The Dog Catcher Analogy- Media twists Carson's intent


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I recognized Dr. Carsons Rabid dog analogy as being similar to one of mine from years ago called "the Dog Catcher" yet in no way am I calling my own lansmen dogs by using the familiar rational thinking in how we distinguish rabid dogs from a typical docile house dog.
That's what analogies do, they find the tangible familiar to make a point.
Only createns would try to spin it and change the intent and lesson knowing full well that wasn't what Dr. Ben Carson was saying.
My analogy was regarding proselytizing so rabid dogs can be any angry bitter destructive entity.
The Dog catcher
You have just hired a bunch of dog catchers in a developing city.
You have a bunch of wild rabid dogs running around loose in the neighborhoods of this city, no owner, non domesticated, very dangerous. Then you have a bunch of “quiet dog” with dog tags, well behaved “trained” “family” pet “who belong to someone”, and is the “owners best friend”.
Which do you send the dog catchers after? The rabid dogs of course.
Then why do people evangelize to Jews who are “nonviolent”, “in the Law”, “chosen by G-d”,
already worshiping the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
while ignoring those who are enraged, live outside the law and will of G-d, and don’t have any structure or morality and worship other gods or idols??
Fortunately the civilzed dogs get their "pooh" picked up by their masters after they have left something on someone else's lawn but Unfortunately the dogs running wild leave their "pooh" everywhere and anywhere and noone is willing or able to clean it up leaves rather a big mess if it goes untended for a long time to say the least....
Well then their scarab -dung beetle better get to work, they left him a lot of dung to roll.
How so very true that is Michael.....Dung by the truckloads....Reminds me of the story I heard as a child where a man has two boys and he places one in a room for of toys and another in a room full of Shit....Later on he checks in on them the one in the roomfull of toys is very unhappy and miserable even though he has all those toys to play with....The reason he is unhappy is because it is his nature to be that way...He would be unhappy no matter what he was doing.....The other boy is in the room full of shit and is happy as can be making castle's and flinging it around...His nature is to be happy no matter his circumstances which is a good trait to have but it keeps him in his circumstances and he is willing to put up with the stench and filth maybre because he does not know any better or he is unwilling to change his circumstances.....

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