved that. This is an indictment for one guy lying to the FBI about having a client. What we got put through was a corrupt ass lawless presidency that you want more of. That is what's pathetic.
The Mueller Report proved that....................A lawless presidency.........Lying about having a client which happened to be Shillary the ash tray thrower. He lied to start an investigation which they knew he was lying about.....................lolololol

You are a precious lil darlin
Red State ^ | 09/16/2021 | Nick Arama

We reported yesterday word that an indictment might be coming in the Durham investigation and that it would be a person of some significance — Michael Sussman, who worked for Perkins Coie, the firm that represented both Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

Now the indictment is in from the federal grand jury. The charge is that he lied to the FBI, telling them that he wasn’t representing the Clinton 2016 campaign when he was spreading the false stories about the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. In other words, the very charge is saying that, yes, he indeed was working for the Clinton campaign in spreading these false stories — saying officially (although we’ve obviously always known it) that the Clinton campaign was behind it. So that declaration is in itself is big.

Durham needed to get the indictment in under the wire because there was a five-year statute of limitations on the charge of making a false statement to federal authorities that was about to run out within three days.

From The NY Post:

That sounds like dead-to-rights to me. And they finally drop the name of Marc Elias. Can we expect to hear more there, as well?

You had stuff like this coming full circle — Hillary Clinton then using the information that she allegedly paid for against Donald Trump, pushing the myth of Russia collusion.

Sussman then allegedly pressed reporters to write about the Alfa Bank allegation and accused a NY Times reporter of not thoroughly investigating Trump.

The FBI found the Alfa Bank claim was nonsense — that the server in question “was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization, but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump’s hotels and hundreds of other clients.”

Then there was this fascinating bit of information in the indictment — that they may have accessed “non-public information” about Trump and coordinated with the Clinton campaign. The “tech executive” was, according to the indictment, promised a job in the Clinton administration that never came to be.

As was clear from the beginning, the wrong was all on the side of the folks trying to push the Russia collusion hoax. They allegedly did what they were trying to accuse Trump of doing.

What will be interesting is to see what else, if anything, they might have coming, if they are picking off a fish this close to the Clintons.

Jonathan Turley has a great breakdown of some of the connect-the-dot highlights that have already been reported of late:

So there’s a lot there that they could yet pursue with a lot of names in the mix. But this indictment today, I have to admit, I had given up hope that we might ever see something that consequential that really tied the Clinton people into the collusion. So I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised and hopeful that more may yet be in the offing.


And if this is true, Sussman has a choice to make:

Cooperate and beg for protection.

Take the ride and pray he wins.

He’s a dead man walking.

All depends on how strong a case he has and what he’s looking at punishment wise. If he falls on the sword with the promise that his family will be taken care of, no harm to any of them, and he’ll be set for life when he gets out, he just might survive.

Anything short of that and he’s toast.

But again, all depends on the case, just how guilty he really is and who tries it.

BTW, Hildebeast says Sussmann did not kill himself, unlike Epstein!
Wow. That's a lot of post with a LOT of filler in it. So let's boil it down. Durham might be able to tie the lawyer on a conflict of interest charge, but beings as the rest of your post is just conspiracy theory laden tripe, it will amount to a slap on the wrist. The bottom line here is that people in the intelligence community did their jobs. They believed Trump and members of his campaign were security risks...which they were. I'm sorry, the Trump Tower meeting was an attempt to lay hands on stolen emails. Period. Luckily, someone in Trump's orbit decided it would be a bad idea to see those (we don't know if they did). Look, at this point, just deal with it. His campaign reached out to the Russians in whatever form and they assisted him.

Honestly, I don't give a shit...unless it can be proven that there were actual vote totals manipulated on Election Night 2016 that threw the election to Trump.
Otherwise, I'll just stick my original assumption that people just lost their friggin minds.

This is a small issue that Durham is trying to turn into something for Trump to parrot...because on Maddow's program the other night, Trump
was reported to have said "Is Durham still alive?"....:auiqs.jpg:
This should get Trump off his back. Small potatoes but it will distract him.
Lock Her Up.
It's a desperation move by Durham to justify his existence. He's dug for so long he almost ran out the statute of limitations. His "investigation" into the Russia probe has taken years long than the probe did.
It's a desperation move by Durham to justify his existence. He's dug for so long he almost ran out the statute of limitations. His "investigation" into the Russia probe has taken years long than the probe did.

This puts an official stamp that this is not a lie from you pathetic creatures

5 yrs what you put our country through
They're busy running out various statutes of limitations now in the Biden AG, FBI, and other enforcement agencies are too busy with compiling government 'Watch Lists' on Democrat Party enemies. Not much chance of seeing Biden, Hillary, Kerry, and Obama doing the Perp Walk in orange jumpsuits they so obviously earned.
Don Lemon sez you're an idiot and we should shun you
Lemon gets shit-dicked by a white boy every night and ends up with caucasian jizz dripping off its chin. That's not really one of the cool kids where I come from.

In the old days the women of the village would have flung that off a cliff and had a good laugh about it with the men around the campfire that night.
Wow. That's a lot of post with a LOT of filler in it. So let's boil it down. Durham might be able to tie the lawyer on a conflict of interest charge, but beings as the rest of your post is just conspiracy theory laden tripe, it will amount to a slap on the wrist. The bottom line here is that people in the intelligence community did their jobs. They believed Trump and members of his campaign were security risks...which they were. I'm sorry, the Trump Tower meeting was an attempt to lay hands on stolen emails. Period. Luckily, someone in Trump's orbit decided it would be a bad idea to see those (we don't know if they did). Look, at this point, just deal with it. His campaign reached out to the Russians in whatever form and they assisted him.

Honestly, I don't give a shit...unless it can be proven that there were actual vote totals manipulated on Election Night 2016 that threw the election to Trump.
Otherwise, I'll just stick my original assumption that people just lost their friggin minds.

This is a small issue that Durham is trying to turn into something for Trump to parrot...because on Maddow's program the other night, Trump
was reported to have said "Is Durham still alive?"....:auiqs.jpg:
This should get Trump off his back. Small potatoes but it will distract him.

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